今天我们要讲的俗语是:to throw for a loop。Loop是圆圈的意思。To throw for a loop是指“感到非常震惊”或者是“情绪很波动”。下面的例子是一个男朋友使得他的女朋友非常不高兴。这个女孩子说:
"Bill told me he couldn't take me out last night because he had to study for a big exam. So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class. (* No Soundfile)
"When I saw my semester grade for the chemistry course, it really threw me for a loop! I was sure I'd get at least a "B"--but there it was in black and white: a "D". So I barely managed to pass."
n.环, 线(绳)圈, 弯曲部分, 回路, 回线, (铁路)让车道, (飞机)翻圈飞行
vt.使成环, 以圈结, 以环连结
To form a loop.