日期:2009-02-20 13:24




  One of the major pleasures in life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to preserve it. Appetite is the keenness of living: it is one of the senses that tells you that you are still curious to exist, that you still have an edge on your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its numerous flavors and juices. By appetite, of course, I don’t mean just the desire for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire, any burning in the blood that proves you want more than you’ve got, and that you haven’t used up your life. Wilde said he felt sorry for those who never got their heart’s desire, but sorrier still for those who did. For appetite, for me, is this state of wanting, which keeps one’s expectations alive.
  I remember learning this lesson long ago as a child, when treats and indulgence were few, and when I discovered that the greatest pitch happiness was not in actually eating a toffee but in gazing at it beforehand. True, the first bite was delicious, but once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing, neither toffee nor lust. Besides, the whole toffeeness of toffees was imperceptibly diminished by the gross act of having eating it. No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it, when one tasted an endless treasure house of flavors. So, for me, one of the keenest pleasures of appetite remains in the wanting, not the satisfaction. In wanting a peach, or a whisky, or a particular texture or sound, or to be with a particular friend, for in those condition, of course, I know that the object of desire is always at its most flawlessly perfect. For that matter, I don’t want three square meals a day — I want one huge, delicious, orgiastic, table groaning blow out, say every four days, and then not be too sure where the next one is coming from①. A day of fasting is not for me just a device for denying oneself a pleasure, but rather a way of anticipating a rarer moment of supreme enjoyment.

  [360 words]



  作者开篇点题,指出One of the major pleasures in life is appetite。进而作者给appetite下了一个定义,即对任何事物的渴望。接着用王尔德的话引出作者的观点: Appetite is the state of wanting。在第二段中,作者用I remember...讲述了自己吃太妃糖的亲身经历,描述生动形象,贴近生活,由这段经历作者引出了文章的主题——欲望最大的乐趣在于对之渴求,而非满足。
  作者谈的是食欲(appetite),却又不仅仅谈对食物的热望。作者由小见大,由食欲谈及欲望(desire),及其满足(satisfaction)。文章充满智慧(wits),是一篇上佳的小品文。读者应能够体会作者刻意营造的一种轻灵跳跃(staccato)之感:No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it(不,最重要的是对它的渴望和坐下来盯着它看的感觉)。这句话充分体现了作者有极高的驾驭语言的能力。





  appetite n.①胃口,食欲②欲望
  keenness n.渴望
  numerous a.众多的,许多的
  flavor n.①味,滋味,味道②特色,风味
  lustn.渴望,欲望vi.(after, for)对…有强烈的欲望
  imperceptibly ad.察觉不到地, 微细地
  diminish vi.变少,变小,降低vt.减少,减小,降低
  orgiastic a.狂欢的
 ?groan vi.①呻吟,抱怨②发出呻吟的声音
 ?fast v.禁食,斋戒
 ?device n.手段,策略

  • diminishvt. 减少,变小,减损 vi. 变少,逐渐变细
  • satisfactionn. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信
  • appetiten. 嗜好,食欲,欲望
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • pitchn. 沥青,树脂,松脂 n. 程度,投掷,球场,音高 v
  • indulgencen. 沉溺,放纵,嗜好 n. 【宗】(天主教)特赦;豁免
  • staccatoadj. 断音的,不连贯的 adv. 断音地,不连贯地
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多
  • curiousadj. 好奇的,奇特的
  • groan呻吟