2014年英语四级阅读理解精练附答案和解析 第12篇:"八国集团"应改为"九国集团"
日期:2014-08-14 13:59



Bringing China In From The Cold

The loopiest aspect of the Group of 8 conclave in Evian is the notion that global leaders are confronting the challenges of the 21 st century in the absence of the nation that may well dominate the century. That's right: China .

Even if China's gross domestic product1 is measured using its official, undervalued exchange rate, its economy is far bigger than those of G-8 members like Canada or Italy — and almost three times the size of Russia's. If one values China 's economy using another approach, purchasing power parity, then it is already easily the biggest economy outside the U. S.

As it happens, France invited China's new leader —Hu Jintao — to Evian. But Mr. Hu may be the second most important man in the world, and he deserves a place in a Group of 9. On short and long term issues that the G-8 grapples with — from dealing with North Korea to preventing global warming — the two key players in the world are China and the U. S. And it's ridiculous to include Russia in the G-8 but not China.

Several objections can be raised to expanding the G-8 to include China: It's a summit meeting for industrialized nations, and China isn't one . It's true that China has more peasants than any country in the world, but it also has more industrialists. Hey, it's China.

China exports more manufactured goods than Canada, Italy or Russia; it is launching a space program to put a man on the moon; its biotechnology is superb. And while the industrialization of China is still in its early stages, the world needs to wrestle with what that means: if the Chinese come to use as much energy per capita as Americans do, that will amount to more than the total amount of energy now produced worldwide.

China has steadily become more responsible over the years on issues ranging from trade to terror, and in the last few months it has shown real leadership on resolving the North Korean crisis2.

President Bush has managed relations with China very well, mostly because Pentagon hawks3 who had been trying to turn Beijing into The Enemy were distracted by 9 /11. There are real risks that we will become enemies — there could be clashes between the U. S. and China over Taiwan, the South China Sea — but they will be lessened if we give China opportunities for global leadership.

In the meantime, China is too important to leave out in the cold. As the leaders in Evian struggle over SARS, AIDS, Iran and North Korea, they need China within their ranks, as a member of the G-9 .


Ⅰ. Choices :

1. Which countries have less GDP than China does?

A. Italy B. Canada C. Russia D. France

2. Which of the following have less purchasing power than China does?

A. Italy B. Canada C. Russia D. France E. Germany F. Japan

3. Which countries export less manufactured goods than China?

A. Italy B. Canada C. Russia D. France E. Germany F. Japan

Ⅱ. Question :

Where did this G-8 summit hold?


Ⅰ. 1. A / B / C 2. A / B / C / D / E / F 3 . A / B / C

Ⅱ. Evian, France.



值此全球领导人面对21 世纪挑战之际,“ 八国集团”埃维昂秘密会议最糊涂的一面就是, 一个很可能主导这个世纪的国家却缺席了这个会议。这个国家就是中国。

即使按中国官方低估了的人民币汇率计算的中国国内生产总值也远远大于“ 八国集团”中的一些国家, 如加拿大和意大利, 几乎是俄罗斯的3 倍。如果按照购买力评价方法计算的话, 中国经济已是世界上仅次于美国的经济体。

碰巧, 法国邀请中国新领导人胡锦涛到了埃维昂。可是胡锦涛可能是这个世界上二号重要人物, 他应该在“ 九国集团”中有一席之地。无论短期或长远的事件——— 比如朝鲜问题或者全球变暖,“ 八国集团”要想处理好, 就得靠中国和美国这两大世界上的主要角色。但荒唐的是,“ 八国集团”有俄罗斯, 居然没有中国。

反对让中国加入“ 八国集团”不外乎以下一些观点: 峰会是工业化国家的会议, 但中国不是。中国的农民数量世界第一这点没错, 但同样它的工业家的数量也是最多的。喏, 这就是中国。

中国制成品出口比加拿大、意大利和俄罗斯都要多; 中国正在进行载人飞船计划; 中国生物技术很先进。中国正处于工业化的早期阶段, 有必要深思这对世界意味着什么。如果中国的人均能源消费达到美国人现在的水平, 那么, 中国的能源消费将超过世界目前所能生产的能源总和。在过去几年里, 中国无论在国际贸易方面, 还是在反恐领域都比以前承担了更多的责任。过去几个月, 中国在解决朝鲜危机问题上, 也发挥了真正的领导作用。

布什总统在处理美中关系方面做得很好, 多半是因为当五角大楼鹰派正试图把中国归入“ 敌人”时,“9 · 11”帮助布什扭转了这个局面。美中之间确实存在很多使双方敌对的危险, 比如两国在台湾问题和南中国海问题上的冲突, 但如果我们给中国一个扮演全球领导角色的机会, 这些风险就会降低。

同时, 中国太重要而不能被束之高阁。当在埃维昂的领袖们就非典问题、艾滋病问题、伊朗问题和朝鲜问题进行磋商时, 他们需要中国, 他们需要“ 九国集团”的头衔。阅读导评中国的地位越来越重要, 这点美国人最清楚。二十世纪七八十年代, 美国媒体对于中国的报道多是“ 天使化”, 现在多是“ 妖魔化”。因为美国经济学界已经达成的共识是“ 如果中国的人均能源消费达到美国人现在的水平, 那么中国的能源消费将超过世界目前所能生产的能源总和。”届时, 美国的油价要涨到什么程度? 日本现在也积极谋求扼杀中国的能源空间: 要求俄罗斯停修“ 安大线”改修“安纳线”以切断俄罗斯对华原油供应, 将这些原油出口到日本。但是中国的国际地位不会因为遏制就下降, 这点他们遗忘了。


1. 国民生产总值。这个词的缩略GDP 也已经进入汉语。它是衡量一个国家经济发展的最重要指标之一, 西方七大工业国就是因为国民生产总值最高所以能够在全球经济范畴指点江山。

2. 朝鲜核问题。2003 年朝鲜提出要退出“ 核不扩散条约”, 当时美国正忙于伊拉克战争无暇东顾, 致使问题一拖再拖, 直到中国提出在北京召开六方会谈才使问题回到谈判桌上,没有进一步升级。

3. 主战派, 强硬派, 鹰派。( 反义词) doves 主和派, 温和派, 鸽派
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易
  • industrializationn. 工业化
  • expanding扩展的,扩充的
  • domesticadj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的 n. 家仆,佣人
  • dominatev. 支配,占优势,俯视
  • dealingn. 经营方法,行为态度 (复数)dealings:商务
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • summitn. 顶点;最高阶层 vi. 参加最高级会议,爬到最高点
  • measuredadj. 量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有韵律的 动词me
  • approachn. 接近; 途径,方法 v. 靠近,接近,动手处理