日期:2014-09-18 17:16


What is the boygoing to buy?
A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples.
1. Who sent thecamera to Lily?
A. Her friends.B. Her grandparents. C. Her parents.
2. When will thegirl have the final exam?
A. Tomorrow. B. On Monday. C. On Friday.
3. Whosenotebook is this?
A. Jenny’s.B. Linda’s C. Bob’s.
4. Why doesPeter look tired?
A. He had a football match.
B. He stayed up late for his exam.
C. He watched a football match.
5. What does thegirl mean?
A. She doesn’t like swimming.
B. She can’t go swimming with Tom.
C. She will go swimming with her mother.
B)请听下面 4段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从踢中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)
6. What are theygoing to do together?
A. Have violin lessons. B. Play tennis. C. Watch movies.
7. What timewill they meet?
A. At 5:30.B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30.
8. Where doesthe conversation probably take place?
A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant.C. In a post office.
9. How muchshould the man pay?
A. $2.B.$3.C. $5.

请听第3段对话,回答第10至 第12小题。
10. What is the garden like?
A. Beautiful.B.Small.C. Big.
11. What coloris Jane’s bedroom?

A. White. B. Blue. C. Pink.
12. Which ofthe following is true?

A. The kitchen is very big.
B. The living room is small.
C. Jane’s bedroom is upstairs.
13. How old isSally?

A. 13. B. 14.C. 15.
14. Why doesn’tBruce buy the bag?

A. Because it is not beautiful.
B. Because it is a bit expensive.
C. Because it is out of style.
15. What doesBruce buy for Sally?

A. Ascarf.B. A hat. C. A skirt.

16. Which istrue about Sally?

A. She likes green best.
B. She doesn’t like bags.
C. She often wears scarves.
17. What does Kevin’s mother do?
A. A teacher. B. Adoctor. C. A musician.
18. Who wants to learn Chinese?
A. Kevin’s father.B. Kevin’smother. C. Kevin.
19. How often does Sam go swimming?
A. Every afternoon. B. Twice aweek. C. Five times a week.
20. What is the duty report mainly about?
A. Study. B.Family. C. Hobby.
21. They’re staying in an expensive hotel right on the________ .
22. The weather will be a bit________ .
23. They will go trekking this morning and ________this afternoon.
24.They’re going to tour around the island by _________ tomorrow.
25. The tour guide’s telephone number is________ .


26.--My parents and I will go to London fo ra trip tomorrow. --Really? __________.
A. I don't think so B. Have a good time

C. That's very strange D. You should try it
27. You hae to be ______ and wait until I finish my work.
A. patient B. strictC. honestD. active
28.--Good morning, sir! _________?
-- I'd like to buy a sweater for my daughter.
A. What can I do for you B. What are you doing

C. How about the sweater D. Can you help me
29.We _______ pay to get into the concert. It's free.
A. can't B. mustn'tC. might notD. don't have to
30. _______ jeans were invented over 100 years ago, they're still in fashion today.
A. BecauseB. IfC. Although D. Since
31.--You're in a hurry. Where are you going? --To the cinema. Sue ______ for me outside.
A. waits B. waited C. is waitingD. was waiting
32.My sister ______ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.
A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never
33.--Hi, John. ______ ?
It's Lucy, my dog. Her leg is hurt.
A. How are you B. What's the matter C. Who's that D. What's Lucy like
34.-- Why don't you join us for breakfast? -- Sure! ______
A. Good luck! B. Congratulations! C. What to do? D. Why not?
35.There will be _______ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people.
A. many B. more C. fewer D. fewest
36. --Mr. Li will check our homework this afternoon. ______ you _______ it?
--Not yet. I'm doing it right now.
A. Do, finish B. Had, finishedC. will, finish D. Have, finished
37. Many students ______ changes to show themselves in class because the class size is too big.
A. don't giveB. aren't givenC. haven't givenD. won't give
38.Recycling is good, so don't ______ bottles or newspapers.
A. find outB. hand inC. use upD. throw away
39.Everyone wants to win. But _____ me, the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.
A. as for B. thanks to C. instead ofD. such as
40.-- I want to put up the picture on the wall. Would you mind helping me with it?
-- ______. With pleasure.
A. Of course B. Of course notC. You'd better notD. Thanks a lot



