日期:2014-11-21 11:54





1. A. Yes, I like it.B. No, thanks. C. No, sorry.

2. A. No, I didn’t.B. Yes, I do.C. Sorry, I won’t.

3. A. Thanks. I’d love to. B. Yes, I could. C. Yes, I hope so.

4. A. At four. B. For four hours.C. In four hours.

5. A. That’s right.B. Never mind. C. That’s a good idea.


6. What does Bob like doing?

A. Going to the movies. B. Watching TV.C. Watching CDs.

7. What color is Lucy’s cat?

A. Black. B. White.C. Yellow.

8. What is the boy looking for?

A. A football.B. A volleyball. C. A basketball.

9. Who is Jane going to visit?

A. Her mother.B. Her father C. grandfather.

10. Where are the man and the woman?

A. On a farmB. At a restaurant.C. At a shop.


11. When will they leave?

A. In an hour.B. In half an hour.C. At 8:00.

12. What did Jack forget to take?

A. His clothes. B. Their bags. C. Money.

13. In order to make their trip more interesting, what do they want to take?

A. The camera B. Some flowers. C. Their dog.

14. What will Sam help them to do?

A. To take some pictures.B. To look after their dog.C. To lock the door.

15. When will they be back?

A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow.


16. What did Mr. White look like?

A. He was tall and thin. B. He was tall and heavy. C. He was a medium build.

17. Why did Mr. White have so many problems?

A. Because his bed was too short.B. Because his feet were too large.

C. Because he was too large.

18. Where did Mr. White usually spend his time?

A. At home. B. In the office. C. In the theater.

19. Whom were the two tickets booked for?

A. Mr. WhiteB. Mr. White’s friend. C. Mr. White and his friend.

20. Why did Mr. White leave the theater and go home sadly?

A. Because the theater was quite full.

B. Because he couldn’t sit by his friend.

C. Because the two seats were not together.




21. —Who is the man over there?

—He is an old friend of _________ .

A.IB. myC. mineD. me.



22. —How do you study English?

—I study English ______ talking with foreign students.

A. by B. inC. at D. on



23. The weather report says that it will be __________ tomorrow.

A. rainB. rainyC. rainsD.rained


【解析】考查形容词的用法。此题关键看be动词,be+adj. 如果去掉be,则选择A.

24. —How nice your watch is! How much did you ________ for it?

—120 yuan.

A. payB. costC. spend D.take



25. The fish smells ________! It must be out of date!

A. goodB. wellC.badD.badly


【解析】考查形容词的用法。Smell闻起来是系动词,后面接形容词作表语, 排除B, D. 又根据out of date 过期了所以选择C.

26. As we’re students, we __________ obey the school rules.

A.canB. mayC. mustD.could



27. —Would you mind turning _______ the music? Your father is sleeping.

—Sorry. I’ll do it right away.

A. up B. downC.onD.in


【解析】考查动词短语的区别。Turn on打开;turn down调小;turn up调大。

28. —___________ do you play computer games every week?—About two hours.

A. How oftenB. How much C. How soonD. How long


【解析】考查疑问副词的区别。根据答语About two hours 选择D

29. —Look! There is a big river. Let’s swim in it!

—No, I think it’s _________ dangerous.

A. much too B. too muchC. too manyD. much more


【解析】考查副词区别。much too太;too much太多(不可数名词);too many太多(可数名词);much more更多

30. —May I speak to Miss Wang?

—Sorry. She isn’t in. She __________ to Hong Kong.

A. has beenB. has gone C. goes D.went


【解析】考查时态。根据语境她不在这儿,用现在完成时has gone.

31. —_________ kind girl Jenny is! —Yes. Everyone likes her very much.

A. WhatB. What a C. How D. How a


【解析】考查感叹句。What a+形容词+名词单数+主谓!

32. —Will you please _______ the flowers? —Sorry. I won’t.

A. pickB. don’t pick C. not to pickD. not pick


【解析】考查句型。Will you please+(not)V? 根据语境选择D.

33. —Why didn’t you answer my telephone yesterday?

—Sorry. I _______ a bath.

A. tookB. takeC. am takingD. was taking



34. —Will you play basketball against Class 3 tomorrow?

—Yes. ________ it snows.

A. IfB. Until C. WhenD. Unless




35. —Do you know what time _________ in Shanghai tomorrow?

—He will tell us as soon as he gets the ticket.

A. he will arrive B. will he arrive C. does he arriveD. he arrives


【解析】考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除B, C, 又根据时间状语tomorrow所以选择A.



