日期:2011-05-06 10:15



vt./n. (联合)抵制,拒绝参与

A: I broke my leg and had to wear a brace for two months.

B: That must have been very painful.


vt. 1.使防备,使受锻炼; 2.支住,撑牢; 3.使绷紧

n. 支架,托架

A: That is a beautiful bracelet that you are wearing.

B: Thanks, it was my grandmother’s.


n. 手镯,臂镯

A: Excuse me, sir, but should this sentence be put in brackets?

B: No, they are not necessary.

A: The bookshelves are falling down.

B: That is because you did not bracket them to the wall.


n. 1.括号; 2.(年龄,收入等的)等级段,档次; 3.壁架,托架

vt. 1.把…置于括号内; 2.把…归入同一类

A: Billy is always bragging about his success.

B: Ah, he is still young, be patient with him.


v. 自夸,吹嘘

A: Would you like a brandy?

B: No, thanks. It is too early for a drink.


n. 白兰地酒

A: What happened to Peter? I see that he broke his arm.

B: Oh, he got into a brawl on the street last night.


n./vi. 争吵,打架

A: Why are you home from work? It is early.

B: I could not stand it anymore and was forced to breach my contract.


n. 1.破坏,违反;2.(关系的)破裂,不和; 3. 缺口,裂口

vt. 1.攻破, 在…造成缺口; 2.破坏,违反

A: Sorry I am late, there was a breakdown on the road.

B: Not to worry, the class has not started yet.


n. 1.垮台,破裂;2.(健康,精神等)衰竭,衰弱; 3.(机器等的)损坏,故障; 4分类

A: Finally, a breakthrough in my science experiment.

B: Great, all your hard work has finally paid off.


n. 突破,突破性进展,重要的新发现

A: Will you put the tea on to brew please?

B: Sure, in a few minutes.

A: After failing the exam he brewed for four days.

B: And is he feeling better now?

A: Is this a strong brew?

B: No, it is fairly weak.


vt. 1.酿造(啤酒); 2.冲泡(茶,咖啡等)

vi. 1.(茶,咖啡等)冲泡; 2.酝酿,行将发生

n. 冲泡(或酿造)的饮料

A: I was offered a bribe to give my students better marks in their exams.

B: I hope that you did not accept it.

A: Tell me, why did you break into the bank?

B: I was bribed into it.


vt. 向…行贿,买通

n. 贿赂,行贿物

A: Where are the letter you were meant to post?

B: Oh, they are in my briefcase, but I left it at the office.


n. 公文包,公事包

A: What was your childhood dream?

B: To become a member of the fire brigade.

  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • breakthroughn. 突破
  • bracev. 使防备,支撑,拉紧,使绷紧 n. 支柱,托架,支架
  • bragn. 吹牛的人,自夸,傲慢的态度 v. 吹牛,炫耀 ad
  • breachn. 裂口,破坏,违背,(浪的)冲击,决裂 vt. 违反
  • braceletn. 手镯
  • brawln. 争吵,大声的吵闹 vi. 争吵,发出大声吵闹
  • contractn. 合同,契约,婚约,合约 v. 订合同,缩短,缩小,
  • boycottvt. 抵制(贸易),拒绝参加
  • bracketn. 支架,括号,档次 vt. 支撑,放在括号内,归入一