日期:2011-04-21 10:02



n. 绷带

vt. 用绷带绑扎

A: This film is stupid.

B: Really, you usually one the ones about bandits and cowboys.


n. 强盗,土匪,歹徒

A: I can’t banish my girlfriend from my dreams.

B: It must be love then.


vt. 1.放逐,驱逐;2.消除,排除

A: My university is putting on an huge banquet for my graduation.

B: Sounds wonderful, can I come?


n. 宴会,盛宴

A: The weather is wonderful, let’s have a barbecue.

B: You go ahead, I have already had my dinner.


n. 1.金属烧烤; 2.烧烤野餐

vt. 在烤架上烧烤

A: That is a very long boat in the canal.

B: It is one of the largest barges in the country.


n. 驳船

vi. (卤莽而笨拙地)猛撞,冲,闯

barge in 闯入,干预

A: This tea tastes strange.

B: That is because it is made out of barley.


n. 大麦

A: The barometer indicates that it is going to be raining tomorrow.

B: Oh, I never trust that old thing.


n. 气压计,晴雨表

A: The barracks were burned down during the fighting.

B: Was anyone injured?


v. 起哄,喝倒彩

n. [pl.] 兵营,营房

A: These fields are so barren I am amazed that even grass can grow on them.

B: It can just about, but it has difficulty.


a. 1.(土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的; 2.不结果实的,不(生)育的; 3.无益的,没有结果的

A: My little brother has barricaded himself into his bedroom and refused to come out.

B: Don’t worry, when he gets hungry he will come out.

A: The old town walls were initially built as barricades to keep the enemy out.

B: It is a shame that they have been so badly damaged!


n. 路障,栅栏,障碍

vt. 设路障于,挡住

A: Do you have a basement in your house?

B: Yes, but we only use it for storage.


n. 地下室

A: This music is terrible.

B: I think that it is just because the bass is too loud.


n. 1.男低音,低声部,低音乐器; 2.鲈鱼

A: I once read a book about an unwanted bastard child that was left to grow up alone in a forest.

B: I think that I may have read that one also.


n. 1.坏蛋,混蛋; 2.私生子

A: There is a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen.

B: I am glad that you like it, I have just made a batch of biscuits.

  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • basementn. 根基,地下室 n.(新英格兰)特别指学校中的
  • initiallyadv. 最初,开头
  • bargen. 驳船 vi. 猛撞,冲,闯
  • banishvt. 驱逐,流放,消除
  • canaln. 运河,沟渠,气管,食管 vt. 建运河,疏导
  • barricaden. 路障,街垒,障碍物,栅栏 (复数)barricad
  • banquetn. 宴会 vi. 宴请 vt. 宴会,设宴
  • bastardadj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋
  • barrenadj. 不育的,贫瘠的