日期:2014-01-22 16:30



  1.At post offices one buys stamps, leaves ____ letters, sends parcels or money orders, etc.
  A) registered B) rejectedC) regulated D) reflected
  2.In this workshop they ____ a vehicle in less than half an hour.
  A) eject B) fabricateC) assemble D) resemble
  3.No matter how little money we have, we should get into the habit of ____some in the bank regularly.
  A) laying B) withdrawingC) putting D) depositing
  4.The lovely picture ____ me of my happy childhood.
  A) retained B) refreshedC) recollected D) reminded
  5.I couldn’t finish my paper because the computer ____.
  A) took down B) broke downC) tore down D) fell
  6.There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain c limbing than ___ in the public mind today.
  A. exists B. existC. existing D. to exist
  7.The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think i t best to___.
  A. engage B. devote C. seekD. pursue
  8.The Olympic Games ___ in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Gree ce.
  A. originatedB.stemmed C. derived D.descended
  9. We should always bear in mind that ___ decisions often result in se rious co nsequences.
  A. urgent B.instantC. prompt D. hasty
  10.The fact that the management is trying to reach agreement___five separate unions has led to long negotiations.
  A. over B.in C.upon D. with


  1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B
  由于感到登山存在危险而产生的焦虑不应像如今公众心里所想象的那么多。爬山时对所察觉到的危险的焦虑要比人们内心想象而产生的焦虑少一些。本题为语法结构题。本句的主干部分为“There ought to be less…than…”,than后面应该跟一个句子与“There ought to be”构成比较关系,但是than后面的句子为避免重复省略了主语anxiety,所以谓语应用exists。
  本题为动词词义辨析题。engage意为“使从事,忙于”,常与介词in搭配;devote意为“贡献(给),致力”,常与介词to搭配;seek意为“寻求,探求,追求”,seek to+动词原形,意为“设法(力图)做某事”;D项pursue意为“(继续)做,从事,忙于”。这里是指从事某方面的工作,故选项D最合题意。
  奥林匹克运动会起源于公元前776年希腊一个名叫奥林匹亚的小城。本题为动词词义辨析题。originate意为“(使)开始,源自,产生”;stem意为“发生于,起源于”,常用于stem from/out of结构;derive意为“起源(于)”,常与介词from连用;descend意为“由……传下来”。根据句意及其搭配,选项A 为正确答案。
  管理部门正努力与五个不同的工会达到一致意见,从而引发了漫长的谈判。本题考查对固定搭配的掌握。动词agree可以与介词upon,in, with搭配。

  • promptadj. 迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的 vt. 激起,促进,推
  • stemn. 茎,干,柄,船首 vi. 起源于 vt. 抽去 .
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • derivev. 得自,起源,引申于
  • pursuev. 追捕,追求,继续从事
  • anxietyn. 焦虑,担心,渴望
  • originatevt. 发起 vi. 开始 [计算机] 起始
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • resemblevt. 相似,类似,像
  • vehiclen. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介