今天我们给大家介绍的俗语是: Street smarts. 大家肯定很熟悉 smart 这个字,smart 是指一个人很聪敏,或者衣服穿得很讲究。但是,我们现在讲的 street smarts 里面的smarts 是一个名词,后面还有一个s。要是一个人有 street smarts, 那他就懂得怎样在大城市里那些比较不安全的街道上对付各种情况,甚至还可能在这种环境下发财。这种 street smarts 是在大学里学不到的,只有在实际的生活经历中逐步得来的。下面说话的这个人就是一个例子。
“I never got a chance to go to college. My dad died when I was fourteen, and I had to go to work selling hotdogs out of a pushcart on a streetcorner. But this taught me lots of street smarts, and today I own a chain of fast-food restaurants in sixteen different cities.”
"I learned a lot of street smarts during the years when I had to walk through Times Square to my office everyday. I walked with confidence, was aware of people around me and held on to my purse real tight. "
adj.适合的; 适当的; 相称的
Ordinary shoes are not appropriate to paddy fields.