日期:2014-05-15 16:25


  如果选项中含有think, like, dislike, enjoy, agree, disagree, mind等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可能是关于对某人或某事物的评价或感受。
  [A]Not clearly specified.
  [B]Not likely to be met.
  [C]Reasonable enough.
  [D]Apparently sexist.
  四个选项中均含有表示评论的词语(specified, reasonable等),故问题很可能是关于某人对某事物的看法。
  W: Yes, erm, what sort of education are you actually looking for?
  M: Well, you know, a couple of A levels. Must have English, of course.
  W: Yes, I think you’re asking quite a lot. I mean you’re not really prepared to pay all ...
  M: No, I’m not prepared to give him a big salary to start with. Nevertheless, I want someone with plenty of ambition, plenty of drive. You know, not looking at the clock all the time.
  W: Well sir, I wish you the best of luck and hope you have some very successful interviews.
  M: Well, yes?
  W: Because personally I think you’re asking an awful lot.
  21. What does Brenda think of the qualifications Mr. Browning insists on?

  • ambitionn. 雄心,野心,抱负,精力 vt. 有 ... 野心,
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • dislikev. 不喜欢,厌恶 n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感
  • neverthelessadv. 仍然,不过 conj. 然而,不过
  • reasonableadj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的