日期:2014-11-12 15:49







1. What’s Jim’s favourite fruit?

A. Apples.B. Pears.C. Bananas.

2. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To the hospital.B. To the bank.C. To the bookstore.

3. How often does Tom surf the Internet?

A. Every day. B. Never.C. Once a week.

4. What does the man mean?

A. He doesn’t think Class 2 will win.B. He thinks Class 2 will win.

C. He hopes Class 2 will win.

5. How does the man learn English?

A. By reading aloud.B. By making flashcards. C. By listening to tapes.

6. Why didn’t the woman answer the phone?

A. She wasn’t in.B. She didn’t want to.C. She was washing her hair.

7. What time is it now?

A. It’s 6:40. B. It’s 7:15.C. It’s 7:45.

8. Which might be the reason why Victor failed the driver’s test?

A. He was too nervous.B. He didn’t practice at all.

C. He didn’t have enough time to practice.




9. What is Kathy doing for vacation?

A. Studying at home.B. Traveling abroad.C. Doing a part-time job.

10. How does she feel these days?

A. Bored. B. Excited. C. Tired.

11. Where is she most probably going on vacation?

A. To Hawaii.B. To Switzerland.C. Somewhere cold.


12. What’s the possible relationship (关系) between the two speakers?

A. Friends. B. Husband and wife.C. Strangers.

13. How long has it been since the two speakers saw each other last time?

A. A few months.B. About a year. C. A few years.

14. Whose leg was broken?

A. The woman’s.B. The man’s wife’s.C. The man’s son’s.


15. Why do they collect the rubbish along the river?

A. To stop the river from being polluted.B. To sell it for money.

C. To see the river every day.

16. How many volunteers do they have?

A. 12. B. 16. C. 28.

17. When do they do the volunteer work?

A. At 7:30 every morning. B. After lunch at noon.C. After dinner every evening.


18. What’s the man doing?

A. Selling the house.B. Looking for a house.C. Asking for a job.

19. Why does the woman want to sell the house?

A. She wants to move to the countryside. B. She wants to move abroad.

C. She hopes to buy a bigger one.

20. How much does the house cost?

A. $ 9,680.B. $ 9,860.C. $ 9,618.


21. Where did the story happen?

A. In the school.B. In the restaurant.C. In the library.

22. What did the man order for his meal?

A. Some noodles. B. The cheapest things.C. The most expensive food.

23. What did the man say when he left there?

A. He was buying a newspaper.B. He was buying some beer.

C. He was getting some money at the bank.

24. Was the man the boy’s father?

A. Yes, he was.B. No, he wasn’t. C. We don’t know.

25. When did the man ask the boy to come in and sit at his table?

A. After he left.B. At two o’clock. C. After paying for the meal.



26. ---I hear you are not allowed to eat in class.

---Right. It’s one of the _____________ in our school.

A. plans B. ordersC. rules D. suggestions

27. ---Why do you keep the windows open on such a cold day?

---There are so many students here, so we want to keep the air nice and _____________.

A. cold B. dry C. cool D. clean

28. ---How is the life in Wenchuan earthquake areas now?

---People are living a much better life than we ______________.

A. expected B. supportedC. discovered D. noticed

29. ---Would you mind turning _____________ the light? It’s too dark here.

---OK. Wait a minute, please.

A. over B. onC. off D. down

30. ---What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

---I’d like to ____________ sick kids in hospital.

A. find outB. look upC. cheer up D. hand out

31. ---Bob is ____________ late for school.

---Me neither.

A. always B. almostC. ever D. never

32. ---I’m thirsty now. Could I have ____________ hot water?

---OK. Here you are.

A. any B. someC. littleD. no

33. ---Whose backpack is this?

---It ___________ be Jim’s. Look, his student’s card is in it.

A. mustB. can C. mustn’t D. can’t

34. ---Can your father drive?

---Yes, and he ____________ to work every day.

A. is drivingB. drove C. drives D. has driven

35. ---Why won’t you go to the movie with me, Gina?

---Because I _____________ it twice.

A. see B. have seenC. sawD. will see

36. ---Is my answer to the math problem right?

---Let me consider it carefully ____________ I give you an answer.

A. before B. after C. since D. as soon as

37. ---Can you tell me _____________ it is from home to school?

---Sure. It’s about three kilometers.

A. how much B. how longC. how far D. how soon

38. ---Do you know the man ____________ is reading the book over there?

---Yes, he’s Mr. Green, our PE teacher.

A. which B. whatC. whomD. who

39. ---What do you think of her dancing?

---Oh, nobody else does _____________.

A. wellB. better C. bestD. the best

40. ---What did your teacher say this morning?

---She asked me ________________ this morning.

