Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)
It's Never Too Late to Start Exercise
Researchers Find Great Rewards When Mild Exercise Programs Are Started Late In Life.
May 13, 2003--You know the benefits of exercise programs. And if you've been inactive, you may have also felt them--with sore muscles and bruised motivation to continue. But a new study in women shows that the old adage is true--it's never too late to start when it comes to exercise programs. So now what can you do to jump on the exercise bandwagon (乐队花车)?
WebMD got exercise tips from the experts.
"There certainly seems to be something here to suggest that women can start exercising later in life and still reap the rewards," lead researcher and CDC epidemiologist Edward W. Gregg, PhD, tells WebMD. His findings are published in the May 16 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Researchers tracked 9,500 women for 12 years, starting when they were at least age 66. In that time, they found that those who went from doing little or nothing to walking just a mile a day slashed(减少) their risk Of death from all causes and from cancer by nearly half. Their risk of heart disease also fell by more than a third. In fact, they enjoyed nearly as much protection as women who were physically active before the study began and remained so.
During the study, he and his colleagues surveyed the women on their exercise levels at the start of the trial and again up to six years later. Years later, the researchers tracked their rates of death and disease.
The new information we found is that older women who went from being sedentary(少活动的) or walking about two miles a week to "walking eight miles a week between the two visits had significant life improvements," says another study researcher, Jane A. Cauley, DrPH, of the University of Pittsburgh.
"We're talking about women with an average age of 77 at the second visit," she tells WebMD. "And we're talking about their engaging in very mild exercise--and not running marathons."
But if the only workout(运动)you've been getting lately involves the TV remote, here's how to avoid those walks around the block from making your body feel as if it just tackled Boston Marathon's infamous "Heartbreak Hill".
Get a checkup before a workout.
A visit to your doctor is wise for anyone beginning an exercise program, but it's crucial for the elderly or others who have been inactive because of health problems. In addition to the obvious-- checking your heart and lungs--your doctor can help determine if your regimen(养生法) needs to consider other medical conditions, and the drugs you take for them.
"People can sometimes control conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure with weight loss and exercise so they don't need to continue their medications," says William A. Banks, MD, professor of geriatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. It's important to let your doctor know about your new exercise program in case your medication doses need to be changed.
"A doctor can also help facilitate the best type of exercise if you have a disability or impairment. For instance, many of my patients have bad knees, so I tell them that if they start running or even walking, they're going tohave problems that will likely impact their ability to continue," he tells WebMD. "So I try to steer them to another activity, such as swimmings which is especially good for people with joint problems or obesity(肥胖)."
Start slow.
Once you get the green light, the key to avoiding fatigue and muscle pain is to pull out of the gate very slowly. "You hear so much about the importance of getting 30 minutes of exercise a day, but those recommendations should not be viewed as goals if you've been sedentary--even if you're healthy," Banks says. "Initially, you should actually shoot below your comfort level.
"Too often, people-especially those who are older overdo it in the beginning and hurt themselves to the point where they need two weeks to recover. It's better to walk for a few minutes a days every day, than do 10 minutes your first day and then not be able to walk for the rest of the week."
Go more often.
Of course, those few minutes of your exercise program can be done several times a day. First, try to do some activity for a few minutes several times a day. Then slowly increase the time spent in each session. But don't worry about going faster until you've exercised regularly for at least one month. A key to intensity= Ideally, you want to be aerobic(需要氧气的)enough so you can utter a few words or syllables in each sentence, but not so little that you're speaking in complete sentences or too much so you can barely talk, advises Banks.
Don't go solo.
Although there is no evidence that people are fitter when they exercise with others, they are more likely to stick to an exercise program, or anything else, with the buddy system. "We're always better in the company of others," says Banks.
Another benefit to group activities: Organized exercise programs, like those available for low or no cost at the YMCA or local hospitals, often include professional guidance--especially useful [or those with conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and arthritis. "There are exercise therapists or physiologists who can expertly guide you to the proper way to increase your endurance and intensity without risking injury or fatigue," says Gregg.
Do what you enjoy.
While Gregg's study and others have focused on walking because it's among the easiest and most popular forms of exercise, you should pick an activity you like, so you continue it. ]t could be gardening, swimming, tennis, or the old favorite, walking. "If you absolutely hate exercise, like me, I recommend exercise machines," says Banks. "Since I hate to exercise, I run on a treadmill(踏车) while watching TV. I'm especially fond of working out while watching the cartoon Pinky and the Brain."
1. It is suggested that women should not do exercises if they are over sixty.
2. According to Edward W. Gregg, it's never too late for women to start exercise.
3. All the 9,500 women who participated in the research would have little exercises or would only walk just a mile a day before the research.
4. Another benefit of group activities is that professional guidance in the group can help cure obesity, diabetes, and arthritis.
5. Since exercises may control conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, some old people don't need to ______ if they begin an exercise program.
6. As is suggested by William A. Banks, ______ is especially good for people with joint problems or obesity.
7. For those who just start to exercise, the best way to avoid fatigue and muscle pain is to ______.
8. For the exerciser, a simple method in checking the intensity of the exercise is to see that whether one can ______ while having the exercise.
