日期:2012-03-26 10:44


  67.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______ late for his lecture.(98.1/31)
  A. to have students B. for students being
  C. for students to be D. to students being
  68.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be establish-ed in every town_____50 households or more. (98.1/36)
  A. having B. to have C. to have had D. having had
  69.People appreciate______ with him because he has a good sense of humor. (98.1/37)
  A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. having worked
  70They are going to have the serviceman______ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.(98.1/44)
  A. install B. to install C. to be installed D. installed
  71.Anne never dreams of______ for her to be sent abroad very soon. (98.6/43)
  A. there being a chance B. there to be a chance
  C. there be a chance D. being a chance.
  72.All things______, the planned trip will have to be called off. (98.6/49)
  A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered
  73.______ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished her. (99.1/45)
  A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated
  C. The girl’s being educated D. The girl to be educated
  74.All flights______ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train. (99.1/51)
  A. had been cancelled B. have been cancelled
  C. were cancelled D. having been cancelled
  75.His remarks left me______ about his real purpose. (99.6/45)
  A. wonder B. wondering C. wondered D. to wonder
  76.I have heard both teachers and students______ well of him. (99.6/46)
  A. speak B. to speak C. spoken D. to have spoken
  77.The house was very quiet, ______ as it was on the side of a mountain. (99.6/48)
  A. isolated B. isolating C. being isolated D. having been isolated
  78.This crop has similar qualities to the previous one,______ both wind resistant and adapted to the same type of soil. (99.6/57)
  A. been B. to be C. being D. having been
  79.The project______ by the end of 2000, will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.(99.6/68)
  A. accomplished B. being accomplished
  C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished
  80.I don’t mind______ the decision as long as it is not too long. (00.1/43)
  A. your delaying to make B. you delay to make
  C. your delaying making D. you to delay making
  81.Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it______ in Cuba. (00.1/45)
  A. having cultivated B. being cultivated C. been cultivated D. cultivating
  82.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience_______ on beaches, chairs or boxes. (00.1/46)
  A. having seated B. seating C. having been seated D. seated
  83.______ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing. (00.1/68)
  A. To look at B. To be looked at C. Looking at D. Looked at
  84.These surveys indicate that many crimes go______ by the police, mainly because not all victims report them. (00.6/26)
  A. to be unrecorded B. to have been unrecorded C. unrecorded D. unrecording
  85.I have no objection_______ your story again. (00.6/27)
  A. to hearing B. to have heard C. to hear D. to having heard
  86.You will see this product_______ wherever you go. (00.6/30)
  A. advertised B. advertising C. advertise D. to be advertised
  87.Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested_______ at the next town. (00.6/34)
  A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. having stopped
  88.The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds_______ his arguments in favor of the new theory. (00.6/36)
  A. on which to base B. which to base on C. to base on D. to be based on

  • delayv. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期
  • cultivatedadj. 栽植的,有教养的 动词cultivate的过去
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • indicatev. 显示,象征,指示 v. 指明,表明
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • accomplishedadj. 娴熟的,有造诣的,完成的,有成就的,毫无疑问的
  • expandv. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀, vi. (谈
  • advertisev. 登广告,为 ... 做广告,宣传
  • cornn. 谷物,小麦,玉米 v. 形成(颗粒状),腌,(用谷