Robby was 11 years old when his mother sent him to have his first piano lesson. I prefer that students begin at an earlier age, but Robby said ____36____ had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano. So I took him on __37__ my student.

Although Robby tried very hard, ___38____ he was not good at music. However, he continued and _____39____ the end of each weekly lesson he’d always say:“My mom is going to hear me play someday.” But it seemed hopeless. He didn’t have a talent for music.

One day, Robby stopped ____40____ to our lessons. He told me that his mom had been sick and unable to take him to piano lessons, but he was still practicing. He asked ____41____ he could take part in my concert and I agreed.

The night of the concert came. The high school gym___42____ with parents, friends and relatives. The concert was going well. Then Robby came up on the stage, and began to play the piano.

He played _____43___ well that everyone was on their feet, clapping(鼓掌)excitedly. In tears, I ran up on the stage, “Oh, Robby! ____44____ did you do it?”.

“Well, Miss Green…remember I told you my mom was sick? Well, actually she had cancer and died this morning. And well…she was born deaf, so tonight was the ____45___ time she ever heard me play the piano. I wanted to make it special.

36. A. it B. it’sC. thatD. he

37. A. with B. forC. in D. as

38. A. andB. butC. /D. so

39. A. in B. byC. to D. at

40. A. come B. to comeC. comingD. came

41. A. whyB. ifC. whenD. how

42. A. packedB. was packedC. were packedD. packing

43. A. so B. such C. veryD. quite

44. A. WhyB. HowC. WhatD. When

45. A. good B. better C. bestD. worst


36. A.it在此句中作形式宾语,代替后面的动词不定式to hear him play the piano。

37. D.as当我的学生。

38. C.Although不能与but一起连用。

39. D.at the end of在。。。的末尾/尽头。

40. C.stop doing sth.停止做某事。

41. B 根据句意:他问他是否可以参加我的音乐会。

42. B be packed with相当于be filled with挤满之意

43. A.so…that…如此。。。以致。。。

44. B.根据句意选择表示方式的疑问副词。

45. C.根据句意选择最高级形式best.




Middle school students have far too much homework. They usually have to sit up three or four hours every night doing their homework. Now one school in my hometown has made a rule of limiting(限制)homework. The homework is limited to an hour a day and the students have no homework on the weekend. I think this is an excellent idea that will allow students to live better and healthier lives.

Less homework will give students more time to enjoy other pastimes(休闲活动).I have many books which I received as gifts from my parents and friends. They have been kept there on my shelf for several years! Because of homework, I will have not read a single one of them. With less homework, students will be freer to develop their interests in art, music and other hobbies.

More time free from homework will get our physical health better. Many students

like sports, but they have little time to play football, basketball, volleyball and so on. They hardly have time to have a trip or take part in any social activities. They must spend so much time solving math problems and doing grammar exercises. Besides, staying up late to finish their homework leaves many students exhausted in the morning. Not getting enough sleep is not only unpleasant; it also makes students more likely(有可能得)to get colds and other illnesses.

46. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Students dislike homeworkB. No use doing homework

C. Homework is good for studyD. Homework should be limited

47. According to the passage, what is an effect of having a lot of homework?

A. Students have little time for their hobbies.

B. Students have to finish their homework.

C. Students are more active in class.

D. Students are good at their lessons.

48. The author of the passage may be ________.

A. a teacher B. a studentC. a parentD. a doctor


46. 答案:D.文章主旨题。文章谈论的是减少家庭作业以减轻学生负担。

47. 答案:A . 推理判断题。从Less homework will give students more time to enjoy other pastimes可知。

48. 答案:B. 推理判断题。从文章第二段可以推断出此题作者应该是一位在校学生。


49. According to the passage, what makes students more likely to get colds?

A. No having time to exercise. B. Not getting enough sleep.

C. Getting up early for school.D. Reading too many books.

49. 答案:B. 细节理解题。从文章最后一句话可知答案。


Having a part-time job is an important part of growing up for American teenagers. It can teach them important skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives. And many teenagers find that making their own money gives them a sense of pride and freedom.

American teenagers are allowed to do part-time jobs at the age of 14. During the school year, teenagers may go to work a few times a week after school, and work for longer at weekends.

In summer, top part-time jobs for teenagers include at camps, swimming pools and amusement parks. These jobs are great for those who want to be active and have fun while making money.

Some of the most stressful jobs include teaching, nursing, and police work. These skills help to prepare teenagers for their later lives. When they grow up, the students with work experience are more likely to succeed than those without work experience.