You feel tired and you have no energy. You can’t breathe out of your nose and your throat hurts. Don’t be afraid you have probably just got a41 . Every year, many kids experience this sick feeling. Some kids have up to eight colds every year. So, what42is a cold? Well, a cold is an infection (传染病). It affects (影响) 43 nose, ears and throat and makes you feel sick and weak. It’s very44 to catch a cold. When someone sneezes or coughs near you, bacteria(细菌) travel through the air and 45 your body and then make you sick. Also, if you touch your nose or eyes after touching something that has bacteria on it, 46 a door or your desk at school, you can get a sick. Some of the symptoms(癌症)of a cold47 a fever, a sore throat and a cough. If you sneeze, or if your nose is runny and your 48are watery, you’ve probably got a cold. Most people who have got a cold feel very tired and don’t have much 49to do anything. A cold is not a pleasant thing to 50 .However, there are some things you can do to feel 51.You should have hot drinks 52you’ve got a sore throat and cough. You should eat healthy foods and get a lot of rest so your body can be strong enough to 53your sold. If you’ve got a fever, or if you aren’t feeling better within a few days, you should visit your 54and take some medicine. A cold can be frustrating 55just remember that there are many things you can do to feel better and get stronger. Take care of your body and stay healthy.

41. A. cough B. headache C. fever D. cold

42. A. exactly B. nearly C. clearly D. firstly

43. A. my B. your C. itsD. their

44. A. difficult B. necessary C. easyD. helpful

45. A. build B. findC. feelD. enter

46. A. like B. on C. behind D. with

47. A. take B. catchC. turn D. include

48. A. legsB. arms C. eyes D. ears

49. A. energy B. money C. time D. air

50. A. do B. make C. pass D. experience

51. A. worseB. betterC. colder D. hotter

52. A. untilB. soC. if D. unless

53. A. fight B. keep C. have D. get

54. A. parent B. doctor C. friend D. teacher

55. A. but B. then C. andD. or


heart listen howsuccessfullyplace hurt

what beforethem because natural life

Deal with Conflict

Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you don’t know how to deal with anger and conflict(冲突). Conflict is part of everyone’s 56 .It will show up at school, at work and at home. It’s OK to feel angry, annoyed or sad. These feeling are57 , but different people deal with 58 in different ways. Some people shout, call people names, or even hit the person who has 59them. Others do their best to keep away from disagreements but very few deal with conflict 60 . Dealing with conflict is a step by step process(过程).61 you start discussing the problem, calm down, count to 10 and imagine a relaxing 62 .Then, say what is really bothering you, but watch how you express yourself. Don’t complain. Share 63you feel by using “I…”. For example, don’t say“ You are always ordering me to do this or to do that,” but “I feel sad 64you don’t pay attention to what I think.” You want people to 65your opinion so make sure you practice what you want to say. Listen carefully to the other person and accept that he or she might see the problem in a different way. Be open-minded and willing to say sorry.




Music Club

Music lessons(guitar, violin, piano and drums)

Time: 8:30 am-9:30 am every Sunday Price: Only $20 each Address: 25 Jiefang Road Tel: 420-258-1200

National Park Riding horses Boating Time: 11:00am-7:00pm every day Price: adults $15, children (ages 3-7) $ 8 Address: 95 the Fifth Avenue Tel: 208-683-3400

Art Museum 200 famous pictures More than 300 works Opening hours:8:00am-6:00pm on weekdays Price: adults $10Children $5.50 Address: 120 Xinjin Street, Thermopolis Town Tel: 307-864-2997

66. When can we visit Art Museum?

A. 11:00 am-7:00 pm every dayB. 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on weekdays

C. 8:00 am – 9:30 am every Sunday. D. 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on weekends.

67. Where can we go if we want to learn music?

A. 25 Jiefang Road. B. 95 the Fifth Avenue.

C. 120 Xinjin Street. D. Thermopolis Town.

68. If you and your parents visit National Park, how much should you pay?

A. $ 15 B. $ 30C. $38 D. $45


On 22nd January, 2007, Dave Cornthwaite from the UK became the first person to skateboard across Australia. He made a new world record, by skating a total of 5,823 kilometers. Jack Smith, the previous (前任的) champion, had skated a total of 4,830 kilometers across the US in 2003. Dave’s journey started in Perth and ended in Brisbane traveling about 60 kilometers a day. It took him five months and 13 pairs of shoes. He had great physical pain and he got really sore feet.

