Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essayentitled Is It Better to Have a Stable Job? You should write at least 150 wordsfollowing the outline given below.
Is It Better to Have a Stable Job?
Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)
1.What is regarded its the fastest-growing group in the UK?
A)The pensioners.
B)The centenarians.
C)The minors.
D)The middle-aged.
2.The growing numbers of elderly people __________.
A)becomeeconomic burdens to the society
B)ignite a new industry for the elderly people
C)resultfrom the state's comfortable pension
D)have little negative impact on the country
3.According to the statistical study,the supercentenarians __________.
A1usually suffer from chronic disease in their late years
B)areless healthy than the centenarians in their late years
C)oftenlead a healthy life without chronic diseases
D)arefewer than centenarians in 1970 and’80s
4.In 2005,how manyelderly people were still self-sufficient in Christensen's sample?
A) 3600.
B) 1200.
C) 166.
D) 55.
5. Christensen's findings bring good newsfor society in that they show __________
A) centenarians don't necessarily depend onsociety
B) centenarians illustrate the high livingstandard
C) disability among centenarians can beavoided
D) healthy centenarians can contribute tosociety
6. According to Jessica Evert's analysis,the "escapers" __________
A) make up the largest part of thecentenarians
B) consist of more males than females
C) refer to those escape chronic diseasesbefore 80
D) live longer than those in other twocategory
7. e4, which is a variant of APoE,__________.
A) is commonly found in centenarians
B) is a signal gene that indicateslongevity
C) brings higher risk of heart disease
D) has been found in other organisms excepthuman
8. The people with two copies of FOXO3A aremore likely to be __________ in their old age.
9. FOXO3A influences, how __________ bycontrolling insulin/lGF-1 pathway.
10. With faster genomic technologies andmore centenarians, the prospects of searching for longevity genes become__________.
PartIV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)
Section A
47.The study made by the research team at the University of Nebraska.Lincoln infers that homework doesn’t deprive students oftheir________.
48.In Kiewra's paper he points out that the data on the homeworkquestion are not as ________ as people expected
49.According to Kenneth Kiewra,most of the mass-media often give people a false image that kidsalways feel pressure on their homework and have to give up _________.
50.The statistic shown in Kiewra's study indicates that many parentsdon’t worry too much about ________.
51.What could be the limitation of Kiewra'sstudy?
Section B
Passage One
52.What do we know about the 15 charter schools in Detroit?
A)They were to be built for charitablepurposes.
B)They were creating a successful model inDetroit.
C)The local teachers’ union refused to havethem built.
D) The Detroit union In thought they wouldnot be Successful.
53.New York State didn’t get the$700 million funding because_________.
A)the state legislature refused to give thegrant
B)the application was interfered with bythe UFT
C) the UFT didn’t file an application forthe grant
D)the state wasn’t competitive enough towin the grant
54.According to the second paragraph,the UFT set up rules in order to_________.
A) serve the interests of the membersB)monitor the teachers’ performance
C)be recognized by the public D)gainprofits from the public
55.By mentioning the auto industry,Shanker realized that_________.
A)the UFT is just like an auto unionB)privatization should be carried out
C) public education deserves to be endedD)teachers should be more conscientious
56.Which of the following best describes the feature of charterschools?
A)They are subject to the rules of teachers’unions.
B)They are financed by the federal government.
C)They are funded by individual entrepreneurs.
D)They are managed by individual entrepreneurs.
57. What happened when Earth's last ice agewas getting started?
A) Water began to be trapped in glaciers.
B) Glaciers began to melt into water.
C) Sea levels suddenly rose.
D) Sea levels suddenly dropped.
58. It's believed that for the past severalhundred thousand years, each ice age would last an average of_______ years.
A) 100,000
B) 90,000
C) 70,000
D) 11,000
59. What does "the puzzle" (Line1, Para. 4) refer to?
A) The cause of the ice-age cycle.
B) The duration of an ice-age cycle.
C) Whether the ice-age cycle is related tothe changes in Earth's orbit.
D) How fast the seas rose when the ice-agecycle was about to start.
60. What happened when the glaciers weremelting at a tremendous rate?
A) The mid-latitudes were flooded first.
B) The climate lost its regular balance.
C) The ice age almost came to an end.
D) The sea level rose rather quickly.
61. According to Daniel Muhs, data takenfrom Barbados and New Guinea suggested that the sea level _______.
A) remained unchanged
B) didn't rise much
C) rose remarkably fast
D) rose mysteriously
Part V Cloze (15 minutes)
62. A) conduct
B) aspect
C) signal
D) element
63. A) as
B) like
C) unlike
D) with
64. A) suspicion
B) confession
C) enlightenment
D) entertainment
65. A) couches
B) fountains
C) statues
D) groceries
66. A) exciting
B) respectable
C) controversial
D) original
67. A) finish
B) stretch
C) explode
D) stay
68. A) perspective
B) permission
C) pleasure
D) perception
69. A) exemplified
B) excluded
C) installed
D) amplified
70. A) stage
B) reality
C) band
D) comedy
71. A) as
B) when
~ C) while
D) that
72. A) outlook
B) pace
C) version
D) outcome
73. A) Therefore
B) Moreover
C) Furthermore
D) However
74. A) bizarre
B) orthodox
C) cautious
D) vulnerable
75. A) or
B) but
C) and
D) so
76. A) benefited
B) effected
C) impacted
D) influenced
77. A) on
B) for
C) around
D) in
78. A) constantly
B) consistently
C) consciously
D) consequently
79. A) concrete
B) practical
C) abstract
D) normal
80. A) civilization
B) industry
C) path
D) progression
81. A) charity
B) community
C) insurance
D) welfare
第6页:Part VI Translation
Part VI Translation (5 minutes)
82.In Chinese history.there were somany heroes who _______(宁可死也不向敌人屈服).
83.Looking back on ray childhood,I_______ (确信博物学家是天生的而非后天形成的).
84.On the road to future success,________ (太看重教育背景是不明智的).
85.Why didn't you turn to me for help? You _______(本不必向银行借钱的).
86.Landscape,the relativelength of day and night,and climatemust all________(对决定我们是什么样的人起作用).