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日期:2008-05-21 10:54


11.7 一般现在时表将来

1)下列动词:come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般现在时表将来。这主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。

   The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.
   When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes.


    Here comes the bus. = The bus is coming.
    There goes the bell. = The bell is ringing.


    When Bill comes (不是will come), ask him to wait for me.
    I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there.

4)在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等后。

    I hope they have a nice time next week.
    Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room.
