日期:2009-03-12 10:16





  Do you wake up every day feeling too tired, or even upset? If so, then a new alarm clock could be just for you.

  The clock, called SleepSmart, measures your sleep cycle, and waits __1__ you to be in your lightest phase of sleep __2__ rousing you. Its makers say that should __3__ you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

  As you sleep you pass __4__ a sequence of sleep states—light sleep, deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep—that __5__ approximately every 90 minutes. The point in that cycle at which you wake can __6__ how you feel later, and may __7__ have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept. Being roused during a light phase __8__ you are more likely to wake up energetic.

  SleepSmart __9__ the distinct pattern of brain waves __10__ during each phase of sleep, via a headband equipped __11__ electrodes (电极) and a microprocessor. This measures the electrical activity of the wearer’s brain, in much the __12__ way as some machines used for medical and research __13__, and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed. You __14__ the clock with the latest time at __15__ you want to be wakened, and it __16__ duly (适时地) wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.

  The __17__ was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island __18__ a friend complained of waking up tired and performing poorly on a test. “__19__ sleep-deprived people ourselves, we started thinking of __20__ to do about it,” says Eric Shashoua, a recent college graduate and now chief executive officer of Axon Sleep Research Laboratories, a company created by the students to develop their idea.

  1. A) beside B) near C) for D) around

  2. A) upon B) before C) towards D) till

  3. A) ensure B) assure C) require D) request

  4.A) through B) into C) about D) on

  5.A) reveals B) reverses C) resumes D) repeats

  6.A) effect B) affect C) reflect D) perfect

  7.A) already B) ever C) never D) even

  8.A) means B) marks C) says D) dictates

  9.A) removes B) relieves C) records D) recalls

  10.A) proceeded B) produced C) pronounced D) progressed

  11.A) by B) of C) with D) over

  12.A) familiar B) similar C) identical D) same

  13.A) findings B) prospects C) proposals D) purposes

  14.A) prompt B) program C) plug D) plan

  15.A) where B) this C) which D) that

  16.A) then B) also C) almost D) yet

  17.A) claim B) conclusionC) concept D) explanation

  18.A) once B) after C) since D) while

  19.A) Besides B) Despite C) To D) As

  20.A) what B) how C) whether D) when


  1.词汇搭配题.本题考查动词wait与介词构成的词组的意思的辨析.wait around的意思为呆呆地等,空等.wait for的意思为等待,等候.其它两个介词与wait不构成词组.


  3. 词汇搭配题.本题主要是考察意思比较相近的词汇的辨析.第一组是ensure和assure.ensure意为确保某种行动或动因的结果一定会发生,常用句型为ensure that...保证...,ensure sb.sth.保证某人得到某物.assure指以十分肯定的语气向别人保证,某事一定会发生.第二组是require和request,这两个词都有要求的意思, 但是require与request的区别就在于前者还可表示客观上的需求,比如说Building requires woods.而request只能表示主观上的要求,不能表达客观上的需求.由此分析可知正确答案为ensure.意思为它确保你睡醒时感觉神清气爽.

  4. 词汇搭配题.本题考查动词pass与介词构成的词组的意思的辨析.pass through的意思为通过,经过,穿过;经历.pass into的意思为进入.pass on的意思为去世,传递.pass about无此搭配.由此可知应该选择through.这句话的意思为当你睡着时,你经历一个睡眠状态的顺序-轻度睡眠,深度睡眠,REM睡眠.

  5. 语境题.本题的解答有赖于对前一句话的理解.注意到前一句中的a sequence of sleep states,意思为一个睡眠状态的顺序,再结合本句的every 90 minut

  6和7.语境题.对这两个空所在的句子进行深入分析:The point in that cycle at which you wake can __6__ how you feel later, and may __7__ have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept.首先用到我们之前讲到过的标志词法,找到and,and连接的是两个分句,我们知道and引导的两个句子只有可能是并列结构或者是递进结构. 再分析第二个分句,明显是一个省略句,我们把第二句还原The point in that cycle at which you wake may __7__ have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept.注意到第二句中的a greater impact可知这两句话应该是递进的关系,即第一句讲某物有影响,第二句又讲有更大的影响.所以第一个空应该选择含有影响意思的动词,即affect. 又因为知道了两句话之间的递进关系,由此可以确定第七题应该选择表示递进关系的even,意思为甚至.


  9和19.词汇搭配题.分析该句话SleepSmart __9__ the distinct pattern of brain waves __10__ during each phase of sleep,对前半部分,其主语为SleepSmart,宾语为the distinct pattern of brain waves,由此可确定应该选择记录意思的record.后半部分,由所填动词引导的部分在句中作定语,修饰the distinct pattern of brain waves,其意思为在在睡眠每一个阶段____的脑电波,由此可确定应该选择含有产生意思的produce.

  11,词汇搭配题.本题考查固定搭配equip with,意思为装备,配备.

  12和13.词汇搭配题.选项12主要考查固定搭配the same...as...,由句子some machines used for medical and research __13__,并考察四个选项,很容易选出含有目的意思的purpose.

  14. 词汇搭配题.分析You __14__ the clock with the latest time的主谓宾,主语为you,宾语为the clock with the last time,所填入的动词做谓语,即你...闹钟,考察选项的四个词汇,program作动词时的意思为编制程序,在此处引申为调,即调闹钟.


  16. 语境题.本题实际上是考查两个句子之间的逻辑关系.分析句子You __14__ the clock with the latest time at __15__ you want to be wakened, and it __16__ duly (适时地) wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.前一句话的意思为你把闹钟调到你想要被叫醒的最近的时间,后一句话并且它可以在你所定的时间之前的一个轻度睡眠阶段叫醒你.由此可以确定两句话是递进关系,所以应该选择then.

  17.语境题,根据句中的invented并考察四个选项,可以确定应该选择concept,它指形成这个闹钟的这种想法.利用复现结构,看到本文的最后一句a company created by the students to develop their idea.中的idea.


  19 和20.分析句子“__19__ sleep-deprived people
ourselves, we started thinking of __20__ to do about it,”前半句话在句中作状语,关键是他到底做什么状语?由前半句中的ourselves,以及后半部分中的we,可以确定前半句话作方式状语,即用as 引导的方式状语.本句话是对整个文章的一个总结,结合上下文,空格20应该选择what,整句话的意思为作为我们这些被剥夺睡眠的人,我们开始考虑关于它该做点什么了.


  1.The finding of this study failed to.____________________(将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内)

  2.The prevention and treatment of AIDS is____________________(我们可以合作的领域)

  3.Because of the leg injury, the athlete____________________(决定退出比赛)

  4.To make donations or for more information, please____________________(按以下地址和我们联系)

  5.Please come here at ten tomorrow morning____________________(如果你方便的话)


  1,consider the quality of human's sleep.

  2.one field of our cooperation.

  3.decided/decides to quit the match.
  解析:考查固定搭配decide to do sth.

  4.contact us at the following address.

  5.at your convenience.
  解析:考查固定搭配at one's convenience.意思为在某人方便时.

  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • pronouncedadj. 显著的,断然的,明确的 pronounce的过
  • reflectv. 反映,反射,归咎
  • approximatelyadv. 近似地,大约
  • distinctadj. 独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的
  • requestn. 要求,请求 vt. 请求,要求
  • prospectsn. 预期;前景;潜在顾客;远景展望
  • explanationn. 解释,说明
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要