日期:2014-09-28 14:32



一、听力测试 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


1. A. Good idea!B. Thank you! C. Congratulations!

2. A. What a pity. B. Sounds nice.C. My pleasure.

3. A.He’s fine.B.He’s 16 years old.C.He’s naughty.

4. A. I’ve got a headache.B. I’ve got a friend.C. I’ve got a new bicycle.

5. A. It’s tall and thin.B. It’s 100 meters long.C. It’s next to the bookstore.

【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C


【答案】6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10.C



11.Where are they?

A.At home.B.In a shop.C.In a hotel.

12.What would the man like to do?

A. To walk around.B.To buy a gift.C.To try on the shoes.


13.What’s Jerry doing in the library?

A. Looking for some books.B.Writing an article.C.Watching a film.

14.When will Jerry have to finish his article?

A. On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Wednesday.

15.What did Jerry decide to write about at last?

A.A book.B.A film.C.A play.

【答案】11.B 12. B 13.A 14.C 15.B



Interviewer:A few years ago,Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet.

The business he stated from his home in Ohio,the united States of America,now sells 1

CDs a year and has made him into a millionaire at the age of 24.Dave,what’s your secret,


Dave:Well,I could see that this was the2 of shopping.Why should you pay$1 5 for a CD and spend the time going to the store and parking your car? You can get the same CD for3 of the price by clicking on your computer.And we can find any CD you want and bring it to your4 in 24 hours! Well,this is only the beginning.I believe that one day we’ll do our shopping over the net:it’s5,quicker and cheaper.Shops and supermarkets will be a thing of the past.

【答案】1. 500, 000 2. future 3. half 4. door 5. easier



【2012 山东潍坊】16.________old man in ________ brown coat over there is Mr. Jackson.

A.An, aB.An,theC.The,a D.The,the


【2012 山东潍坊】17.It’s a good________ to have breakfast every morning.



【2012 山东潍坊】18.No one can be successful ________ hard work.

A.throughB.forC.with D.without

【解析】D。考查介词。根据句意和句首no one 提示用介词without表示否定意义,句意为“不努力没有人会成功”。

【2012 山东潍坊】19.My first teacher,Ms Yao,was very strict with________.

A.us B.weC.ourD.ours

【解析】A。考查代词的用法。介词with后用人称代词的宾格形式,be strict with sb 表示“对某人要求严格”。

【2012 山东潍坊】20.一Guess what! I saw Sally in London.

一Really? I ________ she was in New York.

A.thinkB.was thinkingC.thought D.am thinking

【解析】C。考查动词时态。通过宾语从句中的过去时态和上下句表达的意义可知用I thought,think 的过去式though表示“原以为”。

【2012 山东潍坊】21.一Shall I tell Jim the good news?

一No, you________.I’ve told him already.

A.wouldn’tB.needn’tC.shouldn’t D.mustn’t

【解析】B。考查情态动词的意义。根据答语下文“我已经告诉他了”说明答语为“你没有必要”,“不必,没有必要”用情态动词needn’t 表达。

【2012 山东潍坊】22.Lincoln came from nothing,yet he did________ that changed the world.

A.somethingB.nothingC.everything D.anything

【解析】A。考查不定代词的意义。根据前文came from nothing“出身平平”,和下文yet表示“然而”,可知用something表达,意为“然而他做了一些改变世界的事情”。everything 表示“一切,anything表示“任何事情”都不符合句意。

【2012 山东潍坊】 23.Girl students in some schools are not allowed________ long hair.

A.havingB.haveC.had D.to have

【解析】D。考查动词不定式的用法。句型为“allow sb to do sth”,用动词不定式作宾语补足语,句中用了该句型的被动语态形式,动词不定式由宾语补足语变为主语补足语。

【2012 山东潍坊】 24.Tigers wait________ it is dark,then go out to find their food.

A.sinceB.untilC.as D.because


【2012 山东潍坊】 25.Cathy was born blind so she has ________ seen our beautiful world.


