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每日习语(3.24):red tape
日期:2009-03-24 09:54


今天给大家介绍:red tape。Tape 是带子的意思。Red tape 是指官僚主义,或文牍主义。换句话说,red tape 就是人们在和政府或官方机构打交道时往往会遇到的拖延、混乱等令人烦恼的障碍。那末,这和红带子又有什么关系呢?这是因为在古时候官方的文件一般都用红带子捆起来的,这样红带子就和官僚主义连在一起了。现在我们来举个例子:

例句: "With all the red tape I ran into at city hall, it took me three months to get my business license."


下面我们再来举一个有关 red tape 的例子:

例句:"You can't believe how much red tape there is in getting a visa. You have to get a birth certificate and other personal papers and fill out a bunch of complicated forms and have an interview. After that you wait and wait."


a great hundred / a long hundred

  • licensen. 执照,许可证,特许 vt. 允许,特许,发许可证给
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • complicatedadj. 复杂的,难懂的 动词complicate的过去