日期:2012-05-23 09:25


53. We agree to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide.

  A whatever B whomever C whichever D whoever

  they thought是插入语,可以不看; tourist guide 导游。

  56. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful _C_ it forces people to test relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.

  A by which B to which C in that D so that


  in that 因为; conflict n. 冲突; relative merits 相比较而言的优点; so that 以至于。

  57. He is _A_ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.

  A optimistic B optional C outstanding D obvious

  optimistic adj. 乐观的; pessimistic adj. 悲观的; be optimistic about 对…持乐观态度。

  optional adj. 随意的,任选的,非强制性的; optional courses 选修课;

  outstanding adj. 卓越的,杰出的; obvious adj. 明显的。

  58. Sometimes I wish I _B_ in a different time and a different place.

  A be living B were living C would live D would have lived



  59. The director was critical _C_ the way we were doing the work.

  A at B in C of D with

  be critical of 对。。.爱挑剔的,批评。

  60. In a sudden _B_ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.

  A attack B burst C split D blast

  within reach 够得着; out of reach 够不着; burst 爆发,迸发;


  1 能与人的情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐)搭配; 2 能与掌声、笑声搭配。

  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • optionaladj. 任选的
  • optimisticadj. 乐观的,乐观主义的
  • burstn. 破裂,阵,爆发 v. 爆裂,迸发
  • pessimisticadj. 悲观的,悲观主义的
  • outstandingadj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的
  • medaln. 奖章,勋章,纪念章 vi. 获得奖章
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分