Thought Hacker
Job: Read thoughts. Hiring: 2030
Trend: In 2009, U.S. lawyers made the first request to introduce a "lie-detecting"functional-MRI scan as evidence. Though later withdrawn because of shaky scientific support, mind-reading tech will only get stronger. Neuroscientists led by Jack Gallant of the University of California at Berkeley can already roughly reconstruct what people are seeing just from scanning their brains, and memories, thoughts and dreams could be next. Brain-computer interfaces are also well on their way. Fields including psychotherapy and recreational mind-melding will depend on workers who can see into the mind's eye.
Education: Neuroscience or computer science—they should converge before we go bionic.
Human/Robot Interaction Specialist
Job: Help robots and people get along. Hiring: 2030
Trend: Robot nurses won't help Grandpa much if they don't understand his sarcasm. We'll need savvy workers making—and remaking—robots to ensure that they operate seamlessly in our world. And we'll require help coping in theirs. As droids lure people away from real human contact, expect a demand for specialized therapists to boost people's social and robotical skills.
Education: Schools strong in artificial intelligence, such as MIT, Carnegie Mellon University and Stanford University.
Space Pilot
Job: Fly shuttles to space. Hiring: 2020
工作内容:驾驶飞船前往太空。 上岗时间:2020年
Trend: Virgin Galactic plans to launch the first commercial suborbital spaceflights by 2012 for about $200,000 a seat. With competition from other companies, that price could soon drop low enough for daily shuttle service to outer space, the moon and asteroids for tourism, mining and science. Commercial pilots will regain the mystique they had in the 1960s as thousands of them strap in for the stars.
Education: Aviation school or the Air Force. Also check out NASA's underwater space-simulator laboratory.
Animal-Migration Engineer
Job: Create new habitats for critters12). Hiring: 2030
工作内容:为动物创建新的栖息地。 上岗时间:2030年
Trend: Many habitats are now being destroyed faster than a species can evolve. But moving creatures to new homes could save them. After figuring out which species to put where (quite the task), an "assisted migration" effort requires more care than just piling two of everything into an ark. For example, conservationists who currently relocate butterflies identify suitable sites with aerial photos and trim local plants to the insects' exacting standards.
Education: Intern with a group like Operation Migration, which leads cranes to new watering holes.