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日期:2009-03-12 10:00



In a recent study of 70 undergraduate students at Assumption College in Massachusetts, researcher Maria Kalpidou found that the number of Facebook friends you have can predict social adjustment to college. Freshmen with 200 or more friends scored with lower levels of self-esteem and personal and academic adjustment than freshmen with less than 200 friends. That’s right — the more “friends” you have on Facebook, the less likely you are to have, well, actual friends.

These effects wore off over time, however, as upper-class students surveyed with 200 or more friends showed higher levels of social adjustment and enthusiasm for their school (”school spirit”). Kalpidou suggested this may be due to upper-class students using Facebook more effectively as a way to enhance their social life, rather than a means to an end.

Such results should be not surprising. Freshmen often arrive on campus feeling disconnected from others, especially if this is the first time away from home for an extended period of time and living with strangers. And while traditionally it’s been relatively easy to make friends with other freshmen, Facebook has made it all too easy to make “virtual” acquaintances instead of actual, face-to-face friendships. Why deal with the social anxiety of talking to people in real life when you can “talk” with them on Facebook instead?


在最近的一项实验中,Maria Kalpidou研究了马萨诸塞州Assumption学院的70个本科生,她发现Facebook上面好友的数量可以预测学生对大学的适应性。有超过 200个好友的新生在自尊、个人适应和学业适应问卷的分数,低于那些没有那么多好友的新生。这没错,在Facebook上你的“好友”越多,就越不可能拥有现实中的朋友。



  • anxietyn. 焦虑,担心,渴望
  • adjustmentn. 调整
  • extendedadj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • assumptionn. 假定,设想,担任(职责等), 假装
  • enthusiasmn. 热情,热心;热衷的事物
  • effectivelyadv. 事实上,有效地
  • disconnectedadj. 分离的;无系统的;不连贯的 v. 分离(dis
  • enhancevt. 提高,加强,增加
  • predictv. 预知,预言,预报,预测