日期:2014-02-14 16:30



  abandon v. ①离弃 ②抛弃,遗弃(某人)③放弃(某事)
  例:Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city. 由于害怕遭到更多的袭击,大多数人已逃离这座城市。She abandoned her husband and children and went off with another man. 她抛弃了自己的丈夫和孩子,跟另外一个男人跑了。搭配:abandon yourself to sth. 沉溺于,放纵(感情):They abandon themselves to drinking. 他们沉湎于饮酒。拓展:abandonment n. 离弃,放弃
  A: Is this your bag?
  A:Sorry, but we will have to open it for a check.
  B:OK, please.
  A:Thank you.
  B:You are welcome.
  A:What are these?
  B:Oh, these are presents for my friends.
  A:Sorry, these are not permitted to be taken on board according to the new regulations.
  B:Oh, sorry. I don t know the regulations. What should I do with them?
  A:You could leave them with us until you come back. But you must come back in 30 days. Or you can abandon them.
  B:Oh, I will abandon them.
  B:哦,那我就不要了。【注】regulation n. 规章,规则

  absorb v. ①吸收 ②吸引……的注意力,使全神贯注 ③吞并,同化
  例:Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture. 他们大量地吸收罗马文化。搭配:be absorbed in 全神贯注在,一心从事,热衷于:The old man was utterly absorbed in the book. 老人全神贯注地读书。拓展:absorbing a. 十分吸引人的,精彩的;absorption n. 吸收,同化,专心致志

  academic a. ①学院的 ②学术性的;n. 专业学者
  例:The students return in October for the start of the new academic year. 学生于十月返校,开始新学年的学习。That is merely an academic discussion. 那只是学术性的讨论。拓展:academically ad. 学术上;academy n. 专科院校,研究院;academician n 院士
  A: Have you received any degrees?
  B: Yes. In 1996 I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Hebei University, and in 2001 I received my MBA degree from Peking University.
  A: How about your academic records at college?
  B:In fact my records were excellent. My overall GPA was 9 on a 10 scale, which was the highest in my class.
  A: That’s very impressive. Which course did you like best?
  B: English. It was both interesting and useful, so I showed a great interest in it.

  accomplish v. 完成,实现,做成功
  例:The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished. 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。I don’t feel I’ve accomplished very much today. 我觉得我今天没干成多少事。拓展:accomplished a. 才华高的,技艺高超的;accomplishment n. 成就,实现

  accumulate v. 堆积,积累
  例:Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not clean regularly. 房屋不经常打扫, 尘土很快就越积越多。By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 由于投资精明,她积蓄了一笔财产。拓展:accumulation n. 积聚,堆积物

  accurate a. 准确的,精确的,(仪器)精密的
  例:Accurate information about the illness is essential. 关于此病的准确信息至关重要。The new salesgirl is accurate at figures. 新来的女售货员计算正确无误。拓展:accuracy n. 准确(性),精确(性)
  听力扩展:French film theorist Metz, the founder of contemporary film theory, expressed obscurely but fairly accurately of the narrative of the importance of the film:“not because the film is a language, it is only about such a wonderful story; but because it s so wonderful about the story, it was to become a language.”So the film “language”is to the needs of narrative created. The animation of the narrative structure is the “action areas”to be embodied.法国电影理论家、当代电影理论的奠基人麦茨有一段令人费解的表述,但它相当准确地说明了叙事之于电影的重要意义:“并非由于电影是一种语言,它才讲述了如此美妙的故事;而是由于它讲述了如此美妙的故事,它才使自己成为一种语言。”所以电影“语言”是为了叙事的需要而创造出来的。而动画片的叙事性结构是由“行动范畴”来体现的。【注】contemporary a. 当代的,同时代的;n. 同代人,同龄人;obscure a. 费解的,模糊不清的;embody v. 象征,包含

  achieve v. ①取得, 获得 ②实现, 达到
  例:You will achieve your ambition if you work hard. 只要努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。Their family background gives them little chance of achievement at school. 他们的家庭背景使他们很难有机会在学校学有所成。拓展:achievable a. 可以完成的

  A: I’ve reviewed your proposal for the merger between our two firms. But I am still not very clear why we should join together.
  B: There is an obvious key reason for this merger program. That is to say, both our firms will benefit a lot from it and a win-win situation will occur.
  A: What win-win situation can we achieve then?
  B: Both of us are now facing a fierce competition pressure in the global market, so our merger can enhance our competitiveness.
  A: I see. Such a strategic alliance between us can be based on such an obvious motive as our quicker expansion into the world market. Am I correct?
  B: You are absolutely right!
  B:完全正确。【注】merger v. 合并;win win n. 双赢;alliance n. 联盟,同盟国

  achievement n. ①成就,成绩,功绩 ②达到,完成
  例:It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player. 如此年轻的选手有这样的成绩真是了不起。Such a goal is impossible of achievement. 这样的目标是不可能达到的。搭配:a sense of achievement成就感:Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement. 即便是小小的成功也给人一种成就感。
  A: You’ve got great achievement. To whom you should thank?
  B: I think it’s my abecedarian.
  A: Tell me about it .
  B: She brought me to the field and enlightened me.
  A: Are you in your convictions because of her?
  B: Yeah, she brought me confidence and belief.
  【注】abecedarian n. 初学者,启蒙老师;conviction n. 坚定的信仰

  • embodyvt. 代表,使具体化,包含,使(精神)肉体化
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • remarkableadj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的
  • contemporaryn. 同时代的人 adj. 同时代的,同时的,现代的
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • expansionn. 扩大,膨胀,扩充
  • animationn. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作
  • absorptionn. 吸收,全神贯注