Be grateful for the experience
日期:2008-12-29 20:11
Dear editor,
I graduated from college this July. I am now doing an internship at a company, but only get paid 800 yuan a month. I am considering resigning. The whole situation bothers me a lot. Could you give me some suggestions?
Peng Ting
Salary isn’t the most important consideration for graduates in their first jobs. It is better to focus on your career prospects. In this bleak job market, only about 70 percent of new grads can find work. You are lucky to have found something at all. I don’t know what you mean by “internship” here. Is it a “probation” period or just a temporary job? If it means probation, don’t worry too much. Companies usually pay a higher salary after you finish your probation. If it is the latter, you may want to look for a more secure job. But remember, don’t resign until you have found something else. At least this gives you some work experience, which will be good for your CV.
Introverts can be successful too
Dear editor,
I am a junior student at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, majoring in Business English. I enjoy studying the language. For me, English is a continuously fascinating challenge. However, I am a quiet girl who rarely says much. As a result I don’t get much chance to practice my spoken English. We all know that most successful English majors are outgoing, sociable and communicative. As an introverted girl, what kind of job should I choose upon graduation? Is it a good choice for me to go to graduate school?
You Zilin
Don’t panic. You don’t have to be extroverted to do English-related work. For example, human resource managers prefer to hire English majors to do secretarial and administration jobs because there’s lots of language work involved. These jobs require you to be careful and detail-oriented rather than extroverted and outspoken. Furthering your language studies to get a teaching or research job could also be a good choice.
I graduated from college this July. I am now doing an internship at a company, but only get paid 800 yuan a month. I am considering resigning. The whole situation bothers me a lot. Could you give me some suggestions?
Peng Ting
Salary isn’t the most important consideration for graduates in their first jobs. It is better to focus on your career prospects. In this bleak job market, only about 70 percent of new grads can find work. You are lucky to have found something at all. I don’t know what you mean by “internship” here. Is it a “probation” period or just a temporary job? If it means probation, don’t worry too much. Companies usually pay a higher salary after you finish your probation. If it is the latter, you may want to look for a more secure job. But remember, don’t resign until you have found something else. At least this gives you some work experience, which will be good for your CV.
Introverts can be successful too
Dear editor,
I am a junior student at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, majoring in Business English. I enjoy studying the language. For me, English is a continuously fascinating challenge. However, I am a quiet girl who rarely says much. As a result I don’t get much chance to practice my spoken English. We all know that most successful English majors are outgoing, sociable and communicative. As an introverted girl, what kind of job should I choose upon graduation? Is it a good choice for me to go to graduate school?
You Zilin
Don’t panic. You don’t have to be extroverted to do English-related work. For example, human resource managers prefer to hire English majors to do secretarial and administration jobs because there’s lots of language work involved. These jobs require you to be careful and detail-oriented rather than extroverted and outspoken. Furthering your language studies to get a teaching or research job could also be a good choice.