【解析】D。考查频度副词的用法。通过句意“born blind”,天生是盲的,可知用频度副词never表示“从来没有”。

【2012 山东潍坊】 26.We’ve given her some advice, but I don’t know________ she’ll accept it.

A.whatB.whereC.whether D.which

【解析】C。考查宾语从句的引导词。通过转折句意和don’t know可以推断用whether 引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,句意为“我们给了她一些建议,但我不知道她是否会接受。”。

【2012 山东潍坊】 27. 一Does the soup________ nice?

一Yes.It’s hot, but really delicious.



【2012 山东潍坊】 28.Piano is a word________ was originally borrowed from Italian.



【2012 山东潍坊】 29.Tom is________ than any other players in the school team.

A.tallB.tallerC.tallest D.more tall


【2012 山东潍坊】 30.一It might be cool to see a film this afternoon.


A.why notB.so whatC.whyD.what

【解析】A。考查日常交际用语。Why not? 在口语中是用否定形式表达肯定意义。根据答语中的Yes, 可知用Why not? 表达赞同,“为什么不呢?”

三、【2012 山东潍坊】完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分。满分10分)


Up to two thirds of children don’t get as much sleep as they should do, and this can make

them nervous and slower at school,researchers say.

So 31should young people sleep each night? The answer is between 8 and 10 hours.

If you don’t get enough sleep at night,you’11 have 32 energy the next day.

But the researchers say many children have missed out on 4,500 hours of sleep 33

the time they are 7 years old.They say that children miss sleep because they have TVs and computers in their rooms and 34parents don’t read to their younger children at night any more. The traditional “bedtime story” helps children to relax and fall asleep 35 .Childrenwith TVs and computers in their bedrooms are more likely to sleep badly, and to get less than 8 hours sleep.Even losing one hour’s sleep a night can mean that children do less well at school.

German scientists think that your36keeps working while you are asleep.To show that

they were37 ,they gave two groups of people a problem to work out.One group went to

sleep and the other group stayed38 . The result? The people who slept worked out the answer more quickly,suggesting that their brains had been trying to39 the answer while the people were asleep.So,make sure you get enough sleep tonight,40you’ll be at your best tomorrow.

31.A.how muchB.how manyC.how long D.how often

32.A.moreB.1essC.few D.1ittle

33.A.byB.atC.on D.during

34.A.proudB.freeC.poor D.busy

35.A.peacefullyB.carefullyC.happily D.sadly

36.A.headB.brainC.heart D.thought

37.A.perfectB.brightC.right D.great

38.A.awakeB.aliveC.asleep D.absent

39.A.think overB.open upC.find out D.put down

40.A.orB.butC.if D.and

【答案】31.C 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.C 40. D



31.【解析】C。how much 修饰或代替不可数名词,本句中提问的是睡觉的“量”。

32.【解析】B。上句“没有充足的睡眠”提示下句用little的比较级修饰不可数名词energy, 表示“更少的精力”。

33.【解析】A。介词短语by the time 表示“截止到……时候,到……时候为止”,符合句意“到7岁为止”。


35.【解析】A。前文“放松的”说明下文意义为“平和地,平静地”,用副词peacefully 修饰动词短语fall asleep.

36.【解析】B。通过下文suggesting that their brains had been trying to…判定句意为“大脑仍在工作”。



39.【解析】C。find out 表示“搞清楚,弄明白”和answer 构成动宾关系,表示“搞清答案”。




【2012 山东潍坊】A

Apple’s logo is one of the most familiar icons(图标)around the world.

But what’s the story about the Apple logo? The image of the apple is obvious,because that’s the name of the company.What about the bite? The famous story is that the logo shows respect and honour for Alan Turing.He was the father of computer science.He researched artificial intelligence(人工智能)and unlocked German wartime codes(密码).However,after the war,he was put into

prison,because of his beliefs.He could not stand the looking down and chose to bite a poisoned

apple to end his life in the prison.

However,Rob Janoff,who designed the famous Apple logo,said,“It’s not the truth, but

only a legend.The real reason why I designed it with a bite is very simple.I wanted people to get that it was an apple not a cherry.When I go to markets to buy apples,I always mistake apples for cherries.It really has nothing to do with the scientist.”