If Dave hadn’t believed in making his dreams come true, none of this would have happened. Dave left his job two weeks after he had bought a skateboard and decided to go on a journey. He wanted this journey to be about something more than him, so he created an association that would raise money for charities. “If people follow my journey and donations, then I’m doing many people a lot of good,” said Dave. This journey had plenty of challenges. He traveled across the Australian desert (沙漠) where temperatures reached 48℃ in the day and 0℃ at night. He had a serious accident in Adelaide when he jumped on a piece of metal that cut through his foot.

Dave helped raise more than £50,000 for children’s charities, wrote a book and encouraged others to follow in his footsteps. I wish we had more people like him leading the way!

69. Where is Dave from?

A. The US. B. Australia. C. The UK D. France

70. What can we get from the passage?

A. Dave skated a total of 4,830 kilometers across Australia.

B. Dave spent 5 months skating from Perth to Brisbane.

C. Dave was the first person to skateboard across the US.

D. Dave traveled at the speed of 600 kilometers a week.

71. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Dave got hurt during his journey.

B. Everyone can help others if he wishes.

C. The environment of Australia is terrible.

D. Dave challenged himself to achieve his dreams.

72. Where may the passage come from?

A. An art book.B. A story book.

C. A science book. D. A medicine book.

Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you just couldn’t ? Is the first thing you do when you get home from school to look in the biscuit tin ? Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all by yourself ? Can you say “no” to sweets at parties ? If you can’t , then there is a reason…perhaps you’re sugar addict (有瘾的人)! Does that sound funny ? Well,doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily become addicted (成瘾的) to sugar .What’s more, most
Sugar addicts don’t even realize that they’re addicted! Sugar addiction is serious because it can really damage your health .Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and that we shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .But sugar addicts can’t follow this advice.They know they must stop eating sweet food,but they can’t .So what can you do if you think you’re addicted to the taste of sugar ?Well, here is some advice:
.Eat some fresh fruits when you really want something sweet to eat .
.Cut down on sweet food slowly. Don’t try to stop eating it all at once.
.You have to tell your parents, If they know, they will help you.
73. Who can become addicted to sugar easily?
A. Peole who eat sweet regularly.
B. Peole who eat lots of fat and fast food.
C. Peole who don’t have a balanced diet.
D. Peole who eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
74. What does the underlined word “damage” mean?
A. be kind to B. be good for
C. be harmful to D. be sorry for
75.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A. Fresh fuits are the best food fou us.
B. We shouldn’t eat sugar to keep healthy.
C. Parents may help you give up bad eating habits.
D. It’s very necessary to stop eating sweet food at once.
76. What’s the main idea of the passage ?
A. Some advice to stop eating sweet food.
B. The importance of have good eating habits.
C. The reasons why people become addicted to sugar.
D. Something about sugar addiction and how to give it up.

