日期:2011-01-17 09:53



7.美丽 漂亮

good-looking: Having an attractive appearance in a strong, healthy way used for

men and women not things.

beautiful: ( a woman or a thing) Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection

of proportion, elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers, a beautiful

girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather.

handsome: Of attractive appearance applies to men. a handsome

fellow/actor/horse/buildings/young man.

pretty: (a girl, or a small thing) Suggesting liveliness and sweetness,

pleasing or nice to look at. a pretty little woman/garden, a pretty girl/

picture/piece of music,

lovely: (something) So beautiful that it makes you feel good to look at it or

even to think about it. The garden looks lovely.

fair: Beautiful( of woman in poet) light in color esp., skin hair.

gorgeous: (persons or things) (inf) Extremely beautiful or handsome.

8.拉 拖

pull: The most general one.

draw: It implies a smoother, steadier motion and generally a lighter force than


drag: It usually refers to horizontal motion or motion up an incline (slope)

and it suggests laborious efforts over rough ground or against friction,

resistance or gravity.

The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding place.

haul: It implies continuous pulling or dragging of heavy or bulky objects.

The fisherman is hauling a net.

tug: It applies to hard often sudden violent effort to pull.

He tugged at my sleeve to ask directions.

jerk: To pull suddenly.

He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wound.

tow: To pull by a rope or chain. We towed the car to the nearest garage.

wrench: To pull hard with a twisting or turning movement.

  • gravityn. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章
  • violentadj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的
  • wrenchn. 扳钳,猛扭,痛苦 vt. 猛扭,扭伤 vi. 猛扭
  • frictionn. 摩擦,摩擦力,分歧
  • mobilityn. 可动性,变动性,情感不定
  • resistancen. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对
  • slopen. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线,斜率 vt. 使倾斜 vi
  • elegancen. 高雅,典雅,优雅,简洁 n. 雅致的物品