现代大学英语精读(第2版)第五册:U3 Goods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change(12)
日期:2019-10-22 06:34


The late philosopher Isaiah Berlin believed that, rather than aspire to some utopian ideal, a society should strive for something else: "not that we agree with each other'" his biographer explained, "but that we can understand each other."
In Shanghai one October evening I joined a group gathered in a small, sterile hotel meeting room. It was the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, and there were diplomats, teachers, and businessmen from many Western countries. Elegant women with lively children, single men, young fathers. Shalom Greenberg, a young Jew from Israel married to an American, was presiding over his first High Holy Days as rabbi of the infant congregation.
"It's part of the Jewish history that Jews went all over the world," Rabbi Greenberg reflected. "They received a lot from local cultures, but they also kept their own identity."
The solemn liturgy proceeded, unchanged over thousands of years and hundreds of alien cultures: "Create in me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me," he intoned. I'm neither Jewish nor Chinese, but sitting there I didn't feel foreign—I felt at home. The penitence may have been Jewish, but the aspiration was universal.
Global culture doesn't mean just more TV sets and Nike shoes. Linking is humanity's natural impulse, its common destiny. But the ties that bind people around the world are not merely technological or commercial. They are the powerful cords of the heart.
