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每日笑话(7.04):The stupid letter
日期:2008-07-04 10:02


Two psychiatrists were at a convention. “What was your most difficult case?” one asked the other.

“Once I had a patient who lived in a pure fantasy world,” replied his colleague. “He believed that a wildly rich uncle in South America was going to leave him a fortune. All day long he waited for a make?believe letter to arrive from a fictitious attorney. He never went out or did anything. He just sat around and waited.”

“What was the result?”

“It was an eight?year struggle, but I finally cured him. And then that stupid letter arrived...”


  • conventionn. 大会,协定,惯例,公约
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • colleaguen. 同事
  • attorneyn. (辩护)律师
  • fantasyn. 幻想 v. 幻想