Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essayentitled On Foreigners' Learning
Chinese.You should write atleast 150 words yollowing the outline given below.
On Foreigners’Learning Chinese
Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming andScanning)(15 minutes)
1. What did the doctors expect to find inMrs. Lee's X-ray?
A) Evidence of a heart attack.
B) Clear coronary arteries.
C) Tumors in the heart.
D) Sick left heart chamber.
2. The broken-heart syndrome, from whichMrs. Lee suffered, __
A) is a kind of chronic disease
B) freezes the right heart chamber
C) resembles heart attacks
D) is still incurable so far
3. Who are most likely to have broken-heartsyndrome?
A) Elderly men.
B) Elderly women.
C) Young men.
D) Young women.
4. In contrast to heart attacks,broken-heart syndrome __
A) doesn't cause death
B) results in the death of tissue
C) releases a surge of adrenaline
D) causes permanent damage to hearts
5. According to Chet Rihal, broken-heartsyndrome is remarkable for __
A) similarity with heart attacks
B) frequent occurrence
C) short recovery time
D) great damage to hearts
6. The treatment for patients with a heartattack is dangerous for those with a broken heart because __.
A) it may cause a stroke
B) it may lengthen the recovery time
C) it increases the risk of recurrence
D) it lowers the heart efficiency
7. The blood-pressure pills prescribed forbroken-heart syndrome ____.
A) effectively reduce the risk ofrecurrence
B) are used based on the mechanism thatcaused the disease
C) cannot block the disease
D) are also prescriptions for heart attacks
8. In addition to emotional aspects,______is also a main cause for a broken heart.
9. The same as Mrs. Lee, thecause of Pat Dorn's broken-heart syndrome was
10. Although Mrs. Dorn felt pains in herchest, she was _______ to seek help.
PartIII Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)
11. A) They need more shopping centers.
B) Shopping centers are very common.
C) The old houses should be kept.
D) New houses should be built.
12. A) She has decided not to go toAustralia.
B) She hasn't made a decision what to do.
C) Her friend just returned from Australia.
D) She prefers to travel without herfriend.
13. A) To go to the movies.
B) To go out for lunch.
C) To look for information.
D) To ask for information.
14. A) He was fined.
B) He bought a ticket.
C) He taught a lesson.
D) He had an accident.
15. A) A sporting event.
B) A doctor's appointment.
C) A grammar exercise.
D) A gym exercise.
16. A) Leave the parcel for him to maillater.
B) Find another person to send the parcel.
C) Give him a hand to prepare for thepresentation.
D) Finish the presentation before themeeting.
17. A) He is going to give a talk onfishing.
B) He thinks fishing is a good way to killtime.
C) He has the same hobby as Cindy's father.
D) He is eager to meet Cindy's parents.
18. A) The dorm life is not interesting.
B) There is no kitchen in the building.
C) The girls are confined to the timetable.
D) The dorm room is too crowded.
Conversation One
19. A) It can hardly be heard.
B) It can hardly be noticed.
C) It is used everywhere.
D) It changes people's ideas.
20. Where was background music first used?
A) In factories,.
B) In restaurants.
C) On the farm,
D) In prisons.
21. A) It shortens the eating time.
B) It cheers up customers' mind.
C) It satisfies customers' fast pace.
D) It is very popular among customers.Conversation Two
22. A) Art movements in the U.S.
B) Modern history of the world.
C) The effects of Great Depression in1930s.
D) The popularity of art.
23. A) Many decided to move abroad.
B) Some of them committed suicide forhardships.
C) Many were forced to move to rural areas.
D) Some of them lost their passion forcreation.
24. A) People in the country are busilyharvesting crops.
B) Soldiers are fighting bravely on thebattlefield.
C) Fashionable ladies are shopping aroundin the city center.
D) A poor man is begging money frompassers-by.
25. A) The artists got fed up with countryscenes.
B) The American social condition hadchanged.
C) The interests of artists had shifted toother areas.
D) People no longer took interest inregionalist paintings.
Passage One
26. A) It can survive in the desert withoutwater and food.
B) It can bear a temperature 9℃ higher than its body.
C) It can not store water for more than aweek.
D) It can live longer than any other desertanimals.
27. A) Too little sunlight.
B) Survival competition.
C) Severe heat.
D) Too much rain.
28. A) They couldn't bear the coldnessunderground.
B) They can't find food in the daytime.
C) They cannot find water in the desertduring the daytime.
D) They cannot bear the rays andtemperature during the daytime.
Passage Two
29. A) Anyone who is interested in thatsport.
B) Those who play best at that sport.
C) The smartest students in class.
D) The competitive ones in class.
30. A) They are the leaders of thesesports.
B) They can cheer everyone up in the sport.
C) They lead everyone to shout and cheer.
D) They jump up and down during the sport.
31. A) They were the same clothes and shoesas the players.
B) They have to learn the jumping andcheering moves.
C) They love the color and name of theirteam.
D) They always call out the name of all theplayers.