9. In organized exercise programs, exercise therapists or physiologists can expertly guide an exerciser to the proper way to increase his or her ______ without risking injury or fatigue.
10. It is recommended that the exerciser should pick up an activity he/she likes so that he/she may ______.
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. N 2. Y 3. N 4. NG
5. continue their medications
6. swimming
7. pull out of the gate very slowly/start slow
8. utter a few words or syllables in each sentence
9. endurance and intensity
10. continue it
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)
1.文章第一段第三句“But a new study in women shows that the old adage is true--it's never too late to start when it comes to exercise programs.”指出,一份新的女性调查显示,那句老话仍然实用:对于锻炼从来都不晚。意思就是说年纪大了,要想锻炼仍然是可以的,并不是建议老年女性不锻炼。至于60岁以上女性不能锻炼这一说法更不正确,随后还提及被调查的女性有9 500人之多,从她们66岁开始一直追踪调查到77岁,前后12年时间。故此句判断为NO。
2.由文章第二段第一句“‘There certainly seems to be something here to suggest that women can start exercising later in life and still reap the rewards,’lead researcher and CDC epidemiologist Edward W.Gregg,PhD,tells WehMD.”可见女性即使在人生晚年才开始锻炼,仍然能够收到回报,因此晚一些开始锻炼是亡羊补牢为时未晚。故此句判断为YES。
3.文章第三段中的“Researchers tracked 9,500 women for 12 years,starting when they were at least age 66,In that time,they found that those who went from doing little or nothing to walking just a mile a day slashed (减少) their risk of death from all causes and from cancer by nearly half.Their risk of heart disease also fell by more than a third.In fact,they enjoyed nearly as much protection as women who were physically active before the study began and remained so.”讲到研究者们对9 500名女性进行了12年的跟踪调查,结果发现对那些原来很少运动或者每天只走一英里的老年女性来说,增加运动后她们死亡的风险降低了一半,患心脏病的风险也降低了三分之一以上。最后作者讲到,实际上和那些在研究开始之前就积极运动(physically active)并在研究中一直保持运动(remained so)的女性相比,后来才开始运动的女性得到的好处是一样多的。由此可见,参与实验的老年女性中有很少运动的,也有一直积极运动的。故此句判断为NO。
4.由“Don't go solo.”部分第二段“Another benefit to group activities:Organized exercise programs,like those available for low or no cost at the YMCA or local hospitals,often include professional guidance--especially useful for those with conditions such as obesity,diabetes, and arthritis.‘There are exercise therapists or physiologists who can expertly guide you to the proper way to increase your endurance and intensity without risking injury or fatigue,’says Gregg.可以看出集体运动中常常会有专业指导,对肥胖、糖尿病以及关节炎患者会很有帮助,但并没有讲他们能够治疗这些症状。故此句判断为NOT GIVEN。
5.“Get a checkup before a workout.”部分第一段中说明老年人在开始锻炼之前要去拜访医生,做个检查。第二段作者讲到原因:“People can sometimes control conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure with weight loss and exercise so they don't need to continue their medications...”,即锻炼和减肥可以改善糖尿病和高血压的情况,病人的服药治疗也要进行相应的调整。故此题正确答案为“continue their medications”。
6.“Get a checkup before a workout.”部分第三段最后一句说“So I try to steer them to another activity,such as swimming,which is especially good for people with joint problems Or obesity.”。此段紧接着第二段继续陈述William A.Banks的观点。他认为开始锻炼之前去看医生的另外一个好处是医生可以就病人的情况建议进行何种类型的锻炼。比如对关节病患和肥胖病患来说,游泳是比较好的。故此题正确答案为“swimming”。
7.“Start slow.”部分第一句“Once you get the green light,the key to avoiding fatigue and muscle pain is to pull out of the gate very slowly.”说明一旦得到医生的允许开始锻炼,避免疲劳和肌肉酸痛的关键是慢慢开始。故本题答案可以是“pull out of the gate very slowly/start slow”或者也可以用本部分的标题“start slow”。
8.由“Go more often.”部分的最后一句“A key to intensity;Ideally,you want to be aerobic enough so you can utter a few words or syllables in each sentence,but not so little that you're speaking in complete sentences or too much so you can barely talk,advises Banks.”指出理想的运动强度是运动时能一句话说出几个单词或音节。如果运动强度太低,能说完整的句子,或者运动过度,几乎说不出话来,都不太合适。可见,正确答案是“utter a few words or syllables in each sentence”。
9.“Don't go solo.”部分第二段最后一句:“There are exercise therapists or physiologists who can expertly guide you to the proper way to increase your endurance and intensity without risking injury or fatigue...”可见,专家可以引导锻炼者提高运动中的持久力和强度。故正确答案为“endurance and intensity”。
10.由“Do what you enjoy.”部分第一句:“...you should pick an activity you like,so you continue it.”可见,选择自己喜欢的运动有助于坚持此项运动。故正确答案为“continue it”。