Are you kidding? An apple is much bigger than a cherry. It’s very easy to tell. But if you use an apple to design a logo, some people may mistake it for a cherry.

41. Both the apple and the cherry are almost the same actually in________.

A. shapeB.sizeC.colour D.weight

42. According to the passage,Alan Turing________.

A.died in the prison

B.used an apple to design a logo

C.was put into prison during the war

D.was the father of a computer company

43. What’s the purpose of writing the passage about the apple logo?

A.To introduce its designer.

B.To tell us a legend about it.

C.To try to find the truth of it.

D.To explain its market research.

【答案】41. A 42. A 43. C

【主旨大意】苹果公司的“苹果”商标为全世界所熟知。被咬去一口的这个苹果图案到底有什么寓意呢?有人说是为了纪念电脑之父Alan Turing —他是在狱中咬了一口毒苹果而自杀的。而这个著名苹果商标的设计者却否认了这点。之所以这个苹果被“咬”了一口,仅仅是为了在图案上和樱桃区别开来。

41. 【解析】A。推理判断题。根据樱桃和苹果的特点,结合短文后半部分可知苹果和樱桃仅仅在形状上相似,而非颜色、大小和重量。

42. 【解析】A。细节理解题。通过第一段内容可知Alan Turing 死于狱中。他被誉为“电脑之父”,而非哪家公司的父亲,排除D;他没有设计苹果商标,第一段倒数第二句告诉我们他是在战后被投入监狱的,排除B、C。

43. 【解析】C。主旨大意题。通过整篇短文来判断,短文的目的在于说明著名的苹果商标的设计真相。故选C。

【2012 山东潍坊】 B

On April 18,the 100-day countdown to the 2012 Olympic Games in London began. For this

year’s Games’ slogan,the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games has chosen the

phrase “Inspire a Generation” (激励一代人).It is expected to inspire athletes to do their best,and common people to do better in their daily lives.

The Games are also inspiring lots of tourists to come to London.But if you go there,you’d better try your best to follow British manners and customs.Otherwise,you’ll end up in a right mess! Expert William Hanson has given the Associate Press a few tips for tourists on how to act while in the UK.Let’s have a look:

Don’t talk about money.According to Hanson,British people hate talking about money and it is considered rude to do so.In particular,never ask anyone about their salary.

Afternoon tea.The traditional view of the British sitting down for an afternoon tea is not exact.Few people keep the tradition nowadays.

Give tips—but not in an obvious way.The British favor a quiet “thank you” gift for good service rather than the rigid 16-20%tip Americans always give.In fact,many British waiters will not feel anxious and nervous if you decide not to tip at all.

Greeting with a kiss.The British are not like their passionate neighbors in France. Many prefer a handshake or a pat on the back to say “hello”.

Conversation tip.If you want to be friendly,end a sentence with the word “mate”·

44.The underlined word “It” in the first paragraph refers to_______.

A.LondonB.“Inspire a Generation’’

C.The 100—day countdown D.The London Organizing Committee

45.British people think it rude to_______.

A.have tea in the early morning

B.ask others about their salary

C.give a 10%tip to a waiter

D.shake hands with friends

46.The underlined word “passionate’’ in the passage means “_______” in Chinese.


47.When will the London Olympics be held?

A.On August 18.B.At the end of July.

C.At the beginning of August.D.In the middle of July.

【答案】44. B 45. B 46. C 47. B



45.【解析】 B。 细节理解题。通过建议中的Don’t talk about money.可知“询问别人的薪水是不礼貌的”。



【2012 山东潍坊】 C

Summer holidays are coming.Here are two posters for members of English Club in the


Science and Technology Museum

Opening hours

Sunday—Wednesday 10:00am—5:30pm


What’s on

Ancient Technology—the ground floor

Modern Technology— the first floor

Space —the second floor

The silkroad:trade and travel — the second floor

Please note

The museum is closed for 3 days during

the Spring Festival every year.

Contact us

Information desk:73238299


To all climbers!

Place: Castle Peak Indoor Climbing Centre

Date: 8: 30 am, July, 15


Sign in when you come to the centre.

