今天我们要讲的一个和green thumb相反的常用语:all thumbs。
All就是所有,一切的意思。All thumbs从字面上来说就是:全是大拇指。Green thumb虽然在种花草方面很好,但是,要是一个人的十个手指全是大拇指,那他也会感到很难受、很不方便。所以,all thumbs这个俗语是指那些手脚很笨的人。 请看下面这个例子:
"It's funny how Doctor Brown can do delicate brain surgery in the operating room, yet his wife Mabel says he's all thumbs at home when he tries to change a light bulb or hammer a nail in the wall to hang up a picture."
"It's amazing you can knit so fast and finish a sweater in a week. Have you seen the way Julie knits? She's all thumbs, I'm afriad it's going to take her years to finish a sweater."
n.薄绢, 细薄的丝织物;(编造的谎话等的)一套, 连篇
Her whole story was a tissue of lies.