日期:2014-03-04 16:30


  feature n. ①特征 ②容貌
  例:The personification of evil as a devil is a feature of medieval painting. 用魔鬼象征罪恶是中世纪绘画的特色。Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区的特点。搭配:feature…as… 以……为特色:The film features Anthony Hopkins as Picasso. 这部电影由安东尼·霍普金斯扮演毕加索。feature in 起重要作用:Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes. 橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中显得很重要。拓展:featured a. 有……的面貌特征的
  A: Do you know what the main feature the Sydney Olympics is?
  B: Of course, I know. Environmental protection.
  A: Do you know when IOC put forward the issue of environmental protection?
  B: Sorry, I have no idea about it.
  A: Let me tell you. In 1991, at that time, Sydney put forward the slogan “environmental protection”, thus, it won the bid.
  B: What a nice memory! Oh, I know that Beijing and Sydney bid for the Olympic Games together.
  A: Yeah, Sydney had five strategies: save energy, save water, reduce trash, prevent pollution, and protect the environment.
  B: They have racked their brain.
  B:他们可谓绞尽脑汁。【注】rack one s brain 绞尽脑汁

  focus n. 焦点,焦距;v. 集中,聚集
  例:Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph. 要照出清晰的照片,就要把焦点对准物体。搭配:focus on 集中于……:The discussion focused on three main problems. 讨论集中在三个主要问题上。In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor’s face. 在这个镜头中,摄影机对准演员的脸部。拓展:focused a. 聚集的
  A: Did you know that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?
  B: Yes. The Nobel Committee must be crazy; they really made a wrong decision.
  A: Why?
  B: You know no presidents can be a real pacifist; they can only focus on their own nation’s benefits.
  A: Maybe you are right, but I think the Committee made a wise decision.
  B: How did you get this conclusion?
  A: The Nobel Committee compelled Obama to be a pacifist by conferring the prize on him. So the world can be really peaceful.
  B: It is interesting. It seems that it’s Tripitaka’s Curse.
  A: Yes, the Nobel Peace Prize is an inhibiting magic phrase.
  B: It looks like I should support the decision.

  【注】pacifist n. 和平主义者;Tripitaka’s Curse 三藏的紧箍咒;inhibiting a. 约束的

  function n. 功能;v. 运行,起作用
  例:The machine won’t function properly if you don’t oil it well. 如果不给机器加油, 它就无法正常运转。搭配:function as sb./sth. 起……作用,具有……功能:I need money to be able to function as an artist. 有钱才能成为艺术家。

  given a. ①倾向于,② 赠予的;prep. 如果有,假如
  例:After 10 years in prison, he was given his freedom. 他在监狱服刑10年后获释。Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. 如果照样再给他治疗一次,他肯定会痊愈。
  A: By the courtesy of Mr. Johnson, we are given to understand the name and address of your company. If it is not too much trouble, we look forward to our tour for your firm, and moreover, we would like to talk to some of the technicians.
  B: Thanks for your calling. Please let me know when you are free; we will arrange the tour for you in advance.
  A: Thank you very much; I’ll give you a call this afternoon.
  B: That’s for sure. I believe that you will know our products better after the visit.

  identify v. ①识别,认明 ②觉得与……有联系
  例:She identified that the man was her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人。One can not identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。搭配:identify with sb. 谅解,同情:I couldn t enjoy the book because I couldn t identify with any of the main characters. 我不喜欢这本书,因为我无法与其中的任何主要角色产生共鸣。identify as 确认,认出:The bodies were identified as two suspected drug dealers. 尸体已被辨认,原来是两名毒贩嫌疑人。拓展:identification n. 鉴定,辨认,确定

  importance n. 重要(性),重大
  例:He has an exaggerated idea of his own importance. 他自视过高。He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性。搭配:attach importance to 重视:The police officer attached great importance to finding out the criminal at the meeting. 警官在会上高度强调抓捕罪犯的重要性。
  听力扩展: In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.我的看法是,为了保护环境,政府应当采取更具体的措施。首先,应当通过教育的方法使人们充分认识到环境保护的重要性。第二,应更加努力地把计划生育政策付诸实施,因为人口多就意味着污染严重。最后,严惩故意破坏环境者。要让他们明白破坏环境就是毁灭人类自己。

  improvement n. 改进,改善
  例:The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor’s living condition. 这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件。I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition. 我看他的情况不会有什么改善。搭配:improvement in/on/to 改善,改进:There is still room for improvement in your work. 你的工作尚有改善的余地。This is a great improvement on your previous work. 你的工作比先前有很大进步。
  A: I saw a photo on internet just now; it’s a photo of a big family.
  B: There must be many people in it.
  A: Yeah, 150 members of Gao in De Chang county took the photo.
  B: How great the family is!
  A: It includes five generations from the aged to babies.
  B: It’s rare to see such a big family.
  A: Yeah, it was the first time to gather together for them since 600 years.
  B: They were offered the opportunity because of the improvement of our living standards.
  A: Yeah, dramatic changes have taken place in the big family in a hundred years.
  B: They must be so excited.

  • attachv. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋
  • criminaladj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的 n. 罪犯
  • intentionallyadv. 有意地,故意地
  • gatherv. 聚集,聚拢,集合 n. 集合,聚集
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • personificationn. 拟人,具体化,化身
  • identificationn. 身份的证明,视为同一,证明同一,确认
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • courtesyn. 礼貌,好意,恩惠
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为