初中英语山东版八年级下 Unit 1:你去过游乐园吗
日期:2012-12-20 23:17


Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
Have you ever been to Singapore?
Section 1 Before You Read
It's good to find out about a place you are
going to visit before you go there.
Choose a place to visit,
and write down four things your group knows
about it.
Section 2 While You Read
Learning strategy:
After reading,write down three or more things
you have learned.
We always remember things better if we take time
to reflect.
Have you ever been to Singapore?
For many Chinese tourists,
this small island in Southeast Asia
is a wonderful place to take a holiday.
On the one hand,more than three quarters of
the population are Chinese,
so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of time.
On the other hand,Singapore is an English-
speaking country,so it's also a good place to practice your English!
Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China?
Maybe you fear that you won't be able to find
anything to eat in a foreign country.
In Singapore,however,you'll find a lot of food from China;
you won't have any problem finding rice,noodles, or dumplings.
However,if you're feeling brave,Singapore is an
excellent place to try new food.
Whether you like Indian food,
western food,or Japanese food,
you'll find it all in Singapore!
Most large cities have zoos,
but have you ever been to a zoo at night?
Singapore has a night zoo called the "Night Safari".
It might seem strange to go to a zoo when it's
dark.But if you've ever been to a zoo during the daytime,
you might understand why this zoo is so special.
A lot of animals only wake up at night,
so this is the best time to watch them.
If you go to see lions,tigers,or foxes during
the daytime,they'll probably be asleep!
At the Night Safari,you can watch these animals
in a more natural environment than a normal zoo.
One great thing about Singapore is that the
temperature is almost the same all year round.
This is because the island is so close to the equator.
So you can choose to go whenever you like-spring
summer,autumn,or winter!
And,of course,it's not too far from China!
Section 3 After You Read
3a Complete the word map with the words from the reading.
3b Now add more words that you know to each group above.
Compare your words with your partner's.
3c The statements below are all false.
Using information from the reading,
write four true sentences.
Section 4 Go for it!
Write an ad for your hometown or for a place
you have been to.
Include details about why people should visit it
If you have time!
Think of five unusual things you have done.
Find other people in your class who have done the same things.
Have you ever eaten ice cream with rice?
No,I haven't.

  • reflectv. 反映,反射,归咎
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • amusementn. 娱乐,消遣
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • equatorn. 赤道