Naturally, American schoolchildren love holidays. And they get a lot of them each year.
Besides having national holidays such as Thanksgiving and Presidents’ Day off from school, students get longer breaks in the spring and during the summer holidays .In fact, kids in US only go to school for about 180 days a year .To students, holidays are perfect .However, parents think there are advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, school holidays allow families to spend time together. Many American parents take time off from work during June ,July or August to travel with their children on vacation either in US or a foreign country. On the other hand, schoolchildren get much more time off school than parents get vacation time. This means that parents with young children may have to pay more in babysitting or daycare costs. As well, the long summer holidays mean that students sometimes get bored .
Besides going on trips with their parents, American students enjoy taking part in different kinds of activities during the holidays. For example, some kids enjoy summer camps and outdoor adventure(冒险) holidays. Such trips are great for adventurous students. They also have a lot to offer students who aren’t usually interested in traditional PE activities. You can do courses in survival(生存) skills, for example. Students learn how to make a camp in the forest, which wild food they can eat and how to find their way back to the center.
Students who are not excited about summer camps and outdoor adventure may take part in courses in computer game design, filmmaking and photography during the holidays. Finally, the traditional school trip to foreign countries is always popular. Students can practice their foreign language skills and experience everyday life in a different culture.
77. How long are kids in the US at school every year?
A. About 180 days . B. About 280 days .
C. About 200 days . D. About 300 days .
78. What does the underlined word “They” refer to in the third paragraph?
A. Some kids.B. Different traditional PE activities
C. ParentsD. Summer camps and outdoor adventure.
79. Which of the following is ture ?
A. Both parents and students think school holidays are perfect.
B. Parents can take care of their young children during all the holidays.
C. Students enjoy taking part in different kinds of activities during holidays.
D. Students don’t like to have school trips to foreign countries during holidays.
80. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. School Trips in the US. B. School Holidays in the US.
C. School activities in the US. D. Outdoor Adventure in the US

81 I like it because although itis hard work, every day is different! It all depends on what is wrong with the animals that come in.

At my clinic(诊所), I work long days on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and short days on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sunday is my day off so I can spend some time with my family.

82 My clerk opens the door, turns on some music, and makes everyone a cup of tea or coffee. My assistant cleans and feeds the animals. The phones start to ring and people make appointments. This is a very busy time of day!

At 9 am, pet owners start to arrive with their sick pets. Appointments take up the whole morning. 83 I don’t examine(检查)any new sick animals. I use these two hours to have lunch and do all my paperwork.

At 2 pm. Istart to see sick animals again. At 5 pm, three students from a local school lwho love animals arrive to help out. 84 I am always happy to see their smiling faces!

From 5 pm to 7pm, I continue to see sick animals. Then, at 7 pm, we close our doors and theclean-up begins! We tidy the clinic, and feed and clean the animals. Of course,we also stroke(轻抚)them andgive them hugs! Then, we turn off the lights an go home. 85

I’m very happybeing a vet, though unexpected things sometimes happen!

A.Do you like pets?
B.It is fun being a vet.
C.At midday, I stop for two hours.
D. Animals are not easy to deal with.
E.My day at my clinic begins at 7 am.
F.This is the type of day I want to have.
G. They are very kind and warm-hearted.





Reading Outside Class
As we all know, Reading has a lot of benifits.___________________________




M: I'm going shopping, Mum. Do you need anything?

W: Yes, get some apples and some oranges to make juice with.

M: Well, we already have lots of oranges.

W: OK, just some apples then.





1.M: Lily, is that your new camera?

W:Yes, it’s a digital camera from my mum and dad. It’s my birthday present.

2.M:Hey, do you want to come to the movie tomorrow?

W:I can’t. I will have the final exam on Monday. So I’m studying for it.

3.M: Is this notebook yours, Linda?

W:No, it’s not mine, Bob.My notebook is red. I think it’s Jenny’s. Look, her name is on it.

4.W: Peter looks very tired. Did he stay up late for his math exam?

M:Not really. He watched a football match till midnight.

5.M:Hi, Susan! What abuot going swimming with me?

W:That’s a good idea, Tom. But my mother has gone shopping. I have to look after my little sister.



M: Do you want to play tennis in the park later, Betty?

W: That sounds good. What time do you want to meet?

M: Well, is 6:30 OK for you?

W:I’m afraid not. My violin lesson finishes at 6:30.

M:That’s not a problem. Let’s meet at the tennis courts at 7:30, then.

W:OK, see you there.


W:Next please. What can I get you?

M:Hi, I’d like a hot dog, please.

W:OK. Anything else?

M:Can I have a cola, please?

W:Sure. Here’s your hot dog... And your cola.

M:Thanks. How much are they?

W:A cola for $3 and a hot dog for $2, please.