A. how did Tom come to school B. why was Tom late for school

C. when Tom would get to schoolD. what will Tom do at school



Hearing the front door open, I ran down to the kitchen and waited. I saw my dad come in, with the white envelope in his hand. I had waited all day for this, so I reached over him for it as soon as he set foot into the house. Angrily, he41the envelope on the table and said that it was nothing to get excited about, and that it was just a piece of paper. I grabbed (抓取) it and ran upstairs. I wondered why my dad did not understand how42I was to see my mid-year report card for my first year in middle school. I was really43 by how he refused to consider all my hard work.

I saw my class rank (等级): 1/139. I did not believe what I saw. I felt my lips (嘴唇) form a smile and wanted to run downstairs to tell everyone. Then I44 what my dad had said—it was nothing to get excited about. I wanted to share my happiness with someone, but felt lonely.

I realized that I had become distant (远隔的) from my family. We used to45 late watching Disney movies, and my brothers, sisters and I would play tennis in the backyard all the time. I wondered when all that had 46 . I just no longer took part in them. My school work47 all my time and energy.

While I had been busy with my study, I had also built a48 between me and my family. I was only trying to become a person everyone could be49 of.

I wanted to go downstairs, say sorry for my rude behavior and for every refused movie and tennis game, and be50of my family again. I knew I had to do something—because without their support, my achievements meant nothing.

41. A. caught B. cleaned upC. picked up D. threw

42. A. anxiousB. scaredC. sadD. frustrated

43. A. beaten B. hurtC. botheredD. troubled

44. A. rememberedB. realized C. forgotD. listened to

45. A. come back B. go downC. stay up D. keep out

46. A. begun B. stopped C. improved D. appeared

47. A. set up B. gave up C. used upD. put up

48. A. wallB. bridgeC. roadD. house

49. A. famous B. carefulC. proud D. afraid

50. A. hope B. prideC. child D. part




One day, when my wife and I were leaving a restaurant, I heard a man’s voice from a car in the car-park. After a quick look at the car, I noticed the Pennsylvania license plate (牌照) at once, so I knew they had come from far away. The young man had his head partly out of the window and spoke to me as I moved closer, “Excuse me, my wife and I are trying to find a room for the night and every place in the area seems to be filled up. Do you have any suggestions for us where we might find a room?”

Well, that didn’t surprise me. After all, it was the busy time of the year for tourism. As he spoke, I noticed that his wife was pregnant (怀孕的). I told them that they should just keep searching(搜寻)and wished them good luck in their search. The young husband didn’t say any other word and backed out of the car-park and headed off. We also got into our car and drove home.

After a short drive, I couldn’t get this young couple out of my mind. Here they were, traveling in a different state, tired, the wife pregnant. It was at that moment that my wife told me we needed to go back and find that couple. We went back and looked for them. We even went as far as the mountain. I’m happy that this story had a happy ending. We found them in the end, gave them a room, and now we are close friends.

51. The main problem the young couple had was that they couldn’t___________.

A. find a place for the night B. find a doctor

C. find their way D. afford to stay at a hotel

52. When the writer told him to keep searching, the young husband __________.

A. was very happy B. continued to ask other questions

C. thanked him and drove awayD. said nothing and drove away

53. We can reach a conclusion from the passage that __________.

A. the writer didn’t agree with his wife B. the writer’s wife was a kind person as well

C. the writer had no trouble finding the young couple

D. the young couple found a room in a hotel in the end


Want to save the environment? You probably can’t fix everything on your own, but by taking small steps and keeping the environment in mind every day, you can make a difference.

1. Think Green. Challenge yourself to think about the environment as you live your life. If you shut off lights when you leave the room, turn off your TV when you’re not watching it, you’ll save energy. If you take shorter showers, you’ll save water.

2. Shop Green. Shopping is fun, but buying things you don’t need is wasteful and bad for the earth. Before you buy something, ask yourself how much you’ll really use it. Keep yourself away from buying products with unnecessary packaging (包装), and whenever possible, buy things that were locally made instead of those shipped from far away.

3. Dress Green. Wear green trousers and T-shirts if you want. But what really matters isn’t the colour, it’s how the clothes were made. If you want to help the environment, the best place to find clothes is at a vintage store, but you might not want to buy everything used. No matter where you shop, keep an eye out for products made from environmentally friendly materials like organic (有机的) cotton, which is grown without the use of pesticides (杀虫剂).

4. Study Green. What’s better than learning about the environment? Save it while you learn. It can be as simple as using both sides of a piece of paper before you recycle it, or reusing an old textbook instead of buying a new one. If you want to do more, join an environmental group at your school, and encourage your friends to join, too.

54. The underlined phrase “a vintage store” in this passage refers to (是指) a place where you can buy __________.

A. cheap clothes B. fashionable clothes

C. second-hand clothesD. clothes of special size

55. Which of the following acts does not agree with the writer’s green ideas?

A. Taking shorter showers.

B. Buying products with unnecessary packaging.

C. Wearing clothes made from organic materials.

D. Using both sides of a piece of paper.

56. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Some Methods to Live Happily.B. Some Advice to Save Money in Daily Life.

