英语四级翻译模拟题附答案和讲解 第78期:高考英语改革
日期:2015-04-11 10:33



据报道,北京市教委(Beiiing Municipal Commission of Education)将对高考(the college admission test)进行改革。英语的分数由150分减为100分,而语文由150分增至180分。现行的高考制度中,语文、数学、英语三门考试分数相同。有关官员称,此次高考改革方案既是—个符合实际的决定,也是一项关乎民族自豪感的重大举措,因为它强调了母语学习的基础性重要地位。但是,也有专家称此次高考改革只是微调,不会削减英语本身的重要性。


1.第2句“英语的分数……,而语文…”由两个结构相同且语义相对的分句组成,故可用While引导从句表对照。“由......减为/增至”可表达为decrease/increase from...to,如果分别加上趋向副词down和up,则表达更淸晰。

2.第3句“现行的髙考制度中,语文、数学、英语三门考试分数相同”,如果逐字对译为In the current college admission test, the scores of English, Chinese and maths are equal 则因主语太长而使句子显得头重 脚轻。故翻译时,将主语转换为“髙考”,用动词weigh(权衡)作谓语,把形容词“现行的”转换成副词 currently,整句译为 Currently,the test weighs English, Chinese and maths equally,简洁流畅。

3.翻译第4句中的“改革方案”应采取“减词”译法,直接表达为reform,省去“方案”一词不译。汉语中为了行文 需要的范畴词在英译时可省略不译。

4.最后一句中的“不会削减英语本身的重要性”可直译为it would not reduce the importance of English, 但不如介词短语without reducing...来得简单。


According to the report, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education plans to reform on the college admission test. The English score will decrease from 150 points down to 100 points while the Chinese score will increase from 150 up to 180 points. Currenfly,the test weighs English, Chinese and maths equals. Officials concerned said that this refrom was not only a practical decision but also a matter of national pride because this change highlighted the fundamental importance of mother tongue learning. But some experts claimed that the reform was just a minor adjustment without reducing the importance of English.
