Jobs may be scarce today, but if current trends hold, pretty soon there will be plenty of fun, lucrative gigs. If you have the vision to start prepping now, you could be flying starships, reading minds, or designing organs.
Forecaster of Everything
Job: Analyze data to predict the future.Hiring: 2015
Trend: The U.S. Bureau of Labor estimates that demand for statistics wonks will swell by 20 percent by 2018. As the barrage of data grows—tweets, insulin-meter uploads, facial-recognition billboards—we'll need skilled people to choose what data to pull and how to make it useful. As businesses become more dependent on these analyses, the raw data itself will become a key commodity, creating its own industry. Expect openings for data brokers trading exclusive rights to data portfolios.
Education: Study computer science or stats, then enroll in a prediction-proficiency program such as DePaul University's.
Organ Designer
Job: Make organs from scratch. Hiring: 2020
Trend: Every 90 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies waiting for a transplant. With the senior population doubling by 2050, expect more internal plumbing problems. Medical company Tengion's simple "neo-organs", such as bladders, arrive as soon as next year. But we'll still need to figure out how to fashion trickier organs like lungs, kidneys and hearts, all made using the patient's own cells to reduce rejection. "If you're adding a new fender," says Tim Bertram, a senior vice president at Tengion, "it has to be the right make and model."
发展趋势:在美国,每隔90分钟就有一个人在等待器官移植中死去。到2050年,老年人口将翻一番,届时,预计会有更多的人需要进行器官移植。Tegion医药公司生产的构造简单的 “新器官”最快明年就能上市,比如膀胱。不过,我们仍然需要研究如何制造出像肺、肾、心脏之类更复杂的器官。为了减少排斥反应,制造这些器官均要使用病人自身的细胞。“这就好比你如果要装一个新的挡泥板,”Tengion公司资深副总裁蒂姆·伯特仑说,“那么它的结构和样式都必须得恰到好处。”
Education: A bioengineering program, such as Wake Forest's, which is working to grow more than 22 different organs and tissues in the lab
World Watcher
Job: See it all with satellites. Hiring: 2030
工作内容:用卫星观天下。 上岗时间:2030年
Trend: Multispectral satellites can already spot buried ancient cities and track how temperature, population and ground cover help spread disease. As imaging improves, more reverse-astronomers will look down at our own planet with something like a super-powered, time-lapse Google Earth.
Education: Archaeology or geophysics, then grad work in Earth imaging, such as at the University of Wisconsin.
Galactic Architect
Job: Build cosmic outposts. Hiring: 2025
工作内容:建造宇宙前哨基地。 上岗时间:2025年
Trend: President Obama says that astronauts will reach an asteroid by 2025. Soon we'll be mining precious metals and making rest-stops to Mars, projects that require buildings and vehicles that can withstand everything from subzero temperatures to extreme radiation. Learning to keep people alive in materials-starved space could help Earth-dwellers, too. "Extreme environments provide lessons for everywhere," says Larry Bell, a space architect at the University of Houston. "How do you do more with less? What is recyclable?"
Education: A master's in space architecture, currently available only at the University of Houston.
lucrative adj. 合算的,获利的
statistics n. 统计学,统计,统计数字
commodity n. 商品,日用品,有价值之物
swell v.(使)膨胀,(使)鼓起,(使)增长 n. 增大,膨胀,肿胀, 汹涌
portfolio n. 文件夹,公事包,作品集,投资组合,(大臣或)部长职务
bioengineering n. 生物工程(学),遗传工程
galactic adj. 星系的,银河系的, 乳汁的, 巨大的
cosmic adj. 宇宙的,广大无边的, 无限的