日期:2011-02-28 10:11


126. It came to a stop ----- it stopped

127. It has always been a mystery to me that ….. -------I always want to know that…

128. it is inconceivable – it’s hard to imagine / believe –

129. it’s vital to–it’s important to

130. It’s essential... --- it’s important

131. it’s generally agreed upon that—people agreed that

132. it’s traditional deal for sb to do---- traditional habit to do-

133. It would be unforgivable to do ---- cannot do sth

134. Large sums of money --- lots of money

135. lay emphasis on --- pay attention to

136. Live under the illusion that ---- live in the false idea

137. live up to – fulfill

138. long for – desire

139. lose the reason – lose the head

140. Make a name for oneself ---- became famous

141. Make a close study of ---- research on

142. make use of – take advantage of

143. Managed to escape --- escaped successfully

144. Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on/in ----we all have a wonderful dream about

145. Nor is ---without its beauty – however, it’s also has its advantage

146. No creature has received more praise and abuse than sth ----- sth has been praised or abused most

147. No one can avoid being influenced by advertisement --- advertisement influenced everyone

148. Now that ….but --- although/ though

149. No sooner…than ------ immediately when / as soon as…

150. News come to me that----- I heard the news that

  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • essentialn. 要素,要点 adj. 必要的,重要的,本质的
  • emphasisn. 强调,重点
  • abusen. 滥用,恶习 vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • unrealisticadj. 不切实际的,不实在的
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • mysteryn. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物
  • vitaladj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的