英语四级翻译模拟题附答案和讲解 第154期:气功
日期:2015-09-01 16:21



气功(Qigong)是中国文化的杰出遗产(legacy),也是传统中医的一个重要组成部分。它是以调心、调息、调身为手段的身心锻炼方法。气功能解乏并改善睡眠质量,从而提高工作效率。因此,在当代中国气功仍然很流行。气功分为医疗气功(healing Qigong)和健身气功(fitness Qigong两类:医疗气功用于治疗身体疾病;健身气功主要用于强健体魄,延缓衰老。越来越多的外国人加入练气功的行列。


1.第1句的两个分句分述了气功的两个性质,故可处理成两个并列的表语,用as well as 或 both... and...等表并列的连词来连接。
2.第2句中的“调心、调息”中的“调”应该理解为“调整,调理”,用regulate再合适不过;“心”指“心理”而不是 “心脏”,“息”指“气息,呼吸”而不是“休息”,故分别用表达。准确理解原文是翻译的前提。
4.第5句冒号后内容是对两类气功的解释说明,用the former和the latter分别指代它们,简洁明了且不会引起歧义。该句中出现了两个“用于”,且所在句句子结构相同,可用意义相同的两个短语serve as和be used for分别表达,以避免重复。


Qigong is an outstanding legacy of Chinese culture as well as an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is to exercise both the body and the mind through the regulation of the mind, the breath and the body. Qigong relieves fatigue and improves sleep quality so as to improve work efficiency, which is why it is still popular in China now. There are two kinds of Qigong practices, that is, healing Qigong and fitness Qigong. The former serves as a treatment for diseases while the latter is used for strengthening the body and delaying aging. An increasing number of foreigners join the ranks of practicing Qigong.
