日期:2010-12-02 16:12


对于四六级听力里面的复合式听写,我们在答题的时候可以根据空边上的词和语境来猜测填入词的词性。在这里我主要带大家看一下 “平行结构” 的强大作用。注意这里所提到的平行结构,是和空当中的词具有相同作用的词或短语。文都四六级名师请同学们注意在做此类题的时候,应该有一个找“平行结构”的意识。

Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more (36)_____,
我们看到上面的句子里面, smarter 和 more_____, 修饰同一个主语child,
better at finding and (37))_____things out,
我们现在找37空的平行结构,非常容易,两个词用了一个and连接,很显然finding和37空不仅词性相同,我们所填入的还应该是一个 “-ing” 形式的动词与finding 对应。
persistent and (38))_____
又看到了一个就为的 “and” 连接两个词,不用解释你也知道38空与 persistent词性相同
very (39))_____ and very lucky
by paying close attention to and (40))_____ with the world and people around him.
第40空,我们找平行结构的时候要看一下and前面的短语 “paying close attention to” 我们可以推断 “and” 后面也是一个短语,而且根据我们的结构这个动词短语应该与paying对应也是一个 “-ing” 动词。

看到这里,也许你已经意识到,在这类题目中,我们所说的“平行结构” 考点非常普遍,他们一般是短语或词要么用“and” 连接,要么以排比并列句等形式出现。同学们在做题的时候如果能正确的把它分辨出来,必定对我们有很大的帮助。

附注::2010年6月四级听力部分Section C原文
Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in the school building, is smarter, more curious,less afraid of what he doesn't know, better at finding and figuring things out, more confident, resourceful, persistent and independent, than he will either be again in his schooling or, unless he is very unusual and very lucky, for the rest of his life.

Already, by paying close attention to and interacting with the world and people around him, and without any school-type formal instruction, he has done a task far more difficult, complicated and abstract than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years-he has solved the mystery of language. He has discovered it. Babies don't even know that language exists.

And he has found out how it works and learnt to use it appropriately. He has done it by exploring, by experimenting, by developing his own model of the grammar of language, by trying it out and seeing whether it works, by gradually changing it and refining it until it does work.

And while he has been doing this, he has been learning other things as well, including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him, and many that are more complicated than the ones they do try to teach him.

  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • complicatedadj. 复杂的,难懂的 动词complicate的过去
  • independentadj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的 n. 独立派人士,无
  • mysteryn. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物
  • instructionn. 说明,须知,指令,教学
  • resourcefuladj. 资源丰富的,足智多谋的
  • curiousadj. 好奇的,奇特的
  • abstractn. 摘要,抽象的东西 adj. 抽象的,理论的 vt.
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • persistentadj. 固执的,坚持的,连续的