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日期:2012-09-07 18:13


acen.1.(纸牌等中的)幺点,“A”牌;2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分;3.(在某方面的)佼佼者;adj. 第一流的,杰出的

A:Do you play the acoustic guitar?

B:Usually I play the electric.

acoustic a.1.听觉的,声音的;2.(乐器)原声的

A:Have you acquainted yourself with the material yet?

B:No, I still have to read the book.

acquaint vt.(with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉

A:Has the case come to a close?

B:Yes, the suspect was acquitted because there was not enough evidence.


A:If you press that red button you will activate the bomb.

B:I’ll be sure not to press it then.


A:What do you want to be when you grow up?

B:A feminist activist , working for female rights


A:Do you drink tea?

B:Yes, but I am addicted to coffee.

addictn.1.有瘾的人;2.入迷的人;vt. 使成瘾,使入迷

A:I watch too much television.

B:Me too, it is addictive


A:Are you going to wear those old shoes to the wedding?

B:Yeah, I hate adhering to formalities.

adherevi.(to )1.黏附,附着;2.遵守,坚持;3.追随,支持

A:Your poster has fallen down from the wall.

B:I ran out of adhesive and forgot buy some more.

  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • activatev. 激活,使活动,起动
  • guitarn. 吉他
  • postern. 海报,装饰画
  • adhesiveadj. 难忘的,有粘性的 n. 粘着剂
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • acquaintedadj. 有知识的,熟悉的,了解的 动词acquaint
  • feministn. 女权主义者 adj. 主张男女平等的,女权主义的