A favorite job for many teenagers is babysitting, and they can start before the age of 14 if their parents agree. As long as they stay in the house and make sure the kids are okay, babysitters can do their homework, watch TV, or talk on the phone with friends. After the kids go to bed and before the parents come home, babysitters have lots of freedom.

It can be stressful to balance school, homework, and a part-time job. However, many American teenagers value their work experience and the skills they get from the job.

50. Why do American teenagers like to have a part-time job?

A. Because they don’t want to be stressed out.

B. Because they can learn skills and get money.

C. Because they can get a good job in the future.

D. Because they can do anything they like.

51. Which kind of part-time job is less stressful for American teenagers?

A. Working at police. B. Nursing

C. Working at camps.D. Teaching.

52. Which kind of part-time job can a 13-year-old girl do in America?

A. Working at parks.B. Working at a swimming pool.

C. Looking after babies. D. Doing the dishes in a restaurant.


50. 答案:B. 推理判断题。从第一段能推断美国学生做业余工作的目的是学习技能和赚钱。

51. 答案:C 细节理解题。从第四段第一句直接可知。

52. 答案:C 细节理解题。从第五段第一句直接可知。


53. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “value”?

A. 喜欢 B. 追求C. 向往D.珍视


Do you play a musical instrument? If so, you may be getting smarter. A recent study shows that taking music lessons can raise a person’s IQ.

Scientists studied 132 children in Canadian schools. At the beginning of the school year, these children took an IQ test. Then they were divided into four groups. One group took singing lessons. Another group took weekly piano lessons. The third group took classes in drams(戏剧). And the last group did no special activities at all.

At the end of the school year, the 132 children took an IQ test again. In all four groups, the average score went up. However, the piano players’IQs went up 7.0 points on average. The average increase for the other three groups was only 4.3 points.

The researchers say that the difference is small and it may not result in better grades for the piano players. However, they still consider the results important. Learning an instrument helps kids becomes better at concentrating and at memorizing things. Therefore, the researchers say, it may be good for brain development in young people.

If you have a chance to learn to play a musical instrument, never miss it. Remember it can make you smarter.

54. Which of the following is NOT true of the study?

A. It was done in Canada.

B. It was done by some musicians.

C. It included four groups of children.

D. It took one school year to complete.

55. Which of the following is true?

A. Average IQ scores increased in all the groups.

B. Only the piano players’ IQs increased.

C. The average increase for all four groups was 4.3 points.

D. Most of the children’s IQs did not go up.

56. The underlined word “they” in the passage refers to ______.

A.better gradesB. piano playersC. researchersD. instruments


54. 答案:B 细节理解题。从文章第二段可知实验是由科学家完成的。

55. 答案:A 细节理解题。从In all four groups, the average score went up可知。

56. 答案:C. 词义猜测题。从上下文可知。


57. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. It’s good for us to listen to music.

B. Everyone should learn to play the piano.

C. Take an IQ test before you learn instruments.

D. Learning instruments may make kids smarter.


“You know, these cups brings to my mind a story I heard,” Mary said to her students.

She poured some tea. There were four of them and there were four completely different cups on the tables.

“I heard there was a teacher who took all his students for tea. His students were surprised that all the cups on the table were different. They all took a cup and started drinking their tea, each looking at the cups of others. The teacher said, “Did you notice your behavior? You are all looking at each other’s tea cup and some of you even envy(羡慕)the finer cups of others.”

“I put the different cups here on purpose. I want to say life is like this tea. You all have the same thing in your cups——tea. And yet you cannot truly enjoy it in your envy of another’s cup. You forget to enjoy your own life when you envy someone else’s life. We all have the same thing——life. We should care more about the tastes of your own life. So now, taste your own tea. Does it matter from which cup it came from?” Mary finished telling her story and her students all sat in silence for a while, enjoying their tea. And it really did not matter a bit from which teacup they drank.

58. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. All of the students had the same kind of cups.

B. One of the cups is different from others.

C. All of the cups were filled with the same tea.

D. There was different tea in different cups.

59. What should we learn from the story?

A. Envy others and make progress. B. All the lives are the same.

C. Work hard and catch up with others. D. Try to enjoy your own life.

60. Which is the best title for the story?

A. More than tea in a cupB. The same cups, the same tea

C. The taste of the teaD. Different cups, different tea


58. 答案:C. 细节理解题。从最后一段第二句可知。

59. 答案:D文章主旨题。从全篇文章我们可以学习到我们必须学会享受自己的生活。

60. 答案:B 文章主旨题。从全文茶杯里面的茶都是一样的,来比喻我们的生活也是一样的。




What are they going to do on the weekend?





