日期:2012-05-30 11:55



 Section A
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  [A] He’ll be speaking at the end of the meeting.
  [B] He was supposed to speak last night instead.
  [C] He suddenly decided not to speak.
  [D] He already spoke very briefly tonight.
  [A] It’s too high.
  [B] It’s acceptable.
  [C] It’s cheap indeed.
  [D] The woman should have bargained for it.
  [A] At two o’clock.
  [B] At three o’clock.
  [C] At four o’clock.
  [D] At five o’clock.
  [A] Shop assistant and customer.
  [B] Post clerk and customer.
  [C] Store keeper and customer.
  [D] Waitress and customer.
  [A] His girlfriend complained of his going to the party without her.
  [B] He was together with his girlfriend yesterday.
  [C] He has been busy dating his girlfriend these days.
  [D] He brought his girlfriend to the party.
  [A] She regretted having bought the second-hand car.
  [B] It is unnecessary to rent another house.
  [C] They should sell their second-hand car and buy a new one.
  [D] They can afford a second-hand ear.
  [A] She loves the film too.
  [B] She doesn’t think much of the film.
  [C] She asks the man to repeat his words.
  [D] It’s not as good as she expected.
  [A] Go out with his wife.
  [B] Work for extra hours.
  [C] Stay at home with his wife.
  [D] Go out with his boss
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  [A] It’s hereditary.
  [B] The shampoo he used caused it.
  [C] He combs his hair too much.
  [D] He is old enough to lose hair.
  [A] Use some special shampoo.
  [B] Wear a wig.
  [C] Don’t try to comb hair over the bald or thin patch.
  [D] Go to the doctor for advice.
  [A] Over the radio.
  [B] At a doctor’s office.
  [C] At the man’s house.
  [D] At a drug store.
  [A] It suits him.
  [B] It looks ridiculous.
  [C] It looks old.
  [D] It’s getting worse.
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  [A] Once a week.
  [B] Three every month.
  [C] Five every month.
  [D] Two every month.
  [A] When there are more than twelve people.
  [B] When there are five people.
  [C] When there are fifteen people.
  [D] When there are more than fifteen people.
  [A] Call the office.
  [B] Sign your name on the notice board in advance.
  [C] Paythe money.
  [D] There is no need to reserve a place.
  Section B
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  Passage One
  Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [A] Because it isn’t closed.
  [B] Because the students have to pass all examinations before entering it.
  [C] Because there is no examination before they are accepted as students.
  [D] Because its door is open.
  [A] Atthe airport.
  [B] By plane.
  [C] Taking the air.
  [D] On radio and TV.
  [A] Four.
  [B] Eight.
  [C] Three.
  [D] Five.
  [A] In four or five years.
  [B] In one year,
  [C] In three or four years.
  [D] In 36 weeks.

  Passage Two
  Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [A] A new way to take notes.
  [B] A short name for survey reading method.
  [C] The five steps in the reading process.
  [D] Different ways to study for examinations.
  [A] That one should think about the ideas while reading the words.
  [B] That one should always take notes,
  [C] That one should read only the title and important words.
  [D] That one should read sequences of words.
  [A] Read.
  [B] Recite.
  [C] Review.
  [D] Reread.
  Passage Three
  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [A] Vacations.
  [B] Wages.
  [C] Overcrowded classrooms.
  [D] Paid sick leaves.
  [A] They want the teachers to resign.
  [B] They want the teachers to return to work.
  [C] They are very sympathetic toward the strike.
  [D] They are refusing to comment on the situation.
  [A] Parent Board.
  [B] District Court.
  [C] Teachers’ Union.
  [D] School Committee.
  Section C
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or Write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
  There are 17 kinds of penguins in the world. All of them live in the southern (36) ______. Only a few (37) ______live on the continent of Antarctica at the bottom of the world. The emperor penguins are the largest. They are about 100( 38 ) ______ tall and weigh about 30 kilograms. Their special (39) ______of mating makes them different from all other penguins.
  For thousands of years the emperor penguins have lived on the (40) ______ continent of Antarctica. These black and white birds live in large groups or colonies. There are about 40______ emperor penguin colonies on Antarctica. In total there are about 400,000 birds.
  These birds spend the summer swimming in the ocean in (41 ) ______ of food such as fish and (42) ______. Penguins are not able to fly, but they are (43) ______ swimmers. (44) __________________
  But when summer ends, so does this easy time spent by the water. (45) __________________
  (46) __________________
  They must find an area with some shelter from the freezing winds.