32. A) Clean all the desks and chairs inevery classroom.
B) Memorize the people who came to Americalong ago.
C) Stand up and sing American NationalAnthem.
D) Stand up and show respect to theirnational flag. Passage Three
33. A) Chose some pens and pencils.
B) Bargained with Mr. Stevenson about theprice.
C) Promised !hat they would come backagain.
D) Walked away at the end of their inquiry.
34. A) Disappointed.
B) Satisfied.
C) Doubtful.
D) Anxious.
35. A) Sell the store to the young couple.
B) Start another business for his daughter.
C) Give the store to his daughter andson-in-law.
D) Open a store to sell ice cream.
Section C
Part IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)
Section A
47.The newly released survey by the Pew Internet and American Lifeproject found that,rather than________,the Internet and cellphones tend to bring us closer.
48. Nowadays, the average social network is________ as that in 1985.
49. What features could be found in thosewho most rely on Internet and cell phone communication?
50. According to the research, net users and cell users are actually moreactive in_______.
51. Studies show that the positive effectsof the Internet do bring benefits to ________.
Passage One
52. Thecoffee analyzer developed by researchers is most probably intended for __
B) cafeterias
C) coffee plantations
D) coffee wholesalers
53. Whatis the disadvantage of the "electronic noses"?
A) Theycan't tell similar compounds from each other.
B) Theyreact with certain molecules of the compounds.
C) Theychange color or properties in chemicals reactions.
D) Theycan't distinguish all the more than 1000 compounds.
54. Theelectronic nose approach refined by Kenneth Suslick and colleagues can now __
A) tellthe difference between similar compounds
B) use fewer dyes but produce more distinct colors
C)reduce the impacts of chemical reactions on dyes
D) distinguish between different brands of coffee
55. Whatd oes Pavel Anzenbacher think of contaminants in water?
A)Spotting theft is more meaningful than telling coffee apart.
B) Eachof them corresponds to a unique molecule "fingerprint".
C) Theyare hard to detect without using the electronic noses.
D) They are among the most serious threatsto our environment.
56.Compared with the former electronic noses,the refined approach is intended to be______.
A)less time-consmaing
B)more economical
C)less complicated
D)more accurate
Passage Two
57.Fisheries sink or collapse when _______
A) theban on flshing is in effect
B)marine reserves are established
C) theenvironment is protected
D)stocks of fish are decreased
58. Whatis Jennifer Caselle most likely to agree with?
A)Commercial fishes almost died out in the reserves.
B)Non-commercial fishes remained unaffected in the reserves.
C)Commercial fishes almost disappeared outside the reserves.
D)Marine reselves should be built on a wider scale.
59. Whatthe Australian government decided to do in 2003 was ultimately aimed at __
A)increasing the number of fish species
B)decreasing the number of starfish
C)preserving the corals
D)setting up a marine park
60. Bysaying "the opposite was true in the Western Indian Ocean", Cinnermeans that reserves that were more remote tended.
A) have lessfish than unprotected areas
B) havemore fish than unprotected areas
C) haveless fish than reserves near large populations
D) havemore fish than reserves near large populations
61.Cinner would like to emphasize that people are more ready to comply withfishing restrictions __
A) ifthey are legally conscious
B) ifthey are cooperative
C) whenthey enjoy rich resources
D) whenthey are supervised
Part V Cloze (15 minutes)
62. A) refraining
B) recovering
C) recalling
D) retrieving
63. A) approximately
B) accordingly
C) consequently
D) contrastingly
64. A) unless
B) since
C) despite
D) Before
65. A) fresh
B) sour
C) tasteful
D) enjoyable
66. A) compelling
B) competing
C) disgusting
D) disappearing
67. A) dictation
B) administration
C) cliche
D) commission
68. A) impressions
B) implications
C) invention
D) inspiration
69. A) for
B) about
C) on
D) after
70. A) polish
B) post
C) switch
D) explore
71. A) just as
B) even then
C) ever since
D) if only
72. A) conclusion
B) excuse
C) notion
D) route
73. A) minor
B) major
C) inferior
D) superior
74. A) emerge
B) quote
C) condemn
D) uncover
75. A) desperately
B) deliberately
C) definitively
D) diligently
76. A) awkwardness
B) embarrassment
C) reason
D) question
77. A) resembles
B) recommends
C) rejects
D) reclaims
78. A) event
B) approach
C) moment
D) mission
79. A) And
B) Whether
C) So
D) But
80. A) that
B) to
C) in
D) for
81. A) tendency
B) advantage
C) inclination
D) priority
PartVI Translation (5 minutes)
82.Gender discrimination still exists in some place of the world,especially_________(在那些儿子被认为比女儿优越的文化中).
83.You can’t change your energy cycle,_________(但是你可以学着让生活更好地适应它).
94.When you look at an impressionist painting,________(和你看一件东西感觉相同)in natural sunlight.
85.Isolated events,even dramaticones,_________(不一定产生永久性的影响)on a child's behavior.
86. ________ (无论他是贫是富),1 will marry him all the same.