每日习语(1.23):to keep one's eyes peeled
日期:2009-01-23 11:25
美国人有一个常用的俗语用来形容这种情景的: to keep one's eyes peeled. To keep one's eyes peeled实际上就是提高警觉的意思。住在华盛顿的人经常会说:
"The beltway is very dangerous to drive on, especially during the rush hour. So be sure to keep your eyes peeled when you change lanes to pass one of those big trucks they call eighteen wheelers."
有的时候,那些做坏事的罪犯也会用to keep one's eyes peeled这个俗语。下面就是一个例子:
"Joe, I'm going to have to drill this lock out of the door for us to get in. The drill will make some noise, so keep your eyes peeled for the cops."
peel off
剥掉, 脱落
Peel the skin off the banana.