Section A
  11.C信息明示题。女士认为卡尔今晚要发表讲话,男士说卡尔最后决定不讲了,所以C正确。对话中的关键短语是back out(停止不干)。
  ·be supposed to do sth.意为“应该、被期望或被要求做某事”,如:You’re supposed to Pay the bill by Friday.你最晚得在周五结清这笔账。
  ·back out意为“中途退出,在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出”,如:You promised to help—you mustn’t back out now.你答应过要帮忙的,你现在不应该食言。
  12.c信息明示题。男士所说的you’ve got a bargain是英语中的习惯用法,意为“你买到了便宜货”,所以c正确。
  ·real bargain意为“合算的交易”,a good bargain与其同义,与其反义的是a bad barain(吃亏的协议或买卖)。
  ·put sth.out除了“熄灭,关掉”的意思外,也可指“生产;发布消息;起航”,还可指“数字计算结果出错”,如:The devaluation of the pound has put our estimates out by several thousands.英镑贬值使我们的估价差了几千英镑。
  14.B综合推断题。男士说自己要寄一封挂号信(registration letter),并询问女士邮资是多少,由此可知,对话双方应分别是邮局职员和顾客,所以B正确。
  ·expect不仅有“期望,盼望”的意思,还可指“要求某人(某事物)”,尤指有权或有责任地要求,语气较重,如:The sergeant expects obedience from his men冲士要求士兵服从他的命令。另外,expect还有“料想,认为”的意思,如:Will he be late?I expect S0.他会迟到吗?我认为他会。
  ·if only既可以表示对现在或未来的愿望,如:If only they would tell me what they’ve decided.但愿他们能把决定告诉我。也可以表示与过去事实相反的愿望,如:If only I had gone by taxi.如果我坐出租车去就好了。
  17.A信息明示题。女士所说的You can say that again是英语中的习惯表达,意为“我非常同意你的看法”,由此可知,女士也非常喜欢这部电影,故选A。
  Conversation One
  21.A信息明示题。对话开头女士就说welcome t0“Advice”radio program,由此可知A正确。
  22.A信息明示题。女士最后说自己的丈夫就秃顶,但她认为秃顶很适合她丈夫(suits him),所以A正确。
  ·to be honest(about it/with you)通常用以强调所言出自真心,如:To be honest,I don’t think we have a chance of winning.说实话,我认为我们没有胜算。同样的说法还有:in all honesty诚实地,实在地说。
  Conversation Two
  ·signup意为“签约”,与sign相关的短语还有:signfor签收;sign away签字放弃;signin签到;sign out签名登记离开;signup①雇用②签(报)名参加,如:There was an attempt to sign up more men for the police force.but not many signed up.警方本来打算雇用更多的人,但是报名参加的人不多。
  Section B
  Passage One
  27.D信息明示题。文章第二段指出,0nthe air,in otherwords,on radio and television,由此可知D正确。
  28.c信息明示题。文章第二段指出….must also spend three weeks…由此可知C正确。
  29.A信息明示题。文章最后指出一.Will finish their studies in four or five years,由此可知A正确。
  Passage Two
  30.C信息明示题。文章开头指出,The letters stand for five steps in the reading process…由此可知SQ3R代表了阅读过程中的五个步骤,故选c。
  31.A信息明示题。文章在讲到阅读这一步骤时提到,Think about what you are reading as a series of ideas,not just a sequence of words曲此可知A正确。
  32.B信息明示题。文章在最后提到,The last step is recite.由此可知B正确。
  Passage Three
  33.D信息明示题。文章提到in the dispute…which_eliminates paid sick leave from the teachers’contract,由此可知,此次争端的主要问题是学校委员会在教师合同中取消了教师带薪病假的规定,所以D正确。
  34.B信息明示题。由文章最后提到的The Parent Board…has urged the teachers to retum to work可知,家长委员会先前同情老师的遭遇,但现在希望老师马上回到工作岗位,所以B正确。
  Section C
  36. hemisphere 
  37. species 
  38. centimeters 
  39. method
  40. freezing 
  41. search 
  42. squid  
  43. excellent
  44. They can dive as deep as 460 meters and hold their breath for up to 20 minutes.
  45. The penguins jump out of the water and onto the ice. They know it is time to find a mate and reproduce.
  46. In order to mate, the penguins must travel many kilometers inland from the ocean. They do this to find a safe area to spend the many months needed to produce and develop an egg.

Section A
  11. W: Wasn’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight?
  M: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.
  Q: What do we learn about Carl?
