日期:2011-01-21 10:40


101. have a passion for – like

102. have a great influence on -- affect sth

103. heart and soul – with all my heart

104. hesitate to – reluctant to

105. I am fully convinced that ---- I am sure/ positive that

106. I could not help doing ---- I cannot control myself of doin sth

107. Industrious --- diligent

108. Imagine sth to be a sort of sth --- think of sth as sth/ regard ---as/ refer to ---as

109. imperative – necessary

110. in possession of ---- own

111. In their effort to do sth --- they try to do sth

112. In the case of – take --as an example

113. induce sb to do--- lead sb to do

114. indulged in –immerse sb in

115. Invariably --- always

116. inseparable – indivisible

117. inevitable – unavoidable

118. in no time—immediately

119. Inferior to ---- worse than

120. in support of – support

121. in that – because

122. in mounting numbers – a great number of

123. It’s the normally accepted practice that ---- people believe that …

124. It’s disturbing to think that ---- I am so worried about to think that……

125. It suddenly dawned on me that--- it suddenly came to/ occurred to/ me that-- / I suddenly realized that…

  • inevitableadj. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的
  • imperativen. 命令,诫命,需要,祈使语气 adj. 命令式的,急
  • reluctantadj. 不情愿的,勉强的
  • invariablyadv. 不变化地,一定不变地,常常地
  • disturbingadj. 烦扰的;令人不安的 v. 干扰;打断(dist
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱
  • unavoidableadj. 不可避免的
  • possessionn. 财产,所有,拥有
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • diligentadj. 勤奋的,用功的