Climb with a partner.

Wear a hard hat at all times.

Wear the correct climbing shoes.


Don’t eat or drink anywhere except in the café.

Don’t listen to personal music players while climbing.

Don’t light fires.

Good practice:

Use a locker to store your things.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Wearing jewellery can cause accidents.

Talking on a mobile phone while climbing can be dangerous.

48. The exhibition of the Silk Road________.

A.downstairsB.on the ground floorC.on the first floorD.on the second floor

49. If you want to visit the Museum on weekend, which of the following is the best time?

A.10:00 am,Saturday.B.2:30 pm,Saturday.

C.2:00 pm, Sunday. D.8:30 am,Sunday.

50.While climbing,you’d better________.

A.talk on a mobile phoneB.stay alone all the time

C.1isten to personal music playersD.wear the correct climbing shoes

51.It is considered good practice to________.

A.keep your things in a lockerB.wear jewellery

C.eat something when you feel weak D.wear a soft hat at all times

【答案】48. D 49. C 50. D 51. A


48.【解析】D。信息核对题。以the Silk Road 为线索,到海报中找出对应的“二楼”信息。

49.【解析】C。细节理解题。根据博物馆提供的营业时间,Sunday—Wednesday 10:00am—5:30 pm 可知C答案正确。

50.【解析】D。细节理解题。根据“Do: ”中第四条Wear the correct climbing shoes. 可知D答案正确。

51.【解析】A。细节理解题。根据“Good practice:” 第一条Use a locker to store your things. 可以推断A答案正确。

【2012 山东潍坊】 D

Huckleberry Finn,the great character from the Mark Twain book,did not like school.He

preferred floating down the Mississippi River on a raft and looking for adventure.That’s why

generations of schoolboys have loved reading Huckleberry Finn:they feel the same way about

school as he did.

For many boys,being forced to sit all day in a school room is like being punished for a crime they did not commit.There are endless hours of boredom spent learning things they have no interest in.That’s why many boys do poorly in school and many give up on education altogether.

Ironically(具有讽刺意味的是),the whole idea for schools was invented for boys.If a boy wanted to grow up to be a useful man,he had to be educated.By and by,people realized that educating girls was a good idea,too.And,ironically again,it was discovered that the school

system suits girls just fine;so fine that girls now do much better than boys in school.

No one really knows why that is.Some say that girls mature(发育成熟)quicker than boys and adapt better to school life.Some also say that the school system and the curriculum(课程) have changed to encourage girls but the needs of boys have been overlooked.

Educators are now trying to find ways to get boys to be more successful in school.There are

suggestions to separate the sexes and teach boys separately.There are also suggestions to change

the curriculum to make it more interesting for boys.

Whatever the changes are,boys still will be boys,and dreams of floating down the Mississippi River will always be an attractive choice to just sitting in a classroom.

52. Huckleberry Finn is________.

A. a boy of Mark Twain’sB. a character in a book

C.an American writer D.a river’s name

53.Many boys do poorly in school because________.

A. they give up on education

B.they’re punished for a crime they did not commit

C.they have no interest in the things they’re learning

D.they prefer floating down the Mississippi River on a raft

54.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means that________.

A. more boys are needed B. boys need to be cared about a lot

C.the needs of boys have been very important

D. People have paid little attention to the needs of boys.

55.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Girls now do much better than boys in school.

B.The school system has changed to encourage girls.

C.Girls mature quicker than boys and adapt better to school life.

D. The curriculum has changed to be more interesting for boys.

【答案】52. B 53. C 54. D 55. D


52.【解析】D。细节理解题。短文首句就告诉我们“the great character from the Mark Twain book”是马克·吐温图书中的角色。


54.【解析】D。综合判断题。通过短文倒数第二段最后一句There are also suggestions to change

the curriculum to make it more interesting for boys.可知仅仅是建议,而不是D答案题干中的has changed“已经改变”。



第Ⅰ卷 (非选择题答题纸共5分)


1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______


五、【2012 山东潍坊】词汇应用(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)


Joy in the journey

Long long ago,two brothers decided to dig a big hole behind their house.As they 1 (dig),some young men stopped2(watch).“What are you doing?” asked one of the young men.“We want to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” one of the brothers3 (reply).The young men began to laugh at them.They told them that their plan was quite silly and digging a hole all the way through the earth was4(possible).

