日期:2016-06-19 17:21


Passage one

46. 正确选项C。 Interactivetelevision advertising is successful when incorporatedintosituation comedies.
47. 正确选项C。 Somewhatdoubtful.
48. 正确选项C。 It hasplaced TV advertising at a great disadvantage.
49. 正确选项B。It hasdone well in engaging the viewers.
50. 正确选项A。 They may bedue to the novel way of advertising.

Passage Two

51. 正确选项B。Insufficientdemand.
52. 正确选项D。Groundless.
53. 正确选项A。Thebooming defense industry.
54. 正确选项A。Powerfulopposition to government’s stimulus efforts.
55. 正确选项C。To showthe urgent need for the government to takeaction.