M: OK. Here’s the money.

W:Thank you. Here’s your change.

M:Thanks. Bye.


M:Jane, Let’s go and see our new house.

W:Which house is it, Dad?

M:This one. Here we are.

W:Wow! It’s great and the garden is beautiful.

M:I’ve got the key. Let’s go in.

W:This is nice. The living room is very big.

M:Yes, but the kitchen is quite small. Let’s go upstairs.

W:Which is my bedroom?

M:This one here. It’s your favorite color--blue.

W:It’s great. Thank you, dad.


M:Hi, Ann. How are yuu?

W:Oh, hi, Bruce. What are you doing here? Are you shopping for yourself?

M:No, I’m not. I’m looking for a present for Sally. Tomorrow is here 13th birthday. But I’m not having much success.

W: Let’s find here something together.

M:OK. Any ideas?

W:How about a bag?

M:Good idea. She likes bags. What do you think of this blue one?

W:It’s nice, but I think it’s a bit expensive.

M:I guess you are right. What about these scarves?

W: She doesn’t wear scarves. Wait! Here! These skirts are very beautiful. Oh, and they are half-price. Do you like this one?

M:That’s great. Green is here favorite color. And they’re in style. OK, I’ll take this one.


Hello, I’m Kevin. It’s my turn to make a duty report.

First, good news about my mother. She’s got a new job. She works as a teacher at a primary school. She likes it a lot. The only problem is that she gets up very early. She has to be at school at 7:30 every morning.

My father wants to learn Chinese. He has lessons every afternoon. My brother Sam and I go swimming. We go to the swimming pool five times a week. Sam finds it boring, but I really enjoy it. I think it’s fum. I also want to learn to play a musical in strument. I can have guitar lessons on Mondays or piano lessons on Fridays, but I can’t decide. What do you think? Can you tell me? That’s all. Thank you.


Hello, everyone. Welcome to caribbean Island. I’m your tour guide, Cindy. I’d like to tell your tour plans. We’re staying in anexpensive hotel right on the beach. Isn’t it wonderful? These days the weather will be a bit rainy, so please take an umbrella with you. This morning we’re going trekking in the rainforest. I think it will be tiring but exciting. This afternoon we will swim in the sea. Please take care! Tomorrow we’re going to take a bus tour around the island. We’re going to visit a big banana farm and some lovely quiet fishing villages.

Well, if you need any help, please call me at 159-6832. Got it? It’s 159-6832. I hope we can have a good trip. Thank you!




1~5 CBACB 6~10 BCBCA 11~15 BCABC 16~20 AAACB

21. beach 22. rainy 23. swim/go swimming 24. bus 25. 159-6832


26~30 BAADC 31~35 CABDC 36~40 DBDAB


A) 41~45 DABCD 46~50 ADCAD 51~55 BCABA

B)56.life 57.natural58. them59.hurt 60.successfully

61.Before62.place63.how 64.because 65.hear


66~70 BADCB 71~75 DBACC 76~80 DADCB 81~85 BECGF

五、书面表达 (15分)

One Possible Version:

Reading Outside Class

As we all know, reading has a lot of benefit. It can open up our eyes because books are full of knowledge, and it makes us wiser and richer in life. I like reading newspapers and magazines, from which I get lots of fun and learn about what's going on around the world. I also read story books and novels in my spare time which make me relaxed and happy. I seldom read e-books because they're bad for eyes. On weekends, I usually spend a whole afternoon reading in the library. And I also read for about half an hour before going to bed every night.

Summer vacation is coming. I plan to do more reading. I am going to read more classics and more English books to improve my language skills. I'm sure reading can make a fifference to my life.







What kind of books do you like reading? Why?

3. habit

Do you read e-books? Why or why not?

When do you usually read?

How long do you read a day or a week?















  • annoyedadj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • guitarn. 吉他
  • relaxedadj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(
  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • suevt. 控告,起诉 vi. 请求,追求,起诉
  • tidyadj. 整齐的,整洁的,相当大的 vt. 使整洁,整理
  • championn. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士 vt. 保卫,拥护,为
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的