日期:2014-06-07 16:27


  宗教 Religions
  佛教 Buddhism
  释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni
  佛寺 Buddhist temple
  大雄宝殿 the Great Buddha’s Hall
  藏经楼 depositary of Buddhist texts
  金刚经 Vajracchedika-sutra
  素菜馆 vegetarian restaurant
  罗汉堂 arhat hall
  观音 Guanyin; Goddess of Mercy; Avalokitesvara
  地藏 God of Earth
  四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians (at the entrance to a Buddhism temple);Four Devarajas
  四大天王 Four Heavenly Kings
  因果报应 karma
  藏传佛教 Lamaism
  大藏经 Tripitaka
  转世灵童 reincarnated soul boy
  喇嘛庙 lamasery
  道教 Taoism
  道观 Taoist temple
  道士 Taoist priest

  关帝庙 temple of Lord Guan
  儒教 Confucianism
  孔子庙 Confucian temple
  孔子 Confucius
  rightness, propriety , wisdom , trustworthiness , loyalty , reciprocity ,filial piety , brotherly love
  学儿优则仕 A good scholar can become an official ./ He who excels in study can follow an official career .
  禅宗 Zen Buddhism
  There belief is passed on outside the religion
  There is no reliance on written scripts
  It goes straight into people’s minds .
  One becomes a Buddha the moment
  He sees his own Buddha nature .
  伊斯兰教 Islam
  清真寺 mosques
  古兰经 the Koran
  耶稣教 Christianity

  传统节日 Traditional Festivals
  拜年 paying a New Year call
  爆竹 firecracker
  鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers
  除夕 New Year’s Eve
  春节 Spring Festival
  春联 Spring Festival couplets (conveying best wishes for the year )
  辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new ; ring out the old year and ring in the new
  大扫除 year-end household cleaning
  灯谜 lantern riddles
  登高 hill climbing
  端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
  恭喜发财 May you be prosperous! / Wish you all the best !
  观灯 viewing the lanterns
  贺年片 New Year film
  饺子 dumplings (with meat and vegetable stuffing )
  龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance
  庙会 temple fair
  年画 New Year picture
  年夜饭 family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve
  压岁钱 money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift

  烹饪 Culinary Arts
  美食节 gourmet festival
  中餐烹饪 Chinese cuisine
  色,香,味俱全 perfect combination of color , aroma , taste and appearance
  four major Chinese cuisines: Shandong cuisine , Sichuan cuisine , Canton cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine
  南淡北咸,东甜西辣 the light southern cuisine , and the salty northern cuisine ;the sweet eastern cuisine , and the spicy western cuisine
  八宝菜 eight-treasure pickles ( assorted walnut meats , asparagus , lettuce , almonds , cucumber and peanuts , etc . pickled in soy sauce )
  八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding (glutinous rice steamed with preserved fruits , sweetened bean paste , lotus seeds , longan , etc.)
  白斩鸡 tender boiled chicken (made by boiling a whole chicken in water and cutting into cubes , then dipping into seasonings )
  臭豆腐 odd-odour bean curb
  粉蒸肉 pork streamed with rice flour
  风味小吃 local delicacy
  腐竹 rolls of dried bean milk cream
  冷盘 hors d’oeuvres
  萨其马 Manchu candied fritter cut in squares

  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • curbn. 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘 vt. 抑制,束缚,牵(
  • saltyadj. 咸的
  • reciprocityn. 相互性,相互作用,互惠主义
  • preservedadj. 保藏的;腌制的;[美俚]喝醉的
  • pietyn. 虔诚
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • proprietyn. 适当,正当,得体 (复数)proprieties:
  • stringn. 线,一串,字串 vt. 串起,成串,收紧,悬挂;系
  • glutinousadj. 粘性的,胶状的