日期:2012-03-30 13:16


Day 4
第一部分 词汇认知

  1. allege vt. 断言,宣称,硬说

  【联想】allege与claim. allegd指无证据或未找到证据时的宣称;而claim只指作为自己权利提出的要求来要别人承认。

  2. applaud vi. 鼓掌,喝彩 vt. 向...鼓掌,向...喝彩;称赞,赞许

  【联想】applause n. 鼓掌,掌声

  【例句】The residents in the neighbourhood all applauded the council's decision to close the small dye factory.附近的居民们一直赞成市政委员会关于关闭这家小印染厂的决定。

  3. commentary n.(广播员对球赛的)实况报道,(电影的)解说词;评论,评论文章

  【联想】comment n. 评论,意见;闲话,议论 v. 评论;commentate v. 实况报道;commentator n. 评论员,解说员

  【搭配】commentary on/of sth. 实况报道,现场解说;a Bible commentary 《圣经》集注

  4. concise a. 简明的,简要的

  【联想】concisely ad. 简明地;conciseness n. 简明,简要

  【搭配】a concise account 简明的报道

  5. dazzle vt. 使炫目,耀眼;使赞叹不已,使倾倒 n. 耀眼的光;令人称赞的东西

  【联想】dazzling a. 令人眼花缭乱的

  【搭配】be dazzled by sb's beauty 被某人的美貌所倾倒

  6. defy vt. (公然)违抗,藐视;使成为不可能;挑,激

  【联想】defy与deny defy指公然违背,不服从;而deny表示否认

  【搭配】defy the law 违背法律,藐视法律

  7. disperse vi. 使分散,散开;使消散,消失 vt.分散,散开;消散,驱散

  【联想】dispersal n. 分散,消散;dispersion n. 分散,散开;(尤指光的)色散

  【搭配】disperse a crowd 驱散人群

  8. eligible a. 有条被选中的,有恰当资格的;(尤指婚姻)合适的,合意的

  【联想】eligibility n. 适宜人选,有资格,合格

  【搭配】be eligible for sth./to do sth. 有资格做某事;eligible to join a club 有资格加入俱乐部

  9. expenditure n. 经费,费用,消耗;(时间、金钱等的)花费,支出,消耗

  【联想】expend vt. 花费,消耗,消费;expense n. 价钱,花费,费;(pl.)开支,业务费用;expensive a. 昂贵的,花钱多的

  【搭配】expenditure of sth.on sth.购买...的开支;expenditure of energy on a project 在一项目上耗费的精力

  10. foster vt. 收养,养育;培养,促进 a. 收养的,收养孩子的


  【搭配】foster an interest 培养兴趣;foster a child 领养一个孩子

  11. heighten v. 使提高,加强

  【联想】height n. 高,高度,身高;(pl.)高处,高地

  12. impart vt. 告知,透露;赋予,给予

  【搭配】impart sth to sb. 将(情况)通知或告知某人,透露某事

  13. integrity n.政治,诚实,诚恳;完整,完全,完善

  【联想】intergrate v.(into,with)(使)成为一体,(使)合并

  【搭配】a man of integrity 正直的人;a nation's territorial integrity 一个国家的领土完整


  给出单词:1allege 2concise 3dazzle 4commentary 5defy 6eligible 7foster 8disperse 9expenditure 10heighten 11integrity 12impart 13applaud

  1. Put on dark glasses or the sun will___you and you won't be able to see.

  2. His spirited___makes a match very interesting even on the redio.

  3. It was___that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.

  4. The new secretary has written a remarkably___report only a few pages but with all the details.

  5. The bombing by the U.S and its NATO allies of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade___the Chiness people's anti-American feelings.

  6. As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living,he___his parent;s stricr rules.

  7. The manager said you were___for the post.

  8. A thunderstorm came up and___the picnickers.

  9. Whether you live to eat or eat to live,food is a majoy___in every family's budget.

  10. The boy___a feeling of pride over his recent success.

  11. Mutual respect for territorial___is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.

  12. The Prime Minister___teh news of his trip to China at a pres conference.

  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • applaudvi. 拍手喝采 vt. 称赞,鼓掌
  • commentaryn. 实况报道,现场解说,评论,注释,批评
  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论
  • impartvt. 传授,赋予,告知
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • expendituren. (时间、劳力、金钱等)支出,使用,消耗
  • commentatorn. 评论员,解说员,注释者
  • conciseadj. 简明的,简要的
  • adoptv. 采用,收养,接受