日期:2014-02-25 16:30


  competitive a. 竞争的,比赛的
  例:The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest. 银行竞相以低利率贷款。The state of competition in an industry depends on five basic competitive forces. 产业内的竞争态势取决于五种基本竞争力量。拓展:competitiveness n. 竞争能力;competition n. 比赛,竞争
  听力扩展:In this competitive society it is essential to know how to sell yourself in order to get the job you want. That means you must be able to market your best features and present yourself in the best light. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.在这个竞争激烈的社会,为了得到你想要的工作,必须知道如何推销自己,这是很必要的。这意味着你必须能够推销你的优点,展现你最好的一面。毕竟,你永远没有第二次机会去打造第一印象。【注】essential a. 必不可少的;impression n. 印象,感想

  complex a. 复杂的,难懂的;n. ①综合体 ②(心)情节
  例:He had not a particularly complex mind. 他的头脑并不十分复杂。I am developing a guilt complex about it. 我对此事有一种负罪感。拓展:complexity n. 复杂性,难懂
  A: I really appreciate the time you make in the schedules.
  B: You are welcome.
  A: OK. Let’s begin. What do you think about this plan?
  B: I think it is too complex. We have to find a way to make it easier.
  A: But there’s only one week for us.
  B: Yes, you are right.
  A: I hope you can hand in the new plan in 5 days.
  B: OK. No problem.

  confuse v. ①使困惑,把……弄糊涂 ②混淆,把……混同
  例:They asked so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了许多问题, 都把我弄糊涂了。His comments only served to confuse the issue further. 他的评论让问题更加复杂化。搭配:confuse…and/with 将……混淆,混同:People often confuse me and my twin sister. 人们常常混淆我和我的孪生妹妹。拓展:confused a. 迷惑的;confusing a. 不清楚的;confusion n. 困惑,混淆

  contact n. & v. ①联系,联络 ②接触
  例:She comes into contact with many people. 她和许多人有联系。We agreed to contact again as soon as possible. 我们同意尽快再联系。搭配:in contact with保持联系:Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college? 你和大学里的朋友还保持联系吗?lost contact with 失去联系:She lost contact with her son. 她和儿子失去了联系。come into contact with接触
  A: I may need a car to the Great Wall tomorrow.
  B: You may contact me when you need it.
  A: Your contact number, please?
  B: One five eight zero double one seven five three two zero. That’s my mobile phone number.
  A: OK. Mine is eight seven one six four nine zero one. See you!
  B: See you!

  contribute v. ①捐献,捐助 ②撰稿,投稿
  例:I contributed a pound towards Jane s leaving present. 我凑了一英镑给简买告别礼物。She regularly contributes to the college magazine. 她定期给校刊投稿。搭配:contribute to 贡献:Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization. 宋朝的三大发明为世界文明作出了贡献。contribute for 为……捐助:Contribute 3000 yuan for that fund at the end of last week. 到上星期末为止,基金捐款总计三千元。拓展:contribution n. 捐助物,贡献;contributor n. ①捐助人 ②投稿者

  cope v. ①(妥善地)处理,对付 ②竞争,抗衡
  例:He had a lot of work, but he was able to cope. 他的活虽多, 但还能应付得来。No one can cope with him in English. 在英语方面谁也比不过他。搭配:cope with (妥善地)处理,对付:There was too much work for our computer to cope with. 计算机要干的工作太多,简直应接不暇。
  A: The nude fitness is pop now. Did you take part in it ?
  B: I can not accept it.
  A: Many people think nude fitness is so normal.
  B: There are quite a lot of nude fitness clubs.
  A: Yeah, the nude swimming club as an example.
  B: I know the nude beach volleyball is generally popular.
  A: At ski resort of Austria there is actually a nude skiing.
  B: Oh, not cold?
  A: The heat in skiing is enough to cope with the cold.
  B: Is that true? The nude yoga and nude fitness equipments sports are more and more popular.
  【注】fitness n. 健身;nude yoga n. 裸体瑜伽

  crash v.(使)撞毁;n. ①失事 ②碰撞声 ③破产,失败
  例:The plane crashed shortly after takeoff. 飞机起飞后不久便坠毁了。This is the most spectacular financial crash of the decade. 这是近10年最引人注目的金融破产事件。搭配:crash about 踢踢撞撞:I don’t want any of you children crashing about upstairs while your father’s asleep. 你爸爸在睡觉,你们这些孩子谁也不许在楼上跑来跑去。crash down 哗啦一声倒下(摔下):She crashed the plates angrily down on the table. 她生气地把盘子摔在桌子上。crash into撞上:I crashed into a street light and hurt my knee. 我撞到路灯上,把膝盖碰伤了。

  critical a. ①决定性的,关键性的 ②批评的,批判的 ③有危险的
  例:Your decision is critical to our future. 你的决定对我们的将来至关重要。The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. 病人手术后24小时是最危险的。搭配:be critical about 爱挑剔:Tom’s parents are highly critical about the school. 汤姆的父母对学校极度挑剔。拓展:critically a. 严重地,危急地
  A: You look kind of unhappy. Do you want to talk about anything?
  B: It seems like I can’t write a good paper for this teacher. It feels like he hates me or something.
  A: I’m sure it isn’t that serious. Is this your first year taking English writing classes? Maybe you just have a lot to learn from this teacher.
  B: Yeah, that may be, but then why does he only show me my errors and never say anything about what I might have done right? It seems kind of unfair, and a little unkind.
  A: I could see why you think that. Just don’t give up.
  B: I suppose you might be right, but I think he should be a little less critical.
  【注】or something 〈口〉或诸如此类的事物

  culture n. ①文化 ②培养,栽培
  例:She is a woman of considerable culture. 她是一个文化修养很高的女子。The culture of the mind is vital. 修身养性是极其重要的。拓展:cultural a. 文化的
  A: What’s the exact difference between the west culture and the east one? Could you give me some examples?
  B: My pleasure! You never know how polite British people are in public places. Whatever they go to buy tickets or food, they all like to queue up! They comply so much with public order.
  B:愿意效劳。你绝对想不到英国人在公共场合多么有礼貌!他们无论是去买票还是买食物,都自觉排队,非常遵守公共秩序。【注】comply with 服从,遵从

  • contributevt. 捐助,投稿 vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一
  • confusedadj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • fitnessn. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康
  • guiltn. 罪行,内疚
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • competitivenessn. 竞争能力
  • complexityn. 复杂,复杂性,复杂的事物
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • decisionn. 决定,决策