  12. W: I spent $50 on this sofa. Do you think it was worth it?
  M: Well, I think you’ve got a real bargain.
  Q: What does the man think of the price?
  13. W: I heard the fire broke out at two in the morning.
  M: That’s right. And it took the firemen three hours to put it out.
  Q: When was the fire put out?
  14. M: Excuse me, I’d like to send a registration letter to Houston, Texas. How much is the postage?
  W: Let me check. It’s a dollar and 55 cents.
  Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  15. W: Jack, I expected to see you at Sam’s birthday party yesterday but you were absent.
  M: I had a date with my girlfriend. I have been terribly busy these days. You know, she is complaining.
  Q: What do we know about the man?
  16. M: I’m fed up with the noisy environment here. I suppose we should rent a house with better environment, but I don’t see how we can afford it right now.
  W: If only we hadn’t bought the second-hand car!
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  17. M: I think this film is really wonderful. Beautiful scene, impressing mustc and touching story. Everything is so great.
  W: You can say that again.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  18. W: Honey, I think we should go out and relax this weekend.
  M: Yes, darling. But my boss asked me to work overtime over the weekend. You know, time is really pressing for US.
  Q: What will the man do this weekend?
  Now you’ll hear two long conversations.
  Conversation One
  M: Hello.
  W: Hello, welcome to "Advice" radio prograrn . What’s your name?
  M: Jim.
  W: What’s your problem?
  M: Er...well I’m er...beginning to lose my hair. Er, I went to the doctor, but he just said there was nothing I could do about it. He said it was probably hereditary. My father was bald by the time he was thirty.
  W: And how old are you?
  M: Me? I’m twenty-eight.
  W: And are you losing a lot of hair then?
  M: Well, it comes out a lot when I comb my hair and you can see a thin part on the top of my head.
  W: Does that really worry you, Jim?
  M: Well, I don’t like it. It’s old, you know. looks old. I don’t want to look like a middle-aged man at twenty-eight. And I wonder if there is some special shampoo I should use, and if you could tell me one that I should buy, something like that, you know, to stop it getting worse.
  W: Well, you know, Jim, to be honest with you there’s not really a lot you can do about it, actually, I’m afraid. I mean, baldness is one of those things that, in my experience, you just have to try to accept. Some men fred it more difficult to accept baldness than others. There is one piece of advice, though, Jim, and that’s don’t try to comb your hair over the bald or thin patch. Whatever you do, don’t comb it over because that usually looks ridiculous. And the other thing that usually looks ridiculous is a man with a wig, that is, the false hairpiece. Don’t let anyone persuade you to buy one of those false hairpiece things, because they usually look much worse than a bald man. 1 actually think bald men can look very attractive. My husband is bald and I think it really suits him.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What’s probably the reason for the man’s baldness?
  20. What does the woman suggest to the man?
  21. Where do you think this conversation takes place?
  22. What does the woman think of her husband’s baldness?
  Conversation Two
  M: Good morning.
  W: Good morning. How can I help you?
  M: I understand that the school organizes...umm, trips to different..
  W: Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.
  M: What sort of places?
  W: Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping, because our students always ask about that...and then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, because this gives a good focus for the visit.
  M: Do you travel far?
  W: Well, we’re lucky here, obviously, because we’re able to say that all our visits are less than three hours’ drive.
  M: How much do they cost?
  W: Again it varies--between five and fifteen pounds a head, depending on distance.
  M: Ah ha...
  W: Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you_ know, there_ are more than twelve people.
  M: All fight. I’ll keep that in mind. And what are the times normally?
  W: We try to keep it pretty fixed so that students get to know the pattern. We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m. We figure it’s best to keep the day fairly short.
  M: Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place?
  W: You sign_your name on the notice board. Do you know where it is?
  M: Ah ha. I saw it this morning.
  W: And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know we’ve got enough people interested to run it, and we can cancel if necessary, with full refund of course.
  M: That’s fine. Thanks.
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  23. How often does the school organize the trips?
  24. When will the school arrange special trips?
  25. How to reserve a place for a trip?

  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • disputev. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑 n. 争论,争吵,争端
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • reproducev. 再生,复制,生殖
  • ridiculousadj. 荒谬的,可笑的
  • persuadevt. 说服,劝说
  • discountn. 折扣,贴现率 vt. 打折扣,贴现,不重视,不全信
  • inlandadj. 内陆的,国内的 adv. 内陆地 n. 内陆
  • sympatheticadj. 同情的,共鸣的 n. 交感神经