日期:2012-05-21 09:26






  1. or 或者; 2. either … or … 不是…就是… ,…或… ; 3. neither … nor … 既不…也不… ;

  4. not only … but also … 不但…而且… ; 5. not … but … 不是…而是…

  例如:主语1 or 主语2 谓语动词。 此时由主语2决定谓语动词。

  10. _C_ either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss?

  A Are B Where C Is D Does

  如果题目改变为:Either he or his accountants ___ going … 则应选A


  1. 集合名词做主语,集合名词没有复数形式,因为他本身就代表一个复数概念。

  常见的几个复合名词: people 人民,人们; police 警察; cattle 牛; poultry 家禽。

  2. 表示数量的复数名词 + 不可数名词,整体做主语时

  例如:去年出口了八百万顿煤。 Eight million tons of coal were exported last year.


  1. 句子的主语是由从句充当的、动词不定式短语作主语、动名词短语作主语;

  2. 表示时间、重量、长度、价值四方面的词做主语;

  399. -- “How many days?”

  0 -- “Did you say that five days _C_ required to complete that work?”

  A are B were C was D is

  3. 表示单数概念的主语,短语,谓语动词,此时谓语动词也用单数;



  with, together with, like, except, besides, in addition to, rather than, as well as


  4. each, every, either, some, any, no,由以上六个词中任何一个所构成的复合代词作主语时;

  some经常构成的三个复合代词:something, somebody, someone;

  no经常构成的三个复合代词:nothing, nobody, no one; either of + 短语;

  5. 通常由and连接两部分这种形式做主语谓语动词要用复数,但在以下两种情况下则应用单数;

  1》 and连接的两部分指的是同一事物;

  2》 and连接的两部分被no, each, every中任何一个词修饰时;

  例如:每位男士和女士都要着装得体。 be supposed to do sth. 理应,应该做某事。

  Every man and every woman is supposed to dress properly.

  11. Many an airplane _B_ in the exhibition.

  A are shown B has been shown C has shown D show them

  many a(an) 很多,相当于many; many a(an) + 可数名词单数,做主语时谓语动词用单数。

  6. many a (an) + 可数名词单数,作主语时谓语动词用单数。

  9. Not only Joan but her sisters _B_ the combination to the safe which contains the list of the family securities.

  A have known B know C knows D is knowing

  not only … but also … 的一种变形形式,not only … but …

  另一种变形形式not only … but … as well

  combination n. 密码; combination to the safe 保险箱密码; securities有价证券。

  41. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _A_ too long.

  A has been reading B had read C is reading D read

  had read 过去完成时要与一般过去时搭配。

  has been reading 现在完成进行时:指某行为从过去一点到现在一直在进行。

  42. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _B_, drawing millions of visitors every year.

  A attention B attraction C appointment D arrangement

  tourist attraction 旅游胜地; attention n. 注意力; appointment n. 委任的职位,约会;

  date n. 日期,约会,枣;表示约会时指的是异性之间的私人约会。 arrangement n. 布置,安排

  blind date 两人第一次见面的约会。 appointment 指公事性质的,比较正式的约会。

  • cattlen. 牛,家畜,畜牲
  • exhibitionn. 展示,展览
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • securitiesn. 有价证券;担保;保证人;抵押物(security的
  • arrangementn. 安排,商议,整理,布置,商定,[音]改编,改编曲