日期:2011-04-25 10:06



n. 1.一批,一组,一群; 2.一批生产量

A: The woman was horribly battered by her husband.

B: How awful, I hope that she left him

A: Do you like pancakes?

B: No, and nothing else that is made out of batter.


v. 连续猛击

n. (用鸡蛋,牛奶等调制的)面糊

A: Where did you buy your necklace?

B: Oh, I just bought the beads and made it myself.


n. 1.小珠子; 2.(水,血,汗的)小滴

A: I beckoned him to come, but he refused to move.

B: Perhaps you were not polite enough.


v. 示意,召唤

A: Watch out, there is a beetle crawling under your leg.

B: Ah, I hate insects.


n. 甲虫

A: You should have telephoned me beforehand when you knew you were going to be late.

B: I am sorry, but my mobile phone is broken.


ad. 预先,事先

A: There is no need to bellow orders at me.

B: Sorry, but I did not think that you would hear me unless I shouted.

A: The fire is going out. What should I do?

B: Use the bellows to blow air onto it.


vi. 1.咆哮,怒吼; 2.(公牛般地)吼叫

vt. 大声发出,大声喝道

n. 1.喊声,咆哮; 2.[~ s]风箱

A: I have a pain in my belly.

B: Well, you should have bad breakfast.


n. 肚子,腹部

A: Thank you for the beautiful present, you are far too benevolent.

B: You are most welcome. Kindness is not a complaint.


a. 仁慈的,善意的,慈善的

A: The test results have come back and the lump was benign.

B: Thanks, Doctor. I was so worried.


a. 1.善良的,慈祥的; 2.(肿瘤等)良性的,无危险的

A: I read in the newspaper that the city was besieged by unexpected attack.

B: Oh, I never trust the newspapers.


vt. 1.围攻,围困; 2.围住,拥在…周围

A: I bestow this gift upon you as a sign of my gratitude and thanks.

B: You are too generous.


vt. 赠与,授予

A: Why are you looking so upset?

B: My girlfriend has just betrayed me.


vt.1.背叛,出卖; 2.失信于,辜负; 3.泄露(秘密等); 4.(非故意地)暴露,显露

A: Would you like a hot beverage, Richard?

B: No thanks, Peter. I just had a coffee.


n. 饮料

A: I was bitten on the leg as I walked through the gate.

B: Did you not read the sign, “Beware of the Dog” ?


v. 谨防,当心

A: Every time I look at the night sky I am bewildered by the stars.

B: Me too, they are fascinating.

  • kindnessn. 仁慈,好意
  • bestowvt. 授予,适用,利用
  • fascinatingadj. 迷人的
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • generousadj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的
  • beetlen. 甲虫 n. 大锥,小木槌 vi. 忙碌地来回,突出
  • benignadj. 仁慈的,温和的,良性的
  • beadn. 珠子,滴 vt. 用珍珠布置或覆盖,象珍珠一样串成
  • gratituden. 感恩之心
  • lumpn. 团,块,瘤,笨重的人 v. 使成块,形成团状,归并