do homework


have a 61.___________

buy some 62._______________


go to a movie



play football



have a 64.___________



do homework



66. He b________ a book from the library yesterday.66.__________

67. Light music often makes us feel r________.67.__________

68. The air will get much f________ when you open the window.68.__________

69. My parents are s_______ money to buy a new house. 69.__________

70. The Olympics will be h________ in London next year. 70.__________

答案:66. borrowed67. relaxed68. fresher69. saving70. held



When Mike was walking through the town, he noticed a stranger man. The stranger looked at him with a big frown(皱眉)and it made Mike very uncomfortable. Mike did nothing w_____71___ , but the man still frowned at him. He was so angry that he frowned at the man with his tongue(舌) out. And he found most of the people around looked unhappy and frowned. Mike wondered w____72____ so many people frowned at each other.

A clever idea came into Mike’s head. He should s____73____ first. It seemed silly at first, but he want to h_____74___ a try. When a woman walked towards him, he smiled a___75___ her and the lady smiled at him, and most of the people smiled at him, too. Everybody seemed happy b______76_____ of the smile of the clever boy.

Then Mike once again met the stranger and the man still looked at him w____77___ a frown. Mike had a good idea. He smiled a big smile w___78___ the man passed him. The man stopped, looking at Mike’s face and he started to smile. The two strangers laughed and they b_____79_____ felt happy. Just a smile lifts you up f____80____ a feeling of down. So when you see a man with a frown, put a smile on your face. And you’ll find that the world is a happy place.

71._______ 72._______73. _______74. _______ 75.________

76._______77.________ 78._______79. ________ 80._________

答案:71. wrong 72.why73.smile 74. have75.at

76.because77. with 78. when 79. both80. from


With the holidays coming up, lots of people will be having parties. Want to make sure you’re a perfect host or guest(客人)? Now it’s a good time to brush up on your party manners.

When inviting guests to your party,send invitations to their homes instead of passing them out at school. This way, you won’t hurt the feeling of classmates you didn’t invite.

<83>Wait for all your guests to arrive before starting any activities. If people at the party don’t know each other, make sure you introduce everyone.

If your guests bring gifts for you, thank each gift----giver as you open his/her present. After the party, be sure to send a hand-written thank-you card to each guest, telling them how much you appreciate their gifts.

When you receive a invitation to a party, be sure to let the host know whether you can come.

Arrive on time. Bring a gift to a birthday party. <84>If it’s a holiday party, ask the host if there’s anything you can bring. Adults often bring a desert or a bottle of wine to a party, even when the host tells them that he/she doesn’t need anything. Young people don’t have to do this, but it’s always polite to ask.

Be friendly to the other guests. Remember to say “Please” and “Thank you”! When you leave, thank the host for the party.


81. If you invite guests to your party, how should you send your invitation?


82. If you receive an invitation to a party, what should you do first?







答案:81. Send invitations to their homes instead of passing them out at school.

82. Be sure to let the host know whether you can come.

83. 晚会活动开始前,要等所有客人到齐。

84. 如果是举行节日晚会,你需要问主人你需要带些什么东西。

85. Party manners/ How to be a perfect host or guest




Our teacher often __________ ___________ to speak English ________.

87. 你最好不要开着灯睡觉。

You’d better _________ sleep __________the light ___________.

88. 这首歌让我想起了我的家乡。

This song __________ me ________ my hometown.

89. 我听说过他,但我不认识他。


答案:86. asks us; more 87. not; with; open88. reminds/reminded; of

89. I heard of him, but I don’t know about him



请以How to keep fit为题,从健康饮食、体育锻炼和养成良好的生活习惯等方面,写一篇100词左右的短文。要求内容全面,表达正确、流畅。

How to keep fit


As we know, it is important for us to keep healthy and have a healthy life.How to keep fit? First, we should healthy food, such as apples,vegetables and so on.We mustn’t eat junk food, which is bad for our health. Second, to do sports is necessary for us. We can run and play ball games. Last, it is useful for us to have a good living habbit. We should go to bed early and get up early. We must wash our hands before meals. What’s more, we should brush our teeth twice a day.

  • unpleasantadj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的
  • shelfn. 架子,搁板
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • unhappyadj. 不快乐的,不高兴的
  • scoren. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱 vt. 记分,刻划,划线,
  • dislikev. 不喜欢,厌恶 n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的
  • junkn. 垃圾,废旧杂物,中国平底帆船 vt. 丢弃
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • limitedadj. 有限的,被限制的 动词limit的过去式和过去