现代大学英语精读(第2版)第五册:U1 Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here(8)
日期:2019-09-17 05:30


And that's not so bad. Embedded in all of the major religions are profound truths. Schopenhauer, who despised belief in transcendent things, nonetheless thought Christianity to be of inexpressible worth. He couldn't believe in the divinity of Jesus, or in the afterlife, but to Schopenhauer, a religion that had as its central emblem the figure of a man being tortured on a cross couldn't be entirely misleading.
One does not need to be a Schopenhauer to understand the use of religion, even if one does not believe in an otherworldly god. And all of those teachers and counselors and friends—and the uncles and aunts, the fathers and mothers with their hopes for your fulfillment—or their fulfillment in you—should not necessarily be cast aside or ignored. Families have their wisdom.
The major conservative thinkers have always been very serious about what goes by the name of common sense. Edmund Burke saw common sense as a loosely made, but often profound, collective work in which humanity has deposited its hard-earned wisdom—the precipitate of joy and tears—over time. You have been raised in proximity to common sense, if you've been raised at all, and common sense is something to respect, though not quite—peace unto the formidable Burke—to revere.
You may be all that the good people who raised you say you are; you may want all they have shown you is worth wanting; you may be someone who is truly your father's son or your mother's daughter. But then again, you may not be.
For the power that is in you, as Emerson suggested, may be new in nature. You may not be the person that your parents take you to be. And—this thought is both more exciting and more dangerous—you may not be the person that you take yourself to be, either. You may not have read yourself right, and college is the place where you can find out whether you have or not. The reason to read Blake and Dickinson and Freud and Dickens is not to become more cultivated, or more articulate, or to be someone who, at a cocktail party, is never embarrassed (or who can embarrass others). The best reason to read them is to see if they may know you better than you know yourself. You may find your own suppressed and rejected thoughts flowing back to you with an "alienated majesty." Reading the great writers, you may have the experience that Longinus associated with the sublime: You feel that you have actually created the text yourself. For somehow your predecessors are more yourself than you are.
正如爱默生所说,你们所拥有的力量可能本质上是全新的,你们可能不会成为父母眼中的样子, 而且——另外一个想法更加刺激也更加危险——那就是你们也可能不会成为自己眼中的自己。你们可能并不了解自己,而大学就是你们正确解读自己的地方。阅读布莱克、狄金森、弗洛伊德和狄更斯的作品不是为了更加有文化,也不是为了更加有口才,不是为了成为那个在鸡尾酒会上从不难堪的人(或让别人难堪的人)。阅读他们的作品最好的理由是看看他们是否比你们更了解你们自己。你们可能会发现自己曾遭到压制和排斥的思想现在有点像“遭贬国王”那样庄严回朝。阅读伟大作家的作品可以让你们体验宏伟壮丽的朗基努斯神迹:你们会觉得真正创造文本的人是你们自己,不知为何,前人比你们更像你们自己。

  • cultivatedadj. 栽植的,有教养的 动词cultivate的过去
  • humanityn. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科
  • proximityn. 接近,亲近
  • collectiveadj. 集体的,共同的 n. 集体
  • profoundadj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的
  • reverev. 尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 里维尔(美国马萨诸塞州城市,避暑
  • conservativeadj. 保守的,守旧的 n. 保守派(党), 保守的人
  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的
  • articulateadj. 发音清晰的,善于表达的 adj. 有关节的 v
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为