每日习语(3.28):to laugh up one's sleeve (at somebo
日期:2009-03-28 11:20
今天介绍的和laugh这个字有关的习惯用语不一定会使当事人高兴:To laugh up one's sleeve。Sleeve就是衣服袖子。To laugh up one's sleeve从字面上来看是在袖子里笑,实际上也就是偷偷地笑。To laugh up one's sleeve的真正意思就是偷偷地笑话某人,因为这个人有些可笑的地方,而他本人还没有发现。例如:
"We were all laughing up our sleeves at the teacher when he was up at the blackboard explaining the math problem. He had a rip in the back of his pants and didn't know it."
"We were all laughing up our sleeves at our brother when he sat down at the dinner table. He'd seen his girl off at the airport and had lipstick on his face and didn't know it."
the top and bottom of it 真相;整个事情的原委