C. Some Steps to Live a Healthy Life.D. Some Ways to Make One’s Life Green.


You wouldn’t steal a car. You would never rob (抢劫) a bank or pick someone’s pocket. But you may be another kind of thief.

If you have ever bought a disc for 15 yuan or less, then you have helped to rob artists or musicians of their intellectual property rights (知识产权).

Last Thursday was World Intellectual Property Day. Activities to tell people about intellectual property rights were held around the country.

Intellectual property includes inventions, literary (文学的) and artistic works, names, and pictures. They are of little value (价值) if they are not read, seen and used.

While the cost of copying discs is very small, authors, singers and actors have to spend a lot of money and time making a new product. That’s why they have the right to make money from their work.

So buying pirated(盗版的)music of Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai is like stealing from them, paying them no respect for their hard work.

If Jay Chou cannot make money from his work, he may not make anything else. But those who make pirated goods are becoming rich without doing any hard work.

The authors should ask for a fair price for their work. Earlier this year there was much talk about how much KTV clubs should pay the music companies for using their songs.

The copyright fee (版权费)also should be fair to the users. That’s good for the music’s popularity and society as well.

57. What is the author’s attitude towards protecting (保护) intellectual property rights?

A. He is for it. B. He is against it.

C. He doesn’t care about it. D. The article doesn’t tell us.

58. Which of the following do intellectual property rights not cover?

A. Inventions.B. Literary and artistic works.

C. Names and pictures. D. Pirated music.

59. According to the article, which of the following is true?

A. Authors should ask for a high price for their work.

B. The copyright fee should be fair to users.

C. Authors, singers and actors have no right to make money from their work.

D. Buying pirated music by Jay Chou is very good.

60. What is the best title for the article?

A. Rob a Bank B. Copyright Fees

C. Say No to Pirated Music D. World Intellectual Property Day


五、补全对话 (本大题满分10分,每空2分)


A: Hi, Dick! What are you going to do tonight?

B: I have no idea. What do you suggest?

A: How about going to see a movie?

B:61 But I hear there is a talk at 7:00 in the City Hall.

A: What’s the talk about?

B: The history of music. 62

A: Me, too.63

B: Good idea! Let’s go to the City Hall instead of going to the movie.

A: By the way, my friend Jenny likes music, too.64

B: Certainly.65

A: Let’s meet at the school gate at 6:30 in the evening, OK?

B: OK. See you then.

A: See you.

A. But where and when shall we meet?

B. Can we ask her to go with us?

C. Sounds good.

D. I enjoy music very much, you know.

E. What about you?

F. Why not go to the talk together?

六、完成句子 (本大题满分14分,每小题2分)


66. ---Can you come to my birthday party?

---Sorry, I can’t. I ___________________(得在家照料我奶奶). (have)

67. ---Does he do exercise every day?

---Yes. It ___________________(跑步健身要花去他半小时) every morning.(take)

68. ---Do you know anything about the singer?

---Yes. I hear she ___________________ (开始对唱外国歌曲感兴趣) at the age of six. (sing)

69. ---Did you go to the movie last night?

---Yes. But by the time I got there, the movie ___________________(开始十多分钟了). (for)

70. ---I’ve waited here for a long time. It’s too late.

---Don’t worry. You ____________________ (直到有人叫到你,才能离开). (until)

71. ---What do you think of the hotel?

---They ___________________ (服务得够热情,使我们有宾至如归的感觉). (enough)

72. ---Could you tell me ____________________ (比赛是否因下雨而应该推迟)?(put)

---Sorry, I don’t know.



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Talk to someone if you are having problems with schoolwork. Speak up as soon as you can, so you can get help right away before you fall behind.

Your73are often a great place to start if you need help. Talk about your problem with them. They might be able to74you how to do a difficult math problem or help you think of a topic to write about for English class. They also can be helpful by finding that perfect place in the house for you to do your homework and keeping supplies, like pencils, on hand. They also can cut down on distractions (分心的事) like 75younger brothers and sisters!

Teachers are also important to you because they can give you advice about the assignment (作业) you are76trouble with. They also can help you set up a good system for writing down your assignments and remembering to put all necessary books and papers in your backpack. Teachers can give you study tips and offer ideas about how to77 with homework. Helping kids learn is their job,78be sure to ask for advice.

Many schools, towns and cities offer after-school79to kids. They often help kids with their homework and organize kids to80in different kinds of activities. There, you will not only be able to get some help from adults, but also from other kids.

You can also use the Internet to81online homework help sites. These sites can lead you to good resources (资源) for research and offer tips and guidance about many 82 . But be careful about just83the information from an Internet website. Talk with your teachers about how to use the resources properly.

八、书面表达 (本大题满分15分)


1. 写作要点提示:

1) 简述Tara的烦恼;



2. 写作要求:


Dear Tara,

I got your letter last week.