After some5(time),one of the brothers picked up a jar6(fill)with gold coins and then a bottle of different 7(kind) of seeds which made their yard a beautiful garden later on.He showed the amazing things to others.Everyone was shocked.Then he said8(confident),“Even if we can’t dig through the earth,look at what we9(find) along the way!”

Their goal was too difficult to reach,but it did get them to dig.Not every goal 10(reach)at last.But when you can’t get to your goal,perhaps you can say to11 (you),“So many great things have come into my life while I was doing something.’’

It is in the digging that life is lived.And there is 12(much) joy in the journey,sometimes than in the end.


【答案】1. were digging 2. to watch 3. replied 4. impossible 5. time 6. filled 7. kinds 8. confidently 9. have found 10. will be replaced 11. yourself 12. more

六、【2012 山东潍坊】翻译句子(共4小题;每小题2分。满分8分)


【2012 山东潍坊】1.我们不知道如何照顾自己。(look after)


【2012 山东潍坊】2.我认为这部电影中有太多的打斗。(in one’s opinion)


【2012 山东潍坊】3.有一天书籍将会被电脑取代。(replace)


【2012 山东潍坊】4.白求恩医生为帮助中国人民献出了自己的生命。(Dr. Bethune, give one’s life to)


【答案】1. We don’t know how to look after ourselves. 2. In my opinion, there’s too much fighting in the film. 3. Books will be replaced by computers one day. 4. Dr. Bethune gave his life to helping Chinese people.

七、【2012 山东潍坊】阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Many parents like setting family rules for their kids.When kids break rules,parents will

give them some punishments,which aren’t included in rules.In fact,when you tell your kids

about a new rule,you should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule—what the punishment will be.

Punishments you set should be reasonable,without violence or threat(暴力或威胁).For example,if you find your son smoking,you may limit(限制)his social activities for two weeks. You should punish your kids only in ways you have discussed before the rule is broken.A study shows that the most popular punishment is to limit kids’ TV time.

It’s understandable that you’ll be angry when rules are broken.Punishment is a way to express your anger,but it’s not a very good one.Sharing your feelings of anger,disappointment or sadness with your kids can have a better effect on them.Try to do that.When your kids know what they have done has made you_______,they will feel guilty(内疚的).When they know their actions influence you greatly,they will obey rules better.

Family rules are made to help your kids behave better.If your rules or ways of punishment make them unhappy or under a lot of pressure,are they helpful?

1. What price should the kids pay for breaking the family rules? (根据短文内容回答问题)


2. Find out the key sentence of Paragraph 2.(找出第二段的中心句)


3. What can be a better way than punishment to educate kids when rules are broken?(根据短



4. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with only one word.(根据对文章的理解,在第三段空白处






【答案】1. They will be punished./ They may get punishment. / Punishment. 2. Punishments you set should be reasonable, without violence or threat. 3. Sharing your feelings of anger, disappointment or sadness with your kids(can have a better effect on them). 4. sad/ angry/ disappointed/ unhappy 5. 制定家规是为了帮助你的孩子表现更好。

八、【2012 山东潍坊】写作(满分15分)



Dear Daming,

I’d like to tell you something about my “important gift”.It was a beautiful smile.

When I was nine years old,I went to a new school.As a result,no one knew who I was.I felt lonely.Then one day when I sat at my desk unhappily as usual,a girl walked to me and smiled.

Though she said no words,I felt the touch of something bright and friendly and it made me feel happy and warm again.After that she became my good friend.

As we all know,everybody may feel lonely or be in trouble.Could you tell me something about your “important gift” that touched you or changed your life?



Dear Susan,



Best wishes,



One possible version:

Dear Susan,

Thanks for your last letter. What is my “important gift”? It’s a candy.

