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每日笑话(7.25):No One Is the Oldest!
日期:2008-07-25 07:11


No One Is the Oldest!
(originally in English)
A bunch of women who lived in the same apartment went to
court to file suit against each other for making trouble, and
they all began talking at the same time. So the judge said,
"I can't hear all of you at once. I want to hear from one
person only. Whoever is the oldest one among you, please
speak first." And there was absolute silence in the courtroom.
So the case was dismissed because of a lack of testimony.

这群女人同时一起喋喋不休,所以法官对她们说:「 们那么多人一起
说话,我听不清楚, 们一个一个来,谁年纪最大可以先说。」一时现场

  • courtroomn. 法庭,审判室
  • testimonyn. 证明,证据
  • silencen. 沉默,寂静 vt. 使安静,使沉默