日期:2014-01-27 16:42




13.( )The phonetic transcription for the word "breakfast" is ________.
A. /'brekfɑ:st/ B. /'breikf?st/ C. /'brekf?st/ D. /'breikfɑ:st/
14.( )I think it's really _________ hard work for me to finish the job in twenty minutes.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
15.( )Hangzhou is _________ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.
A. home B. house C. family D. room
16.( )It's much _________ to have a small lovely room than a big cold one.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
17.( )I think he's been drinking, _________ I'm not completely sure.
A. if B. though C. until D. as
18.( )This morning I _________ some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday.
A. picked up B. looked up C. cleaned up D. gave up
19.( )Sally took a photo of her friends while they _________ computer games.
A. play B. are playing C. have played D. were playing
20.( )--Pauline has lost her phone. -No. It's in her bag. I _________ hear it.
A. must B. can C. may D. shall
21.( )She's not strong enough _________ walking up mountains.
A. to go B. going C . go D. went
22.( )Being blind is something _________ most people can't imagine.
A. who B. what C. that D. whom
23.( )There has never been such a beautiful village _________ in the world.
A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere
24.( )I don't understand _________ that everything's fine when it's not.
A. how can he say B. can he say how
C. he can say how D. how he can say
25.( )I think I should be allowed to make decisions _________ myself.
A. with B. to C. for D. against
26.( )They are able to talk openly to one another whenever _________ of them feels hurt.
A. either B. both C. some D. all
27.( )--I've run out of money to buy a new bike. -Oh, _________. You have to walk.
A. that's right B. that's too bad C. go ahead D. excuse me


  • phoneticadj. 语音的,语音学的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • transcriptionn. 抄写;抄本;誊写
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