When I was five, my mom went shopping with me. But we couldn’t find each other at last. I had to stand on the roadside and waited with tears in my eyes. It was so long that I felt very helpless. At that time a woman came up to me and gave me a candy. At once I didn’t feel afraid any more. With her help I got back home finally.

Though a candy is small and cheap, it made me happy and warm.

Best wishes,




1.Hooray! We won! Our team won the game!

2.Woody can’t come to our dinner tonight because of the bad weather.

3.How old is your older brother?

4.Hello,young man.What’s wrong with you?

5.Excuse me, where’s the nearest bank here?


6.W:Hi.Mr. Black.You look so excited.What’s up?

M:Look! I’ve just received a letter from our President.

W:Oh Cod! That’s a dream to me!

Q:Why is Mr. Black so excited?

7.M:Betty,what are you doing here?

W:I’m looking for some clothes for the evening party.What do you think of my new jeans?

M:Maybe they’re not right for a party.What about your sister’s dress? I’m sure you would look

pretty in it.

W:Oh,yes.Thank you,Dad.

Q:What will the girl wear?

8.W:I think you’d better drive slowly here.

M:Why? The traffic is not heavy now.

W:Look at that sign,please.

M:Well,yes,I have to.

Q:Which sign are they pointing at?

9.W:How do you go to school every day? By bike?

M:I used to.But now I go to school by bus,our new school bus.

W:Really? You’re lucky.

Q:How does the boy go to school?

10.M:Excuse me,could you tell me where Ms Wang is?

W:I think she’s helping Linda with her lessons in her office.

M:No,her office is locked.

W:Let me see.Ah,yes.She’s having a talk with Lucy and her parents in the classroom.

Q.What’s Ms Wang doing now?



W:Good morning,sir.Can I help you?

M:Good morning.I'd like to choose a present for my mom.

W:We have lots of gifts for ladies.What would you like? Or what does your mom like?

M:Err…she likes walking around and chatting with our neighbors.

W:How about these walking shoes? They’re soft and comfortable.What’s her size?

M:Size? I··I don’t know.

W:It doesn’t matter,sir.You can take this pair home to let her try them on.Then if they don’t

fit well.you can come back and change them for the right pair.

M:Sounds nice.Thank you.

Q:11.Where are they?

12.What would the man like to do?


W:Hi,Jerry.What a busy Monday! You’re spending a lot of time in the library today. What’s

up? Are you becoming a hard-working boy?

M:Hi,Polly.You’re joking.I'm thinking about my article for our school magazine New Standard.

have to finish it the day after tomorrow.The title is “my favourite book”,but I can’t decide

what to write about.

W:Well,what’s your favourite book then?

M:It’s hard to say.In fact,I don’t really enjoy reading.

w:I see.Mmm…can you write about something else,a film,or a play,for example?

M:I don’t think so.I promised Betty,the editor,to write about a book.

W:As far as I know,Betty will be pleased if you write all article,even if it's not about a book.

M:I think you have got it right.I'll write about my favourite film instead.Thanks,Polly.

W:You’re welcome.

Q:13.What’s Jerry doing in the library?

14.When will Jerry have to finish his article?

15.What did Jerry decide to write about at last?


Interviewer:A few years ago,Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet.

The business he started from his home in Ohio, the United States of America,now sells 500,000

CDs a year and has made him into a millionaire at the age of 24.Dave,what’s your secret,


Dave:Well,I could see that this Was the future of shopping.Why should you pay$15 for

a CD and spend the time and the money going to the store and parking your car? You can get

the same CD for half of the price by clicking on your computer.And we can find any CD you

want and bring it to your door in 24 hours! Well, this is only the beginning.I believe that one

day we’ll do our shopping over the net:it’s easier, quicker and cheaper.Shops and supermarkets

will be a thing of the past.

  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • wardn. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区 vt. 守护,
  • rudeadj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj. 粗糙的,粗野的
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • strictadj. 严格的,精确的,完全的
  • ironicallyadv. 讽刺地,说反话地
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • associaten. 同伴,伙伴,合伙人 n. 准学士学位获得者 vt.
  • artificialadj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的