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每日笑话(6.2):The Lost God
日期:2008-06-02 08:13


The Lost God

(Originally In Au Lac Language)

A businessman had two sons. One was six years old and the other was nine. Since both husband and wife were busy doing business, they did not have time to educate their children; therefore, the two kids became so restless and hyperactive that they got involved in any fight and minor theft. After going to court for their children's wrongdoings, the couple was so depressed that they both agreed to bring the kids to a church in the village and asked the minister to educate them in hopes that they would become better boys. Upon their insistence, the minister finally agreed to spend some of his spare time to educate the youngsters. He told the couple to send the younger one to him first. The couple was elated. They took their younger son to the church the next morning and went home with excitement.

The minister took the boy into his office, thinking that he would teach him a little bit on religion and virtue. Using a gentle voice, he asked the boy: "Do you know where God is?" The boy did not say anything. He was just quiet and looked around the room. He looked at the pictures on the wall, and in the corner of the room, and bent down to look under the table, et cetera. Finally, he looked at the face of the minister without saying one word.
The minister felt uneasy, but he reluctantly asked him one more time. This time, he raised his voice thinking that, perhaps the boy had not heard him clearly before. He repeated: "Do you know where God is?" Hearing his loud voice, the boy's face looked a bit frightened. However, besides looking around the room, he did not say a word, and then again turned his eyes toward the face of the minister.
At this point, the minister could not bear it anymore. He pointed his finger at the boy's face and yelled loudly: "I...I, I'm asking you for the last time. Do you know where God is?"

This time, the boy was truly scared. He hurriedly pushed aside the chair and ran home. As he arrived home, he immediately looked for his brother. Without saying a word, he pulled him to a corner and said with a shaken voice: "This time, the matter is very grave!" Watching his younger brother in such a terrible state, he was also worried. He asked his younger brother again: "What happened? You look so miserable?" The younger brother answered in a broken voice: "God...has been stolen, and they suspect... suspect... that we are the ones who took Hirm!!!"



  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • elatedadj. 兴高采烈的 动词elate的过去式和过去分词形
  • insistencen. 坚持,强调,坚决主张
  • gentleadj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的
  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • bentbend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的
  • uneasyadj. 不自在的,心神不安的,不稳定的,不舒服的
  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • depressedadj. 沮丧的,降低的,不景气的,萧条的,